ctapipe is not stable yet, so expect large and rapid changes to structure and functionality as we explore various design choices before the 1.0 release.

Working with Instrumental Descriptions#

the instrumental description is loaded by the event source, and consists of a hierarchy of classes in the ctapipe.instrument module, the base of which is the SubarrayDescription

11 from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
13 from ctapipe.io import EventSource
14 from ctapipe.utils.datasets import get_dataset_path
15 from ctapipe.visualization import CameraDisplay
17 filename = get_dataset_path("gamma_prod5.simtel.zst")
19 with EventSource(filename, max_events=1) as source:
20     subarray = source.subarray

the SubarrayDescription:#

28 subarray.info()
Subarray : MonteCarloArray
Num Tels : 180
Footprint: 4.92 km2
Height   : 2147.00 m
Lon/Lat  : 0.0 deg, 0.0 deg

       Type       Count     Tel IDs
----------------- ----- ---------------
   SST_ASTRI_CHEC   120 30-99,131-180
   LST_LST_LSTCam     4 1-4
MST_MST_NectarCam    28 100-124,128-130
 MST_MST_FlashCam    28 5-29,125-127
31 subarray.to_table()
Table length=180

You can also get a table of just the OpticsDescriptions (CameraGeometry is more complex and can’t be stored on a single table row, so each one can be converted to a table separately)

40 subarray.to_table(kind="optics")
Table length=3

Make a sub-array with only SC-type telescopes:

47 sc_tels = [tel_id for tel_id, tel in subarray.tel.items() if tel.optics.n_mirrors == 2]
48 newsub = subarray.select_subarray(sc_tels, name="SCTels")
49 newsub.info()
Subarray : SCTels
Num Tels : 120
Footprint: 4.92 km2
Height   : 2147.00 m
Lon/Lat  : 0.0 deg, 0.0 deg

     Type      Count    Tel IDs
-------------- ----- -------------
SST_ASTRI_CHEC   120 30-99,131-180

can also do this by using Table.group_by

Explore some of the details of the telescopes#

62 tel = subarray.tel[1]
63 tel
TelescopeDescription(type='LST', optics_name='LST', camera_name='LSTCam')
<Quantity 386.73324585 m2>
<Quantity 28. m>
75 tel.camera
CameraDescription(name=LSTCam, geometry=LSTCam, readout=LSTCam)
<Quantity [ 0.        , -0.0377967 , -0.04724547, ...,  0.67088033,
           -0.45356484, -0.50081024] m>

%matplotlib inline

83 CameraDisplay(tel.camera.geometry)
<ctapipe.visualization.mpl_camera.CameraDisplay object at 0x7f7469722e30>
86 CameraDisplay(subarray.tel[98].camera.geometry)
<ctapipe.visualization.mpl_camera.CameraDisplay object at 0x7f746bde3ee0>

Plot the subarray#

We’ll make a subarray by telescope type and plot each separately, so they appear in different colors. We also calculate the radius using the mirror area (and exaggerate it a bit).

This is just for debugging and info, for any “real” use, a visualization.ArrayDisplay should be used

101 subarray.peek()
<ctapipe.visualization.mpl_array.ArrayDisplay object at 0x7f74693e0790>
104 subarray.footprint
<Quantity 4.92346317 km2>

