ctapipe is not stable yet, so expect large and rapid changes to structure and functionality as we explore various design choices before the 1.0 release.

Exploring Raw Data#

Here are just some very simple examples of going through and inspecting the raw data, and making some plots using ctapipe. The data explored here are raw Monte Carlo data, which is Data Level “R0” in CTA terminology (e.g. it is before any processing that would happen inside a Camera or off-line)


18 import numpy as np
19 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
20 from scipy import signal
22 from ctapipe.io import EventSource
23 from ctapipe.utils import get_dataset_path
24 from ctapipe.visualization import CameraDisplay
26 # %matplotlib inline

To read SimTelArray format data, ctapipe uses the pyeventio library (which is installed automatically along with ctapipe). The following lines however will load any data known to ctapipe (multiple EventSources are implemented, and chosen automatically based on the type of the input file.

All data access first starts with an EventSource, and here we use a helper function event_source that constructs one. The resulting source object can be iterated over like a list of events. We also here use an EventSeeker which provides random-access to the source (by seeking to the given event ID or number)

43 source = EventSource(get_dataset_path("gamma_prod5.simtel.zst"), max_events=5)

Explore the contents of an event#

note that the R0 level is the raw data that comes out of a camera, and also the lowest level of monte-carlo data.

54 # so we can advance through events one-by-one
55 event_iterator = iter(source)
57 event = next(event_iterator)

the event is just a class with a bunch of data items in it. You can see a more compact representation via:

65 event.r0
                        tel[*]: map of tel_id to R0CameraContainer with default

printing the event structure, will currently print the value all items under it (so you get a lot of output if you print a high-level container):

74 print(event.simulation.shower)
{'alt': <Angle 1.22173047 rad>,
 'az': <Angle 6.28318501 rad>,
 'core_x': <Quantity -146.42298889 m>,
 'core_y': <Quantity 341.64358521 m>,
 'energy': <Quantity 0.07287972 TeV>,
 'h_first_int': <Quantity 32396.98828125 m>,
 'shower_primary_id': 0,
 'starting_grammage': <Quantity 0. g / cm2>,
 'x_max': <Quantity 159.41175842 g / cm2>}
77 print(event.r0.tel.keys())
dict_keys([9, 14, 104])

note that the event has 3 telescopes in it: Let’s try the next one:

84 event = next(event_iterator)
85 print(event.r0.tel.keys())
dict_keys([26, 27, 29, 47, 53, 59, 69, 73, 121, 122, 124, 148, 162, 166])

now, we have a larger event with many telescopes… Let’s look at one of them:

93 teldata = event.r0.tel[26]
94 print(teldata)
95 teldata
{'waveform': array([[[267, 276, 282, ..., 237, 246, 259],
        [254, 249, 254, ..., 210, 208, 208],
        [214, 233, 254, ..., 271, 272, 272],
        [242, 236, 228, ..., 242, 252, 259],
        [245, 236, 230, ..., 248, 246, 248],
        [229, 231, 233, ..., 236, 238, 234]]], dtype=uint16)}

                      waveform: numpy array containing ADC samples: (n_channels,
                                n_pixels, n_samples) with default None

Note that some values are unit quantities (astropy.units.Quantity) or angular quantities (astropy.coordinates.Angle), and you can easily manipulate them:

<Quantity 1.74547136 TeV>
<Quantity 1745.4713583 GeV>
<Quantity 2.79655343e-07 J>
<Angle 1.22173047 rad>
116 print("Altitude in degrees:", event.simulation.shower.alt.deg)
Altitude in degrees: 69.99999967119774

Look for signal pixels in a camera#

again, event.r0.tel[x] contains a data structure for the telescope data, with some fields like waveform.

Let’s make a 2D plot of the sample data (sample vs pixel), so we can see if we see which pixels contain Cherenkov light signals:

130 plt.pcolormesh(teldata.waveform[0])  # note the [0] is for channel 0
131 plt.colorbar()
132 plt.xlabel("sample number")
133 plt.ylabel("Pixel_id")
raw data exploration
Text(29.472222222222214, 0.5, 'Pixel_id')

Let’s zoom in to see if we can identify the pixels that have the Cherenkov signal in them

141 plt.pcolormesh(teldata.waveform[0])
142 plt.colorbar()
143 plt.ylim(700, 750)
144 plt.xlabel("sample number")
145 plt.ylabel("pixel_id")
146 print("waveform[0] is an array of shape (N_pix,N_slice) =", teldata.waveform[0].shape)
raw data exploration
waveform[0] is an array of shape (N_pix,N_slice) = (1764, 25)

Now we can really see that some pixels have a signal in them!

Lets look at a 1D plot of pixel 270 in channel 0 and see the signal:

155 trace = teldata.waveform[0][719]
156 plt.plot(trace, drawstyle="steps")
raw data exploration
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x7f746a5ab7f0>]

Great! It looks like a standard Cherenkov signal!

