- class ctapipe.image.extractor.BaselineSubtractedNeighborPeakWindowSum(**kwargs: Any)[source]#
Extractor that first subtracts the baseline before summing in a window about the peak defined by the waveforms in neighboring pixels.
Attributes Summary
End sample for baseline estimation
Start sample for baseline estimation
Methods Summary
(waveforms, tel_id, ...)Call the relevant functions to fully extract the charge and time for the particular extractor.
Attributes Documentation
- baseline_end#
End sample for baseline estimation
- baseline_start#
Start sample for baseline estimation
Methods Documentation
- __call__(waveforms, tel_id, selected_gain_channel, broken_pixels) DL1CameraContainer [source]#
Call the relevant functions to fully extract the charge and time for the particular extractor.
- Parameters:
- waveformsndarray
Waveforms stored in a numpy array of shape (n_channels, n_pix, n_samples).
- tel_idint
The telescope id. Used to obtain to correct traitlet configuration and instrument properties
- selected_gain_channelndarray
The channel selected in the gain selection, per pixel. Required in some cases to calculate the correct correction for the charge extraction.
- broken_pixelsndarray
Mask of broken pixels used for certain
types. Shape: (n_channels, n_pix)
- Returns:
- DL1CameraContainer:
extracted images and validity flags