Get info about the subarray in general#

112 subarray.telescope_types
(TelescopeDescription(type='SST', optics_name='ASTRI', camera_name='CHEC'), TelescopeDescription(type='LST', optics_name='LST', camera_name='LSTCam'), TelescopeDescription(type='MST', optics_name='MST', camera_name='NectarCam'), TelescopeDescription(type='MST', optics_name='MST', camera_name='FlashCam'))
115 subarray.camera_types
(CameraDescription(name=CHEC, geometry=CHEC, readout=CHEC), CameraDescription(name=FlashCam, geometry=FlashCam, readout=FlashCam), CameraDescription(name=LSTCam, geometry=LSTCam, readout=LSTCam), CameraDescription(name=NectarCam, geometry=NectarCam, readout=NectarCam))
118 subarray.optics_types
(OpticsDescription(name=ASTRI, size_type=SST, reflector_shape=SCHWARZSCHILD_COUDER, equivalent_focal_length=2.15 m, effective_focal_length=2.15 m, n_mirrors=2, mirror_area=14.13 m2), OpticsDescription(name=LST, size_type=LST, reflector_shape=PARABOLIC, equivalent_focal_length=28.00 m, effective_focal_length=29.31 m, n_mirrors=1, mirror_area=386.73 m2), OpticsDescription(name=MST, size_type=MST, reflector_shape=HYBRID, equivalent_focal_length=16.00 m, effective_focal_length=16.45 m, n_mirrors=1, mirror_area=106.24 m2))
122 center = SkyCoord("10.0 m", "2.0 m", "0.0 m", frame="groundframe")
123 coords = subarray.tel_coords  # a flat list of coordinates by tel_index
124 coords.separation(center)
/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/ctapipe/envs/stable/lib/python3.10/site-packages/astropy/coordinates/baseframe.py:1781: NonRotationTransformationWarning: transforming other coordinates from <GroundFrame Frame (reference_location=None)> to <GroundFrame Frame (reference_location=(6380284., 0., 0.) m)>. Angular separation can depend on the direction of the transformation.
  warnings.warn(NonRotationTransformationWarning(self, other_frame))

<Angle [115.63014925,  23.28019825,  94.78251809, 160.63833105,
         90.03968582, 101.62099853, 101.77713186,  78.30773406,
         78.17454627,  45.45999318,  16.99024097,  39.97681403,
         69.10011445, 110.92884517, 139.89780763, 161.89929049,
        134.2346161 ,  45.32551882,  15.68600633,  12.39167346,
         39.26720394,  69.03997654, 111.01749555, 140.58856049,
        166.95920229, 163.5926509 , 134.48337671,  11.93286185,
        167.6312177 ,  26.03184384,  49.71482147, 130.25249696,
        153.46499701,  56.96848545,  80.68305003,  99.34352352,
        122.90613377,  78.14518161, 101.82393586,  34.03013531,
         57.77812763, 122.25987001, 145.65400609,   1.24847673,
         24.4351971 , 155.4045918 , 176.51634911,  78.14317624,
        101.82029017,  15.42110816,  39.11960335, 140.84366604,
        164.08053533,  45.2944    ,  69.0116324 , 111.02764679,
        134.53170892,  11.86334528, 167.95021132,  62.66858341,
         86.38258597,  93.62776638, 117.24715339,  78.14629175,
        101.82276291,  28.82116959,  52.5822834 , 127.47080551,
        150.89538014,   2.62368916,  26.31949805, 153.64598659,
        176.29185523,  15.43039946,  39.15671481, 140.86271881,
        164.24754675,  52.32928199,  76.01509842, 104.01119977,
        127.58846981,  38.4733912 ,  62.15691802, 117.87742569,
        141.38857316,  11.86126608, 168.05379849,  66.00708336,
         89.69705753,  90.24601689, 113.94624583,  25.88207469,
         49.60709205, 130.42448957, 153.87133383,   5.30778392,
         29.01857802, 150.98856247, 174.28987968,  90.03968582,
        101.62099853, 101.77713186,  78.30773406,  78.17454627,
         45.45999318,  16.99024097,  39.97681403,  69.10011445,
        110.92884517, 139.89780763, 161.89929049, 134.2346161 ,
         45.32551882,  15.68600633,  12.39167346,  39.26720394,
         69.03997654, 111.01749555, 140.58856049, 166.95920229,
        163.5926509 , 134.48337671,  11.93286185, 167.6312177 ,
        136.96276599, 135.11900705, 144.05204051, 136.96276599,
        135.11900705, 144.05204051,  12.35295465,  11.82539648,
         14.44126841, 117.54207441,  16.07076033,  62.95215834,
         78.71063774, 101.23945651, 118.80259983, 141.14099915,
         38.61593395,  61.23460289, 104.65230495, 127.14142134,
         52.74730257,  75.37507965, 154.28453858, 175.8585009 ,
          3.12783539,  25.67964614, 155.51826904, 177.13010287,
          1.85937865,  24.46808065, 168.55396095,  11.31373768,
         89.81390819, 112.72712481,  67.19911849,  90.1865994 ,
        125.7628168 , 148.11935228,  31.63533913,  54.27252709,
        143.61092845, 165.80550518,  13.7638788 ,  36.38310163,
         94.46928992, 117.00095127,  62.94172212,  85.53949763,
        110.21645931, 132.67644008,  47.21979395,  69.8132856 ,
        129.72645037, 152.11809823,  27.67066973,  50.30722103] deg>

