Change Log#
ctapipe 0.23.3.dev115+g717699c (2025-02-06)#
API Changes#
Bug Fixes#
Data Model Changes#
New Features#
Add a
tool to produce cut-selection files, based on a gamma, and optionally a proton and an electron DL2 file. Two components for calculating G/H and optionally theta cuts are added:PercentileCuts
keeps a certain percentage of gamma events in each bin andPointSourceSensitivityOptimizer
optimizes G/H cuts for maximum point source sensitivity and optionally calculates percentile theta cuts.Add a
tool to produce irfs given a cut-selection file, a gamma, and optionally a proton, and an electron DL2 input file. Given only a gamma file, the energy dispersion, effective area, and point spread function are calculated. Optionally, the bias and resolution of the energy reconstruction and the angular resolution can be calculated and saved in a separate output file. If a proton or a proton and an electron file is also given, a background model can be calculated, as well as the point source sensitivity.Irfs can be calculated with and without applying a direction cut. Only radially symmetric parameterizations of the irf components are implemented so far. [#2473]
Add a generic stats-calculation tool utilizing the PixelStatisticsCalculator. [#2628]
Adds psf models to
with the parent classPSFModel
and a psf model based on pure coma aberration calledComaPSFModel
- The functionPSFModel.pdf
gives the value of the PSF in a given location [#2643]
Refactoring and Optimization#
ctapipe v0.23.2 (2025-01-21)#
Bug Fixes#
. Always returned default value of -1 before the fix. [#2680]
Add compatibility with numpy>=2.1. [#2682]
ctapipe v0.23.1 (2024-12-04)#
Bug Fixes#
calculations inctapipe.reco.StereoMeanCombiner
. Add helper functions for vectorized numpy calculations as newctapipe.reco.telescope_event_handling
module. [#2658]Fix error in
when in the middle of a simtel file that has true images available, a telescope event is missing the true image. This can happen rarely in case a telescope triggered on pure NSB or is oversaturated to the point where the true pe didn’t fit into memory constraints.The error was due to the
trying to write aNone
into an already setup table for the true images.The
will now create an invalid true image filled with-1
for such events. [#2659]In
, ignore telescope events that did not take part in the stereo event trigger. This happens rarely in Prod6 files in conjunction with the random mono trigger system.Fix the order in which
runs final operations to fix an issue of provenance not being correctly recorded. [#2662]Fix data type of
in the output ofSubarrayDescription.to_table
Fixed a bug where if a configuration file with unknown file extension was passed to a tool, e.g.
--config myconf.conf
instead of--config myconf.yaml
, it was silently ignored, despite an info log saying “Loading config file myconf.conf”. Configuration files must now have one of the following extensions to be recognized: yml, yaml, toml, json, py. If not aToolConfigurationError
is raised. [#2666]
ctapipe v0.23.0 (2024-11-18)#
API Changes#
Add possibility to use
catalog to get star positionsadd catalogs enumerator to
to allow catalog selectionensure application of proper motion
add possibility to select stars on proximity to a given position and on apparent magnitude
Bundle star catalogs in the python package
API change:
now requires a timestamp to apply proper motion. In the prevision revision, the time argument was missing and the proper motion was not applied. [#2625]
Move the simulated shower distribution from something that was specific to
to a general interface ofEventSource
. Implement the new interface in bothSimTelEventSource
and adapt writing of this information inDataWriter
.This makes sure that the
information is always included, also when runningctapipe-process
consecutively. [#2633]The following dependencies are now optional:
eventio, used for
.matplotlib, used
, and most default visualization tasks, e.g..peek()
methods.iminuit, used for the
fitting routines.bokeh, for
Code that needs these dependencies will now raise
in case such functionality is used and the dependency in question is not installed.These packages will now longer be installed by default when using e.g.
