
ctapipe.image.cleaning.time_constrained_clean(geom, image, arrival_times, picture_thresh=7, boundary_thresh=5, time_limit_core=4.5, time_limit_boundary=1.5, min_number_picture_neighbors=1)[source]#

Time constrained cleaning by MAGIC

Cleaning contains the following steps: - Find core pixels (containing more photons than a picture threshold) - Remove pixels with less than N neighbors - Keep core pixels whose arrival times are within a time limit of the average time - Find boundary pixels (containing more photons than a boundary threshold) - Remove pixels with less than N neighbors arriving within a given timeframe


Camera geometry information


pixel charges


pixel timing information

picture_thresholdfloat | np.ndarray

threshold above which all pixels are retained

boundary_thresholdfloat | np.ndarray

threshold above which pixels are retained if they have a neighbor already above the picture_thresh

time_limit_coreint | float

arrival time limit of core pixels w.r.t the average time

time_limit_boundaryint | float

arrival time limit of boundary pixels w.r.t neighboring core pixels


Threshold to determine if a pixel survives cleaning steps. These steps include checks of neighbor arrival time and value

A boolean mask of selected pixels.