- class ctapipe.coordinates.EngineeringCameraFrame(*args, copy=True, representation_type=None, differential_type=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Engineering camera coordinate frame.
The camera frame is a 2d cartesian frame, describing position of objects in the focal plane of the telescope.
The frame is defined as in MAGIC and FACT. Standing in the dish, looking onto the camera, x points right and y points up.
HESS, ctapipe and sim_telarray use a different camera coordinate system: To transform H.E.S.S./ctapipe -> FACT/MAGIC, do x’ = -y, y’ = -x.
- Attributes:
- focal_lengthu.Quantity[length]
Focal length of the telescope as a unit quantity (usually meters)
- rotationu.Quantity[angle]
Rotation angle of the camera (0 deg in most cases)
- telescope_pointingSkyCoord[AltAz]
Pointing direction of the telescope as SkyCoord in AltAz
- obstimeTime
Observation time
- locationEarthLocation
location of the telescope
Attributes Summary
Default representation for differential data (e.g., velocity)
Default representation for position data
Mapping for frame-specific component names
A frame attribute
Attributes Documentation
- default_differential#
Default representation for differential data (e.g., velocity)
- default_representation#
Default representation for position data
- frame_attributes = {'focal_length': <astropy.coordinates.attributes.QuantityAttribute object>, 'location': <astropy.coordinates.attributes.EarthLocationAttribute object>, 'n_mirrors': <ctapipe.coordinates.camera_frame.MirrorAttribute object>, 'obstime': <astropy.coordinates.attributes.TimeAttribute object>, 'rotation': <astropy.coordinates.attributes.QuantityAttribute object>, 'telescope_pointing': <astropy.coordinates.attributes.CoordinateAttribute object>}#
- frame_specific_representation_info#
Mapping for frame-specific component names
- n_mirrors#
A frame attribute
Default: 1
- name = 'engineeringcameraframe'#