pip install ctapipe
.If you want to install ctapipe with all optional dependencies included, do
pip install "ctapipe[all]"
, we will publish to packages:ctapipe
will include all optional dependencies and a newctapipe-base
package will only include the required dependencies.[#2641]
Add possibility to directly pass the reference metadata to
.Remove the call to
from theEventSource
base class.Add the proper calls to
(providing the metadata) andSimTelEventSource
(not providing metadata yet, but avoiding a warning)Plugin implementations of
should make sure they register their input files usingProvenance.add_input_file
, preferably providing also the reference metadata. [#2648]
Bug Fixes#
Fix ensuring that hdf5 files created with older versions of ctapipe, e.g. the public dataset created with 0.17 can be read by ctapipe-process. These files contain pointing information at a different location and are missing the subarray reference location, which was introduced in later versions of ctapipe. A dummy location (lon=0, lat=0) is used for these now, the same value is already used for simtel files lacking this information. [#2627]
New Features#
Add option
which allows assigning new, uniqueobs_ids
in case productions reuse CORSIKA run numbers. [#2411]Add calibration calculators which aggregates statistics, detects outliers, handles faulty data chunks. [#2609]
- Update
allowing it to correctly calibrate variance images generated with theVarianceExtractor
. If the
is used for theCameraCalibrator
the element-wise square of the relative and absolute gain calibration factors are applied to the image;For other image extractors the plain factors are still applied.
provides no peak time and the calibrator will skip shifting the peak time for extractors like theVarianceExtractor
that similarly do not provide a peak time [#2636]
- Update
methods to all objects that were missing them
, update the existing ones for consistency. [#2650]
ctapipe v0.22.0 (2024-09-12)#
API Changes#
was moved
. [#2615]
Bug Fixes#
New Features#
ctapipe is now compatible with numpy 2.0. [#2580] Note: not all new behaviour of numpy 2.0 is followed, as the core dependency
does not yet implement all changes from numpy 2.0. See the numba announcement for more detail.Add lstchains image cleaning procedure including its pedestal cleaning method. [#2541]
A new ImageExtractor called
was added An Enum class was added to that is used in the metadata of the VarianceExtractor output [#2543]Add API to extract the statistics from a sequence of images. [#2554]
The provenance system now records the reference metadata of input and output files, if available. [#2598]
Add Interpolator class to generalize the PointingInterpolator in the monitoring collection. [#2600]
Add outlier detection components to identify faulty pixels. [#2604]
tool now checks for duplicated input files and raises an error in that case.The
class, and thus also thectapipe-merge
tool, now checks for duplicated obs_ids during merging, to prevent invalid output files. [#2611]The
metadata item now accepts any string, not just a pre-defined list of sites. [#2616]
Refactoring and Optimization#
Update exception handling in tools
Add a possibility to handle custom exception in
with the preservation of the exit code. [#2594]
ctapipe v0.21.2 (2024-06-26)#
A small bugfix release to add support for scipy 1.14.
Also contains a small new feature regarding exit code handling in Tool
Bug Fixes#
Replace deprecated usage of scipy sparse matrices, adds support for scipy 1.14. [#2569]
New Features#
handling at thectapipe.core.Tool
levelIf a
with a custom error code is generated during the tool execution, the tool will be terminated gracefully and the error code will be preserved and propagated.The
statuses have been updated to["running", "success", "interrupted", "error"]
. The"running"
status is assigned at init. [#2566]
made plugin detection less verbose in logs: DEBUG level used instead of INFO [#2560]
ctapipe v0.21.1 (2024-05-15)#
This is a small bug fix and maintenance release for 0.21.0.
Bug Fixes#
not correctly handling different telescope types that have the same string representation, e.g. the four LSTs in prod6 files.Telescopes that have the same string representation now always are treated as one group in
. [#2552]
A number of simple code cleanups in the ImPACT reconstructor code. [#2551]
ctapipe v0.21.0 (2024-04-25)#
API Changes#
is now a required argument forSubarrayDescription
will now return the minimum integer value for invalid pixel coordinates instead of -1 due to the danger of using -1 as an index in python accessing the last element of a data array for invalid pixels. The function will now also no longer raise an error if the arguments are empty arrays and instead just return an empty index array. The function will also no longer log a warning in case of coordinates that do not match a camera pixel. The function is very low-level and if not finding a pixel at the tested position warrants a warning or is expected will depend on the calling code. [#2397]Change the definition of the
image features to give the ratio of pixels at the border to the pixels after cleaning instead of to the total number of pixels of the camera. [#2432]Change how the
writes pointing information. Before, each unique pointing position was written in a table with the event time as index column intodl1/monitoring/telescope/pointing
.This has two issues: For observed data, each pointing will be unique in horizontal coordinates due to tracking a fixed ICRS coordinate. Resulting in a pointing position written for each event, although the resolution of the monitoring is much lower. For simulated events, the event time is the timestamp of the simulation and pointing is fixed in
was using the closest point in time for simulated events when reading data back in, however, this is problematic in case of many simulation runs processed in parallel.We now store the first received pointing information in the
table per obs id, only for simulation events. [#2438]Replace
options inctapipe-train-particle-classifier
, wheresignal_fraction
= n_signal / (n_signal + n_background). [#2465]Move the
options from being traitlets to eachread_...
