ctapipe is not stable yet, so expect large and rapid changes to structure and functionality as we explore various design choices before the 1.0 release.

Coordinates usage in ctapipe#

 7 import copy
 9 import astropy.units as u
10 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
11 from astropy.coordinates import AltAz, EarthLocation, SkyCoord
12 from astropy.time import Time
14 from ctapipe.coordinates import CameraFrame, NominalFrame, TelescopeFrame
15 from ctapipe.instrument import SubarrayDescription
16 from ctapipe.io import EventSource
17 from ctapipe.utils import get_dataset_path
18 from ctapipe.visualization import CameraDisplay
20 # %matplotlib inline
23 # make plots and fonts larger
24 plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (12, 8)
25 plt.rcParams["font.size"] = 16

Open test dataset#

33 filename = get_dataset_path("gamma_prod5.simtel.zst")
34 source = EventSource(filename)
36 events = [copy.deepcopy(event) for event in source]
37 event = events[4]
39 layout = set(source.subarray.tel_ids)

Choose event with LST#

This ensures that the telescope is not “parked” (as it would be in an event where it is not triggered) but is actually pointing to a source.

53 print(f"Telescope with data: {event.r1.tel.keys()}")
54 tel_id = 3
Telescope with data: dict_keys([3, 4, 8, 9, 14, 15, 23, 24, 25, 29, 32, 36, 42, 46, 52, 56, 103, 104, 109, 110, 118, 119, 120, 126, 127, 129, 130, 137, 139, 143, 161])


See Astropy Docs on AltAz.

Pointing direction of telescopes or the origin of a simulated shower are described in the AltAz frame. This is a local, angular coordinate frame, with angles altitude and azimuth. Altitude is the measured from the Horizon (0°) to the Zenith (90°). For the azimuth, there are different conventions. In Astropy und thus ctapipe, Azimuth is oriented East of North (i.e., N=0°, E=90°).

73 obstime = Time("2013-11-01T03:00")
74 location = EarthLocation.of_site("Roque de los Muchachos")
76 altaz = AltAz(location=location, obstime=obstime)
78 array_pointing = SkyCoord(
79     alt=event.pointing.array_azimuth,
80     az=event.pointing.array_altitude,
81     frame=altaz,
82 )
84 print(array_pointing)
<SkyCoord (AltAz: obstime=2013-11-01T03:00:00.000, location=(5327448.9957829, -1718665.73869569, 3051566.90295403) m, pressure=0.0 hPa, temperature=0.0 deg_C, relative_humidity=0.0, obswl=1.0 micron): (az, alt) in deg
    (69.99999967, 0.)>


Camera coordinate frame.

The camera frame is a 2d cartesian frame, describing position of objects in the focal plane of the telescope.

The frame is defined as in H.E.S.S., starting at the horizon, the telescope is pointed to magnetic north in azimuth and then up to zenith.

Now, x points north and y points west, so in this orientation, the camera coordinates line up with the CORSIKA ground coordinate system.

MAGIC and FACT use a different camera coordinate system: Standing at the dish, looking at the camera, x points right, y points up. To transform MAGIC/FACT to ctapipe, do x’ = -y, y’ = -x.

Typical usage: Position of pixels in the focal plane.

109 geometry = source.subarray.tel[tel_id].camera.geometry
110 pix_x = geometry.pix_x
111 pix_y = geometry.pix_y
112 focal_length = source.subarray.tel[tel_id].optics.equivalent_focal_length
115 telescope_pointing = SkyCoord(
116     alt=event.pointing.tel[tel_id].altitude,
117     az=event.pointing.tel[tel_id].azimuth,
118     frame=altaz,
119 )
121 camera_frame = CameraFrame(
122     focal_length=focal_length,
123     rotation=0 * u.deg,
124     telescope_pointing=telescope_pointing,
125 )
127 cam_coords = SkyCoord(x=pix_x, y=pix_y, frame=camera_frame)
129 print(cam_coords)
<SkyCoord (CameraFrame: focal_length=28.0 m, rotation=0.0 rad, telescope_pointing=<AltAz Coordinate (obstime=2013-11-01T03:00:00.000, location=(5327448.9957829, -1718665.73869569, 3051566.90295403) m, pressure=0.0 hPa, temperature=0.0 deg_C, relative_humidity=0.0, obswl=1.0 micron): (az, alt) in deg
    (0., 69.99999967)>, obstime=None, location=None): (x, y) in m
    [( 0.        ,  0.        ), (-0.0377967 , -0.03273243),
     (-0.04724547,  0.01636666), ..., ( 0.67088033, -0.96561883),
     (-0.45356484, -1.08017546), (-0.50081024, -1.06380875)]>
132 plt.scatter(cam_coords.x, cam_coords.y)
133 plt.title(f"Camera type: {geometry.name}")
134 plt.xlabel(f"x / {cam_coords.x.unit}")
135 plt.ylabel(f"y / {cam_coords.y.unit}")
136 plt.axis("square")
Camera type: LSTCam
(-1.2888595582149416, 1.2888595582149416, -1.1881999735124904, 1.3895191429173928)

