Statistics Aggregator#


ctapipe.monitoring.aggregator Module#

Algorithms to compute aggregated time-series statistics from columns of an event table.

These classes take as input an events table, divide it into time chunks, which may optionally overlap, and compute various aggregated statistics for each chunk. The statistics include the count, mean, median, and standard deviation. The result is a monitoring table with columns describing the start and stop time of the chunk and the aggregated statistic values.



Base component to handle the computation of aggregated statistic values from a table containing e.g. charges, peak times and/or charge variances (images).


Compute aggregated statistic values from a chunk of images using numpy functions


Compute aggregated statistic values from a chunk of images using astropy's sigma clipping functions

Class Inheritance Diagram#

Inheritance diagram of ctapipe.monitoring.aggregator.StatisticsAggregator, ctapipe.monitoring.aggregator.PlainAggregator, ctapipe.monitoring.aggregator.SigmaClippingAggregator