method allowing to load different data with the same TableLoader-Instance.In addition the default values for the options have changed. [#2482]
Adding monitoring: MonitoringCameraContainer as keyword argument to the
API so cleaning algorithms can now access relevant information for methods that e.g. require monitoring information. [#2511]Unified the options for DataWriter and the data level names:
This changes requires that existing configuration files are updated if they use these parameters [#2520]
Bug Fixes#
Ensure that
is always generated by`SimTelEventSource
, even if the metadata is missing. In that case, construct a dummy location with the correct observatory height and latitude and longitude equal to zero (“Null Island”).Fixed the definition of
, which was both inconsistent betweenHillasReconstructor
implementations, and was also incorrect since it was measured from the observatory elevation rather than from sea level.The value of
is now defined as the height above sea level of the shower-max point (in meters), not the distance to that point. Therefore it is not corrected for the zenith angle of the shower. This is consistent with the options currently used for CORSIKA, where the SLANT option is set to false, meaning heights are actual heights not distances from the impact point, andx_max
is a depth, not a slant depth. Note that this definition may be inconsistent with other observatories where slant-depths are used, and also note that the slant depth or distance to shower max are the more useful quantities for shower physics. [#2403]Add the example config for ctapipe-train-disp-reconstructor to the list of configs generated by ctapipe-quickstart. [#2414]
Do not use a hidden attribute of
. [#2418]Add docstring for
. [#2420]Remove warnings about missing R1 or DL0 data when using the CameraCalibrator. These were previously emitted directly as python warnings and did not use the component logging system, which they now do. As we do not actually expect R1 to be present it was also moved down to debug level. [#2421]
Check that the array pointing is given in horizontal coordinates before training a
. [#2431]Fix additional, unwanted columns being written into disp prediction output. [#2440]
Properly transform pixel coordinates between
taking. Before,MuonIntensityFitter
always used the equivalent focal length for transformations, now it is using the focal length attached to theCameraGeometry
, thus respecting thefocal_length_choice
options of the event sources. [#2464]Fix colored logging in case of custom log levels being defined. [#2505]
Fix a possible out-of-bounds array access in the FlashCamExtractor. [#2544]
Data Model Changes#
Remove redundant
field inDispContainer
and rename the remaining field. Use the same prefix for both containers filled byDispReconstructor
.Fix default name of
target column.Let
. [#2443]Change R1- and DL0-waveforms datamodel shape from (n_pixels, n_samples) to be always (n_channels, n_pixels, n_samples).
was adjusted accordingly to support also older datamodel versions.Re-introduce also the possibility of running
s on data consisting of multiple gain channels. [#2529]
New Features#
Large updates to the Image Pixel-wise fit for Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes reconstruction method (
ImPACT - General code clean up and optimisation. Now updated to work similarly to other reconstructors using the standardised interface, such that it can be used ctapipe-process. Significant improvements to tests too
ImPACT_utilities - Created new file to hold general usage functions, numba used in some areas for speedup
template_network_interpolator - Now works with templates with different zenith and azimuth angles
unstructured_interpolator - Significant speed improvements
pixel_likelihood - Constants added back to neg_log_likelihood_approx, these are quite important to obtaining a well normalised goodness of fit.
