- class ctapipe.io.hdf5eventsource.HDF5EventSource(input_url=traitlets.Undefined, config=None, parent=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Event source for files in the ctapipe DL1 format. For general information about the concept of event sources, take a look at the parent class ctapipe.io.EventSource.
To use this event source, create an instance of this class specifying the file to be read.
Looping over the EventSource yields events from the _generate_events method. An event equals an ArrayEventContainer instance. See ctapipe.containers.ArrayEventContainer for details.
- Attributes:
- input_url: str
Path to the input event file.
- file: tables.File
File object
- obs_ids: list
Observation ids of the recorded runs. For unmerged files, this should only contain a single number.
- subarray: ctapipe.instrument.SubarrayDescription
The subarray configuration of the recorded run.
- datalevels: Tuple
One or both of ctapipe.io.datalevels.DataLevel.DL1_IMAGES and ctapipe.io.datalevels.DataLevel.DL1_PARAMETERS depending on the information present in the file.
- is_simulation: Boolean
Whether the events are simulated or observed.
- simulation_configs: Dict
Mapping of obs_id to ctapipe.containers.SimulationConfigContainer if the file contains simulated events.
- has_simulated_dl1: Boolean
Whether the file contains simulated camera images and/or image parameters evaluated on these.
Attributes Summary
atmosphere density profile that can be integrated to convert between h_max and X_max.
The datalevels provided by this event source
If both nominal and effective focal lengths are available, which one to use for the
attached to theCameraGeometry
instances in theSubarrayDescription
which will be used in CameraFrame to TelescopeFrame coordinate transforms.True for files that contain muon parameters
True for files with telescope-wise event information in the simulation group
True for files with a simulation group at the root of the file.
The observation ids of the runs located in the file Unmerged files should only contain a single obs id.
Obtain the ObservationConfigurations from the EventSource, indexed by obs_id
Obtain the ObservationConfigurations from the EventSource, indexed by obs_id
The distribution of simulated showers for each obs_id.
Returns the simulation config(s) as a dict mapping obs_id to the respective config.
Obtain the subarray from the EventSource
Methods Summary
()Close this event source.
(file_path)Abstract method to be defined in child class.
Attributes Documentation
- atmosphere_density_profile#
- datalevels#
- focal_length_choice#
If both nominal and effective focal lengths are available, which one to use for the
attached to theCameraGeometry
instances in theSubarrayDescription
which will be used in CameraFrame to TelescopeFrame coordinate transforms. The ‘nominal’ focal length is the one used during the simulation, the ‘effective’ focal length is computed using specialized ray-tracing from a point light source
- has_muon_parameters#
True for files that contain muon parameters
- has_simulated_dl1#
True for files with telescope-wise event information in the simulation group
- is_simulation#
True for files with a simulation group at the root of the file.
- obs_ids#
- observation_blocks#
- scheduling_blocks#
- simulated_shower_distributions#
- simulation_config#
Returns the simulation config(s) as a dict mapping obs_id to the respective config.
- subarray#
Methods Documentation
- close()[source]#
Close this event source.
No-op by default. Should be overridden by sources needing a cleanup-step
- static is_compatible(file_path)[source]#
Abstract method to be defined in child class.
Perform a set of checks to see if the input file is compatible with this file event_source.
- Parameters:
- file_pathstr
File path to the event file.
- Returns:
- compatiblebool
True if file is compatible, False if it is incompatible