ctapipe is not stable yet, so expect large and rapid changes to structure and functionality as we explore various design choices before the 1.0 release.

Getting Started with ctapipe#

This hands-on was presented at the Paris CTA Consoritum meeting (K. Kosack)

Part 1: load and loop over data#

16 import glob
18 import numpy as np
19 import pandas as pd
20 from ipywidgets import interact
21 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
23 from ctapipe import utils
24 from ctapipe.calib import CameraCalibrator
25 from ctapipe.image import hillas_parameters, tailcuts_clean
26 from ctapipe.io import EventSource, HDF5TableWriter
27 from ctapipe.visualization import CameraDisplay
29 # %matplotlib inline
32 path = utils.get_dataset_path("gamma_prod5.simtel.zst")
35 source = EventSource(path, max_events=5)
37 for event in source:
38     print(event.count, event.index.event_id, event.simulation.shower.energy)
0 4009 0.07287972420454025 TeV
1 5101 1.7454713582992554 TeV
2 5103 1.7454713582992554 TeV
3 5104 1.7454713582992554 TeV
4 5105 1.7454713582992554 TeV
41 event
                       index.*: event indexing information with default None
                          r0.*: Raw Data with default None
                          r1.*: R1 Calibrated Data with default None
                         dl0.*: DL0 Data Volume Reduced Data with default None
                         dl1.*: DL1 Calibrated image with default None
                         dl2.*: DL2 reconstruction info with default None
                  simulation.*: Simulated Event Information with default None
                                with type <class
                     trigger.*: central trigger information with default None
                         count: number of events processed with default 0
                    pointing.*: Array and telescope pointing positions with
                                default None
                 calibration.*: Container for calibration coefficients for the
                                current event with default None
                         mon.*: container for event-wise monitoring data (MON)
                                with default None
                        muon.*: Container for muon analysis results with default
44 event.r1
                        tel[*]: map of tel_id to R1CameraContainer with default
47 for event in EventSource(path, max_events=5):
48     print(event.count, event.r1.tel.keys())
0 dict_keys([9, 14, 104])
1 dict_keys([26, 27, 29, 47, 53, 59, 69, 73, 121, 122, 124, 148, 162, 166])
2 dict_keys([82, 92, 175, 179])
3 dict_keys([17, 26, 27, 29, 43, 47, 53, 57, 69, 112, 121, 122, 124, 125, 128, 140, 144, 148, 162, 166])
4 dict_keys([3, 4, 8, 9, 14, 15, 23, 24, 25, 29, 32, 36, 42, 46, 52, 56, 103, 104, 109, 110, 118, 119, 120, 126, 127, 129, 130, 137, 139, 143, 161])
51 event.r0.tel[3]
                      waveform: numpy array containing ADC samples: (n_channels,
                                n_pixels, n_samples) with default None
54 r0tel = event.r0.tel[3]
array([[[432, 413, 395, ..., 382, 387, 382],
        [419, 420, 428, ..., 392, 396, 405],
        [381, 392, 413, ..., 375, 387, 387],
        [391, 384, 385, ..., 379, 395, 404],
        [370, 376, 388, ..., 391, 383, 383],
        [393, 411, 413, ..., 406, 392, 396]],

       [[413, 396, 398, ..., 397, 401, 395],
        [392, 407, 403, ..., 403, 388, 399],
        [405, 403, 393, ..., 393, 400, 409],
        [399, 406, 407, ..., 391, 405, 397],
        [401, 399, 396, ..., 395, 400, 388],
        [399, 393, 403, ..., 395, 407, 401]]], dtype=uint16)
(2, 1855, 40)

note that this is (\(N_{channels}\), \(N_{pixels}\), \(N_{samples}\))

ctapipe handson
<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh object at 0x7f746b5b6b00>
71 brightest_pixel = np.argmax(r0tel.waveform[0].sum(axis=1))
72 print(f"pixel {brightest_pixel} has sum {r0tel.waveform[0,1535].sum()}")
pixel 1831 has sum 15824
75 plt.plot(r0tel.waveform[0, brightest_pixel], label="channel 0 (high-gain)")
76 plt.plot(r0tel.waveform[1, brightest_pixel], label="channel 1 (low-gain)")
77 plt.legend()
ctapipe handson
<matplotlib.legend.Legend object at 0x7f746b59d180>
81 @interact
82 def view_waveform(chan=0, pix_id=brightest_pixel):
83     plt.plot(r0tel.waveform[chan, pix_id])
ctapipe handson
interactive(children=(IntSlider(value=0, description='chan', max=1), IntSlider(value=1831, description='pix_id', max=5493, min=-1831), Output()), _dom_classes=('widget-interact',))

try making this compare 2 waveforms

Part 2: Explore the instrument description#

This is all well and good, but we don’t really know what camera or telescope this is… how do we get instrumental description info?