hillas_intersection - Fixed bug in core position being incorrectly calculated, fixed tests too [#2305]
Allow passing the matplotlib axes to the
function, fix warnings in case of layout engine being already defined. [#2369]Add support for interpolating a monitoring pointing table in
. The corresponding table is not yet written byctapipe
, but can be written by external tools. This is to enable analysis of real observations, where the pointing changes over time in alt/az. [#2409]Implement the overburden-to height a.s.l. transformation function in the atmosphere module and test that round-trip returns original value. [#2422]
In case no configuration is found for a telescope in
, it is now checked whether the telescope exists at all to provide a better error message. [#2429]Allow setting n_jobs on the command line for the train_* and apply_models tools using a new
flag. This temporarily overwrites any settings in the (model) config(s). [#2430]Add support for using
objects as input
. [#2451]The recommended citation for ctapipe has been updated to the ICRC 2023 proceeding, please update. [#2470]
Support astropy 6.0. [#2475]
now computes a score for how certain the prediction of the disp sign is. [#2479]Also load the new fixed pointing information in
.Add option
that will keep the original order of rows when performing left or right joins. [#2481]Add an
trait which can hold anyastropy.units.Quantity
. [#2524]Add function
that computes a point on the shower axis in alt/az as seen from a telescope. [#2537]Update bokeh dependency to version 3.x. [#2549]
The CI system now reports to the CTA SonarQube instance for code quality tracking [#2214]
Updated some numpy calls to not use deprecated functions. [#2406]
source code repository now uses thesrc/
-based layout. This fixes the editable installation of ctapipe. [#2459]Fix headings in docs. Change occurrences of
API Reference
for consistency. Change capitalization of some headings for consistency. [#2474]The
methods of instrument description classes now raise a warning that it is better to access instrument information via aSubarrayDescription
.Also improve documentation in instrument module to explain when not to use the various
methods. These are provided for the case when no event data is available, e.g. for unit testing or demos, but do not guarantee that the returned instrument information corresponds to a particular set of event data. [#2485]Support and test on python 3.12. [#2486]
Drop support for python 3.9. [#2526]
Refactoring and Optimization#
Load data and apply event and column selection in chunks in
before merging afterwards. This reduces memory usage. [#2423]Make default ML config files more readable and add comments. [#2455]
Update and add missing docstrings related to the ML functionalities. [#2456]
to the output ofCrossValidator
. [#2468]Add
to some numba-compiled functions which were missing it. [#2477]Write cross validation results for each model out immediately after validation to free up memory earlier. [#2483]
Compute deconvolution parameters in FlashCamExtractor only as needed. [#2545]
ctapipe v0.20.0 (2023-09-11)#
API Changes#
tool was removed, since it wrote a custom data format not compatible with e.g. the output of theDataWriter
. If you only want to store trigger and simulation information from simulated / DL0 input files into the ctapipe format HDF5 files, you can now usectapipe-process -i <input> -o <output> --no-write-parameters
. [#2375]Change the fill value for invalid telescope ids in
to prevent-1
being used as an index resulting in the last element being used for invalid telescope ids. [#2376]Remove
, simply useEventSource(config=config)
. [#2384]
Data Model Changes#
Added missing fields defined in the CTAO R1 and DL0 data models to the corresponding containers. [#2338]
Remove the
field from theSimulationConfigContainer
, this field was always empty and is never filled bysim_telarray
.Add the corresponding
field to theSimulatedShowerContainer
, where it is actually available. [#2343]Added new fields to the
to check if fit converged successfully,parameters_at_limit
to check if parameters were fitted close to a bound andlikelihood_value
which represents cost function value atthe minimum. These fields were added to the output of theMuonIntensityFitter
. [#2381]
New Features#
Bug Fixes#
method used to fail when individual events were reconstructed to originate from a FoV offset of more than 90 degrees. This is now fixed by returning an INVALID container for a reconstructed offset of larger than 45 degrees. [#2265]Fixed a bug in the calculation of the full numeric pixel likelihood and the corresponding tests. [#2388]
ctapipe 0.19.3 (2023-06-20)#
This is a bugfix release fixing a number of bugs, mainly one preventing the processing of divergent pointing
prod6 data due to a bug in SoftwareTrigger
, see below for details.