The implementation of the coordinate system with astropy makes it easier to use time of the observation and location of the observing site, to understand, for example which stars are visible during a certain night and how they might be visible in the camera.

147 location = EarthLocation.of_site("Roque de los Muchachos")
148 obstime = Time("2018-11-01T04:00")
150 crab = SkyCoord.from_name("crab nebula")
152 altaz = AltAz(location=location, obstime=obstime)
154 pointing = crab.transform_to(altaz)
156 camera_frame = CameraFrame(
157     telescope_pointing=pointing,
158     focal_length=focal_length,
159     obstime=obstime,
160     location=location,
161 )
164 subarray = SubarrayDescription.read("dataset://gamma_prod5.simtel.zst")
165 cam = subarray.tel[1].camera.geometry
166 fig, ax = plt.subplots()
167 display = CameraDisplay(cam, ax=ax)
169 ax.set_title(
170     f"La Palma, {obstime}, az={pointing.az.deg:.1f}°, zenith={pointing.zen.deg:.1f}°, camera={geometry.name}"
171 )
173 for i, name in enumerate(["crab nebula", "o tau", "zet tau"]):
174     star = SkyCoord.from_name(name)
175     star_cam = star.transform_to(camera_frame)
177     x = star_cam.x.to_value(u.m)
178     y = star_cam.y.to_value(u.m)
180     ax.plot(x, y, marker="*", color=f"C{i}")
181     ax.annotate(
182         name,
183         xy=(x, y),
184         xytext=(5, 5),
185         textcoords="offset points",
186         color=f"C{i}",
187     )
189 plt.show()
La Palma, 2018-11-01T04:00:00.000, az=169.1°, zenith=6.9°, camera=LSTCam


Telescope coordinate frame. A Frame using a UnitSphericalRepresentation.

This is basically the same as a HorizonCoordinate, but the origin is at the telescope’s pointing direction. This is what astropy calls a SkyOffsetFrame.

The axis of the telescope frame, fov_lon and fov_lat, are aligned with the horizontal system’s azimuth and altitude respectively.

Pointing corrections should applied to the transformation between this frame and the camera frame.

218 wrap_angle = telescope_pointing.az + 180 * u.deg
220 plt.axis("equal")
221 plt.scatter(
222     telescope_coords.fov_lon.deg, telescope_coords.fov_lat.deg, alpha=0.2, color="gray"
223 )
226 for i, name in enumerate(["crab nebula", "o tau", "zet tau"]):
227     star = SkyCoord.from_name(name)
228     star_tel = star.transform_to(telescope_frame)
230     plt.plot(star_tel.fov_lon.deg, star_tel.fov_lat.deg, "*", ms=10)
231     plt.annotate(
232         name,
233         xy=(star_tel.fov_lon.deg, star_tel.fov_lat.deg),
234         xytext=(5, 5),
235         textcoords="offset points",
236         color=f"C{i}",
237     )
239 plt.xlabel("fov_lon / {}".format(telescope_coords.altaz.az.unit))
240 plt.ylabel("fov_lat / {}".format(telescope_coords.altaz.alt.unit))
coordinates example
Text(101.97222222222221, 0.5, 'fov_lat / deg')


