ctapipe is not stable yet, so expect large and rapid changes to structure and functionality as we explore various design choices before the 1.0 release.

Make a theta-square plot#

This is a basic example to analyze some events and make a \(\Theta^2\) plot

10 # %matplotlib inline
12 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
13 import numpy as np
14 from astropy import units as u
15 from astropy.coordinates import angular_separation
16 from tqdm.auto import tqdm
18 from ctapipe.calib import CameraCalibrator
19 from ctapipe.image import ImageProcessor
20 from ctapipe.io import EventSource
21 from ctapipe.reco import ShowerProcessor

Get source events in MC dataset.

27 source = EventSource(
28     "dataset://gamma_prod5.simtel.zst",
29     #     allowed_tels={1, 2, 3, 4},
30 )
32 subarray = source.subarray
34 calib = CameraCalibrator(subarray=subarray)
35 image_processor = ImageProcessor(subarray=subarray)
36 shower_processor = ShowerProcessor(subarray=subarray)
38 off_angles = []
40 for event in tqdm(source):
41     # calibrating the event
42     calib(event)
43     image_processor(event)
44     shower_processor(event)
46     reco_result = event.dl2.stereo.geometry["HillasReconstructor"]
48     # get angular offset between reconstructed shower direction and MC
49     # generated shower direction
50     true_shower = event.simulation.shower
51     off_angle = angular_separation(
52         true_shower.az, true_shower.alt, reco_result.az, reco_result.alt
53     )
55     # Appending all estimated off angles
56     off_angles.append(off_angle.to(u.deg).value)
0it [00:00, ?it/s]
1it [00:00,  8.25it/s]
2it [00:00,  4.29it/s]
3it [00:00,  5.49it/s]
4it [00:00,  4.85it/s]
5it [00:01,  3.04it/s]
6it [00:01,  3.81it/s]
7it [00:01,  4.33it/s]
7it [00:01,  4.24it/s]

calculate theta square for angles which are not nan

Plot the results#

72 plt.hist(thetasquare, bins=10, range=[0, 0.4])
73 plt.xlabel(r"$\theta^2$ (deg)")
74 plt.ylabel("# of events")
75 plt.show()
theta square

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 4.411 seconds)

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