Bug Fixes#
Fix peak time units of FlashCamExtractor (See cta-observatory/ctapipe#2336) [#2337]
Fix shape of mask returned by
. [#2340]Fix definition of the
flag ofctapipe-merge
. [#2341]Fix
ctapipe-train-disp-reconstructor --help
raising an exception. [#2352]Correctly fill
. [#2354]Fix
not removing all parts of a removed telescope event from the array event leading to invalid files produced byDataWriter
. [#2357]Fix that the pixel picker of the matplotlib
triggers also for clicks on otherCameraDisplay
instances in the same figure. [#2358]
New Features#
Improve docstring and validation of parameters of
. [#2361]
ctapipe v0.19.2 (2023-05-17)#
This release contains a critical bugfix for the FlashCamExtractor
that resulted
in non-sensical peak time values in DL1, see below.
Bug Fixes#
ctapipe v0.19.1 (2023-05-11)#
This release is a small bugfix release for v0.19.0, that also includes a new feature enabling computing different telescope multiplicities in the machine learning feature generation.
Thanks to the release of numba 0.57 and some minor fixes, ctapipe is now also compatible with Python 3.11.
Bug Fixes#
. [#2311]Fix for config files not being included as inputs in provenance log. [#2312]
Fix calculation of the neighbor matrix of
for empty and single-pixel geometries. [#2317]Fix HDF5Writer not working on windows due to using pathlib for hdf5 dataset names. [#2319]
Fix StereoTrigger assuming the wrong data type for
, resulting in it not working for actual events read from an EventSource. [#2320]Allow disabling the cross validation (by setting
CrossValidator.n_cross_validations = 0
) for the train tools. [#2310]
New Features#
method that can compute telescope multiplicity for a given telescope boolean mask, either for all telescope or a given telescope type.Enable adding additional keyword arguments to
.Pass the
in sklearn classes. [#2308]
Add support for python 3.11. [#2107]
ctapipe v0.19.0 (2023-03-30)#
API Changes#
Bug Fixes#
Data Model Changes#
New Features#
Add signal extraction algorithm for the FlashCam. [#2188]
subdirectory was removed as most scripts there were out of date. Useful information in those examples was moved to example notebooks in docs/examples [#2266]The tools to train ml models now provide better error messages in case the input files did not contain any events for specific telescope types. [#2295]
Refactoring and Optimization#
ctapipe v0.18.1 (2023-03-16)#
Bug Fixes#
ctapipe v0.18.0 (2023-02-09)#
API Changes#
ctapipe now uses entry points for plugin discovery.
implementations now need to advertise actapipe_io
entry point, to be discovered by ctapipe. Additionally, ctapipe now includes preliminary support for discoveringReconstructor
implementations via thectapipe_reco
entry_point. [#2101]Migrate muon analysis into the
tool:The former
tool is dropped and all functionalities are transferred into thectapipe-process
tool now has awrite_muon_parameters
flag which defaults tofalse
. Muons are only analyzed and written if the flag is set. Analyzing muons requires DL1 image parameters, so they are computed in case they are not available from the input even if the user did not explicitly ask for the computation of image parameters.Two instances of
are added to the muon analysis to either preselect images according to image parameters and to select images according to the initial, geometrical ring fit for further processing. Deselected events or those where the muon analysis fails are being returned and written filled with invalid value markers instead of being ignored. Base configure options for the muon analysis were added to thebase_config.yaml
now writes the results of a muon analysis into/dl1/event/telescope/muon/tel_id
, givenwrite_moun_parameters
is set totrue
.Muon nodes were added to the
, theTableLoader
and thectapipe-merge
tool. [#2168]
Change default behaviour of
:The default value of
is nowTrue
. That means, when usingrun_tool
, the Exceptions raised by a Tool will be re-raised. The raised exceptions can be tested for their type and content. If the Tool must fail and only the non-zero error case is important to test, setraises=False
(as it was before).If the
parameter isNone
(as per default), now a temporary directory is used instead of the directory, whererun_tool
is called (typically via pytest). This way, log-files and other output files don’t clutter your working space. [#2175]
flag as alias for--overwrite
and fail early if output exists, but overwrite is not set [#2213]The
methods of theTableLoader
now return an Iterator over namedtuples with start, stop, data. [#2241]Remove debug-logging and early-exits in
so broken files raise errors. [#2244]
New Features#
Implement Components and Tools to perform training and application of machine learning models based on scikit-learn.
Four new tools are implemented: -
The first two tools are used to train energy regression and particle classification respectively. The third tool trains two models for geometrical reconstruction using the disp method and the fourth tool can apply those models in bulk to input files.
can now also apply these trained models directly in the event loop.The intended workflow is to process training files to a combined dl1 / dl2 level using
, merging those to large training files usingctapipe-merge
and then train the models. [#1767, #2121, #2133, #2138, #2217, #2229, #2140]Tool
now comes with anExitStack
that enables proper handling of context-manager members
. Things that require a cleanup step should be implemented as context managers and be added to the tool like = self.enter_context(Foo())
This will ensure that
is called when theTool
terminates, for whatever reason. [#1926]Implement atmospheric profiles for conversions from h_max to X_max. The new module
has classes for the most common cases of a simpleExponentialAtmosphereDensityProfile
, aTableAtmosphereDensityProfile
and CORSIKA’sFiveLayerAtmosphereDensityProfile
. [#2000]TableLoader
can now also load observation and scheduling block configuration. [#2096]The
tool now supports printing information about the availableEventSource
implementations as well as io and reco plugins. [#2101]Allow lookup of
values by telescope type. [#2120]Implement a
component to handle the effect of selecting sub-arrays from larger arrays in the simulations. The component can remove events where the stereo trigger would not have decided to record an event and also remove single telescopes from events for cases like the CTA LSTs, that have their own hardware stereo trigger that requires at least two LSTs taking part in an event. [#2136]It’s now possible to transform between
coordinates andastropy.coordinates.EarthLocation
, enabling the conversion between relative array coordinates (used in the simulation) and absolute real-world coordinates. [#2167]The
tool now has aQualityQuery
instance which can be used to select which images should be displayed. [#2172]Add a new
component that can selectively merge HDF5 files produced with ctapipe. The new component is now used in thectapipe-merge
tool but can also be used on its own. This component is also used byctapipe-apply-models
to selectively copy data from the input file to the output file. Through using this new component,ctapipe-merge
gained support for fine-grained control which information should be included in the output file and for appending to existing output files. [#2179]CameraDisplay.overlay_coordinate
can now be used to plot coordinates into the camera display, e.g. to show the source position or the position of stars in the FoV. [#2203]
Bug Fixes#
Fix for Hillas lines in
being wrong in the newEastingNorthingFrame
. [#2134]Replace usage of
for cross-platform compatibility. [#2155]Fix for
having the wrong data types forobs_id
. [#2163]Fix
printing a large traceback in case of certain configuration errors. [#2171]The string representation of
now sets numpy print options to prevent large arrays in the docstrings ofContainer
classes. [#2173]Fix missing comma in eventio version requirement in setup.cfg (#2185). [#2187]
Move reading of stereo data before skipping empty events in HDF5EventSource, this fixes a bug where the stereo data and simulation data get out of sync with the other event data when using
. [#2189]Fix mixture of quantity and unit-less values passed to
, which raises an error with astropy 5.2.1. [#2197]
Use towncrier for the generation of change logs [#2144]
Replace usage of deprecated astropy matrix function. [#2166]
.Due to the configuration systems, children need to reference their parent(s). When parents get out of scope, their children still hold the reference to them. That means that python cannot garbage-collect the parents (which are Tools, most of the time).
This change uses weak-references (which do not increase the reference count), which means parent-Tools can get garbage collected by python.
This decreases the memory consumption of the tests by roughly 50%. [#2223]
Refactoring and Optimization#
Speed-up table loader by using
instead ofjoin
where possible. [#2126]
v0.7.0 – 0.17.0#
For changelogs for these releases, please visit the github releases page
Fix broken build (#743) @kosack
Add example script for a simple event writer (#746) @jjlk
Fix camera axis alignment in HillasReconstructor (#741) @mackaiver
Lst reader (#749) @FrancaCassol
replace deprecated astropy broadcast (#754) @mackaiver
A few more example notebooks (#757) @kosack
Add MC xmax info (#759) @mackaiver
Use Astropy Coordinate Transofmations For Reconstruction (#758) @mackaiver
Trigger pixel reader (#745) @thomasarmstrong
Change requested in #742: init Hillas skewness and kurtosis to NaN (#744) @STSpencer
Fix call to np.linalg.leastsq (#760) @kosack
Fix/muon bugs (#762) @kosack
Implement hillas features usen eigh (#748) @MaxNoe
Use HillasParametersContainer only (#763) @MaxNoe
Regression features in
(#764) @vuillautAdding an example notebook no how to convert hex geometry to square and back (#767) @vuillaut
Wrong angle in ArrayDisplay. changed phi to psi. (#771) @thomasgas
Unstructured interpolator (#770) @ParsonsRD
Lst reader (#776) @FrancaCassol
Fixing core reconstruction (#777) @kpfrang
Leakage (#783) @MaxNoe
Revert “Fixing core reconstruction” (#789) @kosack
Fixing the toy image generator (#790) @MaxNoe
Fix bad builds by changing channel name (missing pyqt package) (#793) @kosack
Implement concentration image features (#791) @MaxNoe
updated main documentation page (#792) @kosack
Impact intersection (#778) @mackaiver
add test for sliced geometries for hillas calculation (#781) @mackaiver
Simple HESS adaptations (#794) @ParsonsRD
added a config file for github release-drafter plugin (#795) @kosack
Array plotting (#784) @thomasgas
Minor changes: mostly deprecationwarning fixes (#787) @mireianievas
Codacy code style improvements (#796) @dneise
Add unit to h_max in HillasReconstructor (#797) @jjlk
speed up unit tests that use test_event fixture (#798) @kosack
Update Timing Parameters (#799) @LukasNickel
This is an interim release, after some major refactoring, and before we add the automatic gain selection and refactored container classes. It’s not intended yet for production.
Some Major changes since last release:
class hierarchy for reading event data, which now supports simulation and testbench data from multiple camera prototypes (notably CHEC, SST-1M, NectarCam)new
class for (inefficient) random event access.a much improved
classre-organized event data structure (still evolving) - all scripts not in ctapipe must be changed to work with the new data items that were re-named (a migration guide will be given in the 0.7 release)
better HDF5 table output, supporting merging multiple
into a single output tableimprovements to Muon analysis, and the muon example script
improvements to the calibration classes
big improvements to the Instrument classes
lots of cleanups and bug fixes
much more…
v0.5.3 (unreleased)#
- Major speed improvements to calibration code, particularly
(Jason Watson, #490), which now uses some compiled c-code for speed.
now works for all cameras (Tino Michael, #)Plotting improvements when overlays are used (MaxNoe, #489)
Fixes to coordinate
(MaxNoe, #506)HDF5 output for charge resolution calculation (Jason Watons, #488)
Stastical errors added to sensitivity calculation (Tino Michel, #508)
Error estimator for direction and h_max fits in
(Tino Michael, #509, #510)
v0.5.2 (2017-07-31)#
improvements to
correctly handles units and metadatactapipe.instrument
now has much more rich functionality (SubarrayDescription, TelescopeDescription, OpticsDescription classes added)no more need to construct
manually, they are created in thehessio_event_source
, all new code should useevent.inst.subarray
. The old inst.tel_pos, inst.optics_foclen, etc, will be phased out in the next point release (but still exist in this release) (K. Kosack)ctapipe-dump-instrument
script addedimprovements to
and Classifier code (Tino Michael)provenance system includes actor roles
fixes to likelihood tests (Dan Parsons)
v0.5.1 (2016-07-20)#
TQDM and iminuit are now accepted dependencies
Implementation of ImPACT reconstruction and
class (Dan Parsons)improved handling of atmosphere profiles
Implementation of Muon detection and reconstruction algorithms (Alison Mitchell)
unified camera and telescope names
better dataset handling (
), and now automatically find datasets and tables inctapipe-extra
or in any directory listed in the user-defined$CTAPIPE_SVC_PATH
path.TableWriter class (HDF5TableWriter) for writing out any
to an HDF5 table viapytables
(Karl Kosack)Improvements to
framework (Jean Jacquemier)Travis CI now builds automatically for multiply python versions and uploads latest documentation
use for code quality
code for calculating sensitivity curves using event-weighting method (Tino Michael)