Nominal coordinate frame. A Frame using a UnitSphericalRepresentation. This is basically the same as a HorizonCoordinate, but the origin is at an arbitrary position in the sky. This is what astropy calls a SkyOffsetFrame If the telescopes are in divergent pointing, this Frame can be used to transform to a common system. - 2D reconstruction (HillasIntersector) is performed in this frame - 3D reconstruction (HillasReconstructor) doesn’t need this frame

Let’s play a bit with 3 LSTs with divergent pointing

262 location = EarthLocation.of_site("Roque de los Muchachos")
263 obstime = Time("2018-11-01T02:00")
264 altaz = AltAz(location=location, obstime=obstime)
266 crab = SkyCoord.from_name("crab nebula")
268 # let's observe crab
269 array_pointing = crab.transform_to(altaz)
272 # let the telescopes point to different positions
273 alt_offsets = u.Quantity([1, -1, -1], u.deg)
274 az_offsets = u.Quantity([0, -2, +2], u.deg)
277 tel_pointings = SkyCoord(
278     alt=array_pointing.alt + alt_offsets,
279     az=array_pointing.az + az_offsets,
280     frame=altaz,
281 )
283 camera_frames = CameraFrame(
284     telescope_pointing=tel_pointings,  # multiple pointings, so we get multiple frames
285     focal_length=focal_length,
286     obstime=obstime,
287     location=location,
288 )
290 nom_frame = NominalFrame(origin=array_pointing, obstime=obstime, location=location)
293 fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 10))
294 ax.set_aspect(1)
296 for i in range(3):
297     cam_coord = SkyCoord(x=pix_x, y=pix_y, frame=camera_frames[i])
298     nom_coord = cam_coord.transform_to(nom_frame)
300     ax.scatter(
301         x=nom_coord.fov_lon.deg,
302         y=nom_coord.fov_lat.deg,
303         label=f"Telescope {i + 1}",
304         s=30,
305         alpha=0.15,
306     )
309 for i, name in enumerate(["Crab", "o tau", "zet tau"]):
310     s = SkyCoord.from_name(name)
311     s_nom = s.transform_to(nom_frame)
312     ax.plot(
313         s_nom.fov_lon.deg,
314         s_nom.fov_lat.deg,
315         "*",
316         ms=10,
317     )
318     ax.annotate(
319         name,
320         xy=(s_nom.fov_lon.deg, s_nom.fov_lat.deg),
321         xytext=(5, 5),
322         textcoords="offset points",
323         color=f"C{i}",
324     )
327 ax.set_xlabel("fov_lon / deg")
328 ax.set_ylabel("fov_lat / deg")
330 ax.legend()
331 plt.show()
coordinates example


Ground coordinate frame. The ground coordinate frame is a simple cartesian frame describing the 3 dimensional position of objects compared to the array ground level in relation to the nomial centre of the array. Typically this frame will be used for describing the position on telescopes and equipment

Typical usage: positions of telescopes on the ground (x, y, z)

347 source.subarray.peek()
<ctapipe.visualization.mpl_array.ArrayDisplay object at 0x7f746fc03850>

In case a layout is selected, the following line will produce a different output from the picture above.

355 source.subarray.select_subarray(layout, name="Prod3b layout").peek()
Prod3b layout
<ctapipe.visualization.mpl_array.ArrayDisplay object at 0x7f746c147880>
Ground Frame

Ground Frame#

In this image all the telescope from the gamma_test.simtel.gz file are plotted as spheres in the GroundFrame.


Tilted ground coordinate frame.

The tilted ground coordinate frame is a cartesian system describing the 2 dimensional projected positions of objects in a tilted plane described by pointing_direction. The plane is rotated along the z_axis by the azimuth of the pointing_direction and then it is inclined with an angle equal to the zenith angle of the pointing_direction.

This frame is used for the reconstruction of the shower core position.

Tilted Ground Frame

Tilted Ground Frame#

This image picture both the telescopes in the GroundFrame (red) and in the TiltedGroundFrame (green) are displayed: in this case since the azimuth of the pointing_direction is 0 degrees, then the plane is just tilted according to the zenith angle.

For playing with these and with more 3D models of the telescopes themselves, have a look at the CREED_VTK library.

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 18.158 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery