
ctapipe.utils.get_bright_stars(time: Time, catalog: StarCatalog | str = 'Yale', pointing: SkyCoord | None = None, radius: Quantity | None = None, magnitude_cut: float | None = None, band: str = 'Vmag') Table[source]#

Get an astropy table of bright stars from the specified star catalog.


Time to which proper motion is applied.

catalogstr or ctapipe.utils.astro.StarCatalog, optional

Name of the catalog to be used. Available catalogues are ‘Yale’ and ‘Hipparcos’. Default is ‘Yale’.

pointingastropy.coordinates.SkyCoord, optional

Pointing direction in the sky. If None is given, the full sky is returned.

radiusastropy.units.Quantity, optional

Radius of the sky region around the pointing position. Default is the full sky.

magnitude_cutfloat, optional

Return only stars above a given absolute magnitude. Default is None (all entries).

bandstr, optional

Wavelength band to use for the magnitude cut. Options are ‘Vmag’ or any other optical band column name, present in the catalog (e.g. Bmag or BTmag, etc.). Default is ‘Vmag’.


List of all stars after applying the cuts, with catalog numbers, magnitudes, and coordinates as SkyCoord objects including proper motion.