
class ctapipe.visualization.bokeh.ArrayDisplay(subarray, values=None, scale=5.0, alpha=1.0, title=None, cmap=None, norm='lin', radius=None, use_notebook=None, frame=None, **figure_kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BokehPlot

Display a top-town view of a telescope array.

This can be used in two ways: by default, you get a display of all telescopes in the subarray, colored by telescope type, however you can also color the telescopes by a value (like trigger pattern, or some other scalar per-telescope parameter). To set the color value, simply set the value attribute, and the fill color will be updated with the value. You might want to set the border color to zero to avoid confusion between the telescope type color and the value color ( array_disp.telescope.set_linewidth(0))

To display a vector field over the telescope positions, e.g. for reconstruction, call set_uv() to set cartesian vectors, or set_r_phi() to set polar coordinate vectors. These both take an array of length N_tels, or a single value.

subarray: ctapipe.instrument.SubarrayDescription

the array layout to display

values: array

Value to display for each telescope. If None, the telescope type will be used.

scale: float

scaling between telescope mirror radius in m to displayed size

title: str

title of array plot

alpha: float

Alpha value for telescopes

cmap: str or bokeh.palette.Palette

matplotlib colormap name or bokeh palette for color mapping values

norm: str or bokeh.

lin, log, symlog or a bokeh.models.ColorMapper instance

radius: Union[float, list, None]

set telescope radius to value, list/array of values. If None, radius is taken from the telescope’s mirror size.

use_notebook: bool or None

Whether to use bokehs notebook output. If None, tries to autodetect running in a notebook.

frame: GroundFrame or TiltedGroundFrame

If given, transform telescope positions into this frame

**figure_kwargs are passed to bokeh.plots.figure

Attributes Summary


Get the current image

Attributes Documentation


Get the current image