- class ctapipe.reco.reconstructor.Reconstructor(**kwargs: Any)[source]#
This is the base class from which all reconstruction algorithms should inherit from
Attributes Summary
Number of threads to use for the reconstruction if supported by the reconstructor.
ctapipe_reco entry points may provide Reconstructor implementations
Methods Summary
(event)Perform stereo reconstruction on event.
(path[, parent, subarray])Read a joblib-pickled reconstructor from
Attributes Documentation
- n_jobs#
Number of threads to use for the reconstruction if supported by the reconstructor.
- plugin_entry_point = 'ctapipe_reco'#
ctapipe_reco entry points may provide Reconstructor implementations
Methods Documentation
- abstract __call__(event: ArrayEventContainer)[source]#
Perform stereo reconstruction on event.
This method must fill the result of the reconstruction into the dl2 structure of the event.
- Parameters:
- event
The event, needs to have dl1 parameters. Will be filled with the corresponding dl2 containers, reconstructed stereo geometry and telescope-wise impact position.
- event
- classmethod read(path, parent=None, subarray=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Read a joblib-pickled reconstructor from
- Parameters:
- pathstr or pathlib.Path
Path to a Reconstructor instance pickled using joblib
- parentNone or Component or Tool
Attach a new parent to the loaded class, this will properly
- subarraySubarrayDescription
Attach a new subarray to the loaded reconstructor A warning will be raised if the telescope types of the subarray stored in the pickled class do not match with the provided subarray.
- **kwargs are set on the loaded instance
- Returns:
- Reconstructor instance loaded from file