Let’s take a look at several traces to see if the peaks area aligned:

165 for pix_id in range(718, 723):
166     plt.plot(
167         teldata.waveform[0][pix_id], label="pix {}".format(pix_id), drawstyle="steps"
168     )
169 plt.legend()
raw data exploration
<matplotlib.legend.Legend object at 0x7f746d6c61a0>

Look at the time trace from a Camera Pixel#

ctapipe.calib.camera includes classes for doing automatic trace integration with many methods, but before using that, let’s just try to do something simple!

Let’s define the integration windows first: By eye, they seem to be reaonsable from sample 8 to 13 for signal, and 20 to 29 for pedestal (which we define as the sum of all noise: NSB + electronic)

185 for pix_id in range(718, 723):
186     plt.plot(teldata.waveform[0][pix_id], "+-")
187 plt.fill_betweenx([0, 1600], 19, 24, color="red", alpha=0.3, label="Ped window")
188 plt.fill_betweenx([0, 1600], 5, 9, color="green", alpha=0.3, label="Signal window")
189 plt.legend()
raw data exploration
<matplotlib.legend.Legend object at 0x7f747a2996f0>

Do a very simplisitic trace analysis#

Now, let’s for example calculate a signal and background in a the fixed windows we defined for this single event. Note we are ignoring the fact that cameras have 2 gains, and just using a single gain (channel 0, which is the high-gain channel):

202 data = teldata.waveform[0]
203 peds = data[:, 19:24].mean(axis=1)  # mean of samples 20 to 29 for all pixels
204 sums = data[:, 5:9].sum(axis=1) / (13 - 8)  # simple sum integration
207 phist = plt.hist(peds, bins=50, range=[0, 150])
208 plt.title("Pedestal Distribution of all pixels for a single event")
Pedestal Distribution of all pixels for a single event
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Pedestal Distribution of all pixels for a single event')

let’s now take a look at the pedestal-subtracted sums and a pedestal-subtracted signal:

216 plt.plot(sums - peds)
217 plt.xlabel("pixel id")
218 plt.ylabel("Pedestal-subtracted Signal")
raw data exploration
Text(26.722222222222214, 0.5, 'Pedestal-subtracted Signal')

Now, we can clearly see that the signal is centered at 0 where there is no Cherenkov light, and we can also clearly see the shower around pixel 250.

227 # we can also subtract the pedestals from the traces themselves, which would be needed to compare peaks properly
228 for ii in range(270, 280):
229     plt.plot(data[ii] - peds[ii], drawstyle="steps", label="pix{}".format(ii))
230 plt.legend()
raw data exploration
<matplotlib.legend.Legend object at 0x7f747a550370>

Camera Displays#

It’s of course much easier to see the signal if we plot it in 2D with correct pixel positions!

note: the instrument data model is not fully implemented, so there is not a good way to load all the camera information (right now it is hacked into the inst sub-container that is read from the Monte-Carlo file)

246 camgeom = source.subarray.tel[24].camera.geometry
249 title = "CT24, run {} event {} ped-sub".format(event.index.obs_id, event.index.event_id)
250 disp = CameraDisplay(camgeom, title=title)
251 disp.image = sums - peds
252 disp.cmap = plt.cm.RdBu_r
253 disp.add_colorbar()
254 disp.set_limits_percent(95)  # autoscale
CT24, run 1 event 5101 ped-sub

It looks like a nice signal! We have plotted our pedestal-subtracted trace integral, and see the shower clearly!

Let’s look at all telescopes:

note we plot here the raw signal, since we have not calculated the pedestals for each)

267 for tel in event.r0.tel.keys():
268     plt.figure()
269     camgeom = source.subarray.tel[tel].camera.geometry
270     title = "CT{}, run {} event {}".format(
271         tel, event.index.obs_id, event.index.event_id
272     )
273     disp = CameraDisplay(camgeom, title=title)
274     disp.image = event.r0.tel[tel].waveform[0].sum(axis=1)
275     disp.cmap = plt.cm.RdBu_r
276     disp.add_colorbar()
277     disp.set_limits_percent(95)
  • CT26, run 1 event 5101
  • CT27, run 1 event 5101
  • CT29, run 1 event 5101
  • CT47, run 1 event 5101
  • CT53, run 1 event 5101
  • CT59, run 1 event 5101
  • CT69, run 1 event 5101
  • CT73, run 1 event 5101
  • CT121, run 1 event 5101
  • CT122, run 1 event 5101
  • CT124, run 1 event 5101
  • CT148, run 1 event 5101
  • CT162, run 1 event 5101
  • CT166, run 1 event 5101

some signal processing…#

Let’s try to detect the peak using the scipy.signal package: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/signal.html

289 pix_ids = np.arange(len(data))
290 has_signal = sums > 300
292 widths = np.array(
293     [
294         8,
295     ]
296 )  # peak widths to search for (let's fix it at 8 samples, about the width of the peak)
297 peaks = [signal.find_peaks_cwt(trace, widths) for trace in data[has_signal]]
299 for p, s in zip(pix_ids[has_signal], peaks):
300     print("pix{} has peaks at sample {}".format(p, s))
301     plt.plot(data[p], drawstyle="steps-mid")
302     plt.scatter(np.array(s), data[p, s])

clearly the signal needs to be filtered first, or an appropriate wavelet used, but the idea is nice

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 12.289 seconds)

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