Currently this is returned inside the event (it will soon change to be separate in next version or so)

102 subarray = source.subarray
105 subarray
SubarrayDescription(name='MonteCarloArray', n_tels=180)
108 subarray.peek()
<ctapipe.visualization.mpl_array.ArrayDisplay object at 0x7f746b603790>
111 subarray.to_table()
Table length=180

114 subarray.tel[2]
TelescopeDescription(type='LST', optics_name='LST', camera_name='LSTCam')
117 subarray.tel[2].camera
CameraDescription(name=LSTCam, geometry=LSTCam, readout=LSTCam)
120 subarray.tel[2].optics
OpticsDescription(name=LST, size_type=LST, reflector_shape=PARABOLIC, equivalent_focal_length=28.00 m, effective_focal_length=29.31 m, n_mirrors=1, mirror_area=386.73 m2)
123 tel = subarray.tel[2]
126 tel.camera
CameraDescription(name=LSTCam, geometry=LSTCam, readout=LSTCam)
129 tel.optics
OpticsDescription(name=LST, size_type=LST, reflector_shape=PARABOLIC, equivalent_focal_length=28.00 m, effective_focal_length=29.31 m, n_mirrors=1, mirror_area=386.73 m2)
<Quantity [ 0.        , -0.0377967 , -0.04724547, ...,  0.67088033,
           -0.45356484, -0.50081024] m>
135 tel.camera.geometry.to_table()
Table length=1855

<Quantity 386.73324585 m2>
142 disp = CameraDisplay(tel.camera.geometry)
145 disp = CameraDisplay(tel.camera.geometry)
146 disp.image = r0tel.waveform[
147     0, :, 10
148 ]  # display channel 0, sample 0 (try others like 10)

** aside: ** show demo using a CameraDisplay in interactive mode in ipython rather than notebook

Part 3: Apply some calibration and trace integration#

163 calib = CameraCalibrator(subarray=subarray)
166 for event in EventSource(path, max_events=5):
167     calib(event)  # fills in r1, dl0, and dl1
168     print(event.dl1.tel.keys())
dict_keys([9, 14, 104])
dict_keys([26, 27, 29, 47, 53, 59, 69, 73, 121, 122, 124, 148, 162, 166])
dict_keys([82, 92, 175, 179])
dict_keys([17, 26, 27, 29, 43, 47, 53, 57, 69, 112, 121, 122, 124, 125, 128, 140, 144, 148, 162, 166])
dict_keys([3, 4, 8, 9, 14, 15, 23, 24, 25, 29, 32, 36, 42, 46, 52, 56, 103, 104, 109, 110, 118, 119, 120, 126, 127, 129, 130, 137, 139, 143, 161])
171 event.dl1.tel[3]
                         image: Numpy array of camera image, after waveform
                                extraction.Shape: (n_pixel) if n_channels is 1
                                or data is gain selectedelse: (n_channels,
                                n_pixel) with default None
                     peak_time: Numpy array containing position of the peak of
                                the pulse as determined by the extractor.Shape:
                                (n_pixel) if n_channels is 1 or data is gain
                                selectedelse: (n_channels, n_pixel) with default
                    image_mask: Boolean numpy array where True means the pixel
                                has passed cleaning. Shape: (n_pixel, ) with
                                default None as a 1-D array with dtype bool
                      is_valid: True if image extraction succeeded, False if
                                failed or in the case of TwoPass methods, that
                                the first pass only was returned. with default
                    parameters: Image parameters with default None with type
174 dl1tel = event.dl1.tel[3]
177 dl1tel.image.shape  # note this will be gain-selected in next version, so will be just 1D array of 1855
array([27.381046, 17.746258, 18.80205 , ..., 11.64868 , 31.961287,
       29.717525], dtype=float32)
183 CameraDisplay(tel.camera.geometry, image=dl1tel.image)
<ctapipe.visualization.mpl_camera.CameraDisplay object at 0x7f746b725f00>
186 CameraDisplay(tel.camera.geometry, image=dl1tel.peak_time)
<ctapipe.visualization.mpl_camera.CameraDisplay object at 0x7f746b724100>

