Containers (containers
The ctapipe.containers
module contains the data model definition of all
ctapipe Container
classes, which provide the container definitions for all
ctapipe data.
The base Container for an event is in ctapipe.containers.ArrayEventContainer
ctapipe.containers Module#
Container structures for data that should be read or written to disk
Top-level container for all event information |
Concentrations are ratios between light amount in certain areas of the image and the full image. |
Storage of data volume reduced dl0 data from a single telescope. |
Storage of a data volume reduced Event |
Storage of DL1 calibration parameters for the current event |
Storage of output of camera calibration e.g the final calibrated image in intensity units and the pulse time. |
DL1 Calibrated Camera Images and associated data |
Reconstructed Shower information for a given reconstruction algorithm, |
Container for calibration coefficients for the current event |
Container for the calibration coefficients for the current event and camera |
Index columns to include in event lists. |
Enum of EventTypes as defined in [CTAOb] |
Container for flat-field parameters obtained from a set of [n_events] flat-field events |
Hillas Parameters in a spherical system centered on the pointing position (TelescopeFrame). |
Telescope-wise shower's direction in the Tilted/Ground Frame |
Collection of image parameters |
Fraction of signal in 1 or 2-pixel width border from the edge of the camera, measured in number of signal pixels or in intensity. |
Container for camera monitoring data |
Root container for monitoring data (MON) |
Parameters related to pixels surviving image cleaning |
Base container for hillas parameters to allow the CameraHillasParametersContainer to be assigned to an ImageParametersContainer as well. |
Hillas Parameters in the camera frame. |
Slope and Intercept of a linear regression of the arrival times along the shower main axis in the camera frame. |
Standard output of gamma/hadron classification algorithms |
Container for pedestal parameters obtained from a set of [n_pedestal] pedestal events |
Container for pixel status information It contains masks obtained by several data analysis steps At r0/r1 level only the hardware_mask is initialized |
Storage of raw data from a single telescope |
Storage of a Merged Raw Data Event |
Storage of r1 calibrated data from a single telescope |
Storage of a r1 calibrated Data Event |
Reconstructed shower info from multiple algorithms |
Standard output of algorithms estimating energy |
Standard output of algorithms reconstructing shower geometry |
Standard output of disp reconstruction algorithms for origin reconstruction |
True images and parameters derived from them, analogous to the |
2D histogram of simulated number of showers simulated as function of energy and core distance. |
Configuration parameters of the simulation |
index columns to include in telescope-wise event lists |
Base container for timing parameters to allow the CameraTimingParametersContainer to be assigned to an ImageParametersContainer as well. |
Slope and Intercept of a linear regression of the arrival times along the shower main axis in a spherical system centered on the pointing position (TelescopeFrame) |
Container for the pixel calibration coefficients |
Store descriptive statistics of a chunk of images |
Store descriptive image statistics |
Stores information about the scheduling block. |
Stores information about the observation |
How a scheduling block is observed. |
Observation Block States. |