Now for Hillas Parameters

194 image = dl1tel.image
195 mask = tailcuts_clean(tel.camera.geometry, image, picture_thresh=10, boundary_thresh=5)
196 mask
array([False, False, False, ..., False, False, False])
199 CameraDisplay(tel.camera.geometry, image=mask)
<ctapipe.visualization.mpl_camera.CameraDisplay object at 0x7f746b725e10>
202 cleaned = image.copy()
203 cleaned[~mask] = 0
206 disp = CameraDisplay(tel.camera.geometry, image=cleaned)
207 disp.cmap = plt.cm.coolwarm
208 disp.add_colorbar()
209 plt.xlim(0.5, 1.0)
210 plt.ylim(-1.0, 0.0)
(-1.0, 0.0)
213 params = hillas_parameters(tel.camera.geometry, cleaned)
214 print(params)
{'intensity': 32.78351974487305,
 'kurtosis': 1.2333006676347786,
 'length': <Quantity 0.02219065 m>,
 'length_uncertainty': <Quantity 0.00093599 m>,
 'phi': <Angle -0.88747705 rad>,
 'psi': <Angle -1.56935711 rad>,
 'r': <Quantity 1.11337613 m>,
 'skewness': -0.27161538155204706,
 'width': <Quantity 0.01614423 m>,
 'width_uncertainty': <Quantity 0.00226475 m>,
 'x': <Quantity 0.70295289 m>,
 'y': <Quantity -0.86340237 m>}
217 disp = CameraDisplay(tel.camera.geometry, image=cleaned)
218 disp.cmap = plt.cm.coolwarm
219 disp.add_colorbar()
220 plt.xlim(0.5, 1.0)
221 plt.ylim(-1.0, 0.0)
222 disp.overlay_moments(params, color="white", lw=2)

Part 4: Let’s put it all together:#

  • loop over events, selecting only telescopes of the same type (e.g. LST:LSTCam)

  • for each event, apply calibration/trace integration

  • calculate Hillas parameters

  • write out all hillas parameters to a file that can be loaded with Pandas

first let’s select only those telescopes with LST:LSTCam

242 subarray.telescope_types
(TelescopeDescription(type='SST', optics_name='ASTRI', camera_name='CHEC'), TelescopeDescription(type='LST', optics_name='LST', camera_name='LSTCam'), TelescopeDescription(type='MST', optics_name='MST', camera_name='NectarCam'), TelescopeDescription(type='MST', optics_name='MST', camera_name='FlashCam'))
245 subarray.get_tel_ids_for_type("LST_LST_LSTCam")
(1, 2, 3, 4)

Now let’s write out program

252 data = utils.get_dataset_path("gamma_prod5.simtel.zst")
253 source = EventSource(data)  # remove the max_events limit to get more stats
256 for event in source:
257     calib(event)
259     for tel_id, tel_data in event.dl1.tel.items():
260         tel = source.subarray.tel[tel_id]
261         mask = tailcuts_clean(tel.camera.geometry, tel_data.image)
262         if np.count_nonzero(mask) > 0:
263             params = hillas_parameters(tel.camera.geometry[mask], tel_data.image[mask])
267 with HDF5TableWriter(filename="hillas.h5", group_name="dl1", overwrite=True) as writer:
268     source = EventSource(data, allowed_tels=[1, 2, 3, 4], max_events=10)
269     for event in source:
270         calib(event)
272         for tel_id, tel_data in event.dl1.tel.items():
273             tel = source.subarray.tel[tel_id]
274             mask = tailcuts_clean(tel.camera.geometry, tel_data.image)
275             params = hillas_parameters(tel.camera.geometry[mask], tel_data.image[mask])
276             writer.write("hillas", params)

We can now load in the file we created and plot it#

283 glob.glob("*.h5")
287 hillas = pd.read_hdf("hillas.h5", key="/dl1/hillas")
288 hillas
intensity skewness kurtosis x y r phi length length_uncertainty width width_uncertainty psi
0 47.098688 -0.530399 1.881643 0.695206 -0.847657 1.096282 -50.643096 0.032743 0.002240 0.026627 0.002372 -51.309393
1 126.314263 0.020218 1.742869 0.464446 -0.999899 1.102500 -65.085472 0.055256 0.002119 0.025090 0.001144 -67.386572

291 _ = hillas.hist(figsize=(8, 8))
intensity, skewness, kurtosis, x, y, r, phi, length, length_uncertainty, width, width_uncertainty, psi

If you do this yourself, chose a larger file to loop over more events to get better statistics

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 12.267 seconds)

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