Telescope IDs vs Indices#

Note that subarray.tel is a dict mapped by tel_id (the identifying number of a telescope). It is possible to have telescope IDs that do not start at 0, are not contiguouous (e.g. if a subarray is selected). Some functions and properties like tel_coords are numpy arrays (not dicts) so they are not mapped to the telescope ID, but rather the index within this SubarrayDescription. To convert between the two concepts you can do:

140 subarray.tel_ids_to_indices([1, 5, 23])
array([ 0,  4, 22])

or you can get the indexing array directly in numpy or dict form:

147 subarray.tel_index_array
array([-9223372036854775808,                    0,                    1,
                          2,                    3,                    4,
                          5,                    6,                    7,
                          8,                    9,                   10,
                         11,                   12,                   13,
                         14,                   15,                   16,
                         17,                   18,                   19,
                         20,                   21,                   22,
                         23,                   24,                   25,
                         26,                   27,                   28,
                         29,                   30,                   31,
                         32,                   33,                   34,
                         35,                   36,                   37,
                         38,                   39,                   40,
                         41,                   42,                   43,
                         44,                   45,                   46,
                         47,                   48,                   49,
                         50,                   51,                   52,
                         53,                   54,                   55,
                         56,                   57,                   58,
                         59,                   60,                   61,
                         62,                   63,                   64,
                         65,                   66,                   67,
                         68,                   69,                   70,
                         71,                   72,                   73,
                         74,                   75,                   76,
                         77,                   78,                   79,
                         80,                   81,                   82,
                         83,                   84,                   85,
                         86,                   87,                   88,
                         89,                   90,                   91,
                         92,                   93,                   94,
                         95,                   96,                   97,
                         98,                   99,                  100,
                        101,                  102,                  103,
                        104,                  105,                  106,
                        107,                  108,                  109,
                        110,                  111,                  112,
                        113,                  114,                  115,
                        116,                  117,                  118,
                        119,                  120,                  121,
                        122,                  123,                  124,
                        125,                  126,                  127,
                        128,                  129,                  130,
                        131,                  132,                  133,
                        134,                  135,                  136,
                        137,                  138,                  139,
                        140,                  141,                  142,
                        143,                  144,                  145,
                        146,                  147,                  148,
                        149,                  150,                  151,
                        152,                  153,                  154,
                        155,                  156,                  157,
                        158,                  159,                  160,
                        161,                  162,                  163,
                        164,                  165,                  166,
                        167,                  168,                  169,
                        170,                  171,                  172,
                        173,                  174,                  175,
                        176,                  177,                  178,
150 subarray.tel_index_array[[1, 5, 23]]
array([ 0,  4, 22])
153 subarray.tel_indices[
154     1
155 ]  # this is a dict of tel_id -> tel_index, so we can only do one at once
157 ids = subarray.get_tel_ids_for_type(subarray.telescope_types[0])
158 ids
(30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180)
161 idx = subarray.tel_ids_to_indices(ids)
162 idx
array([ 29,  30,  31,  32,  33,  34,  35,  36,  37,  38,  39,  40,  41,
        42,  43,  44,  45,  46,  47,  48,  49,  50,  51,  52,  53,  54,
        55,  56,  57,  58,  59,  60,  61,  62,  63,  64,  65,  66,  67,
        68,  69,  70,  71,  72,  73,  74,  75,  76,  77,  78,  79,  80,
        81,  82,  83,  84,  85,  86,  87,  88,  89,  90,  91,  92,  93,
        94,  95,  96,  97,  98, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137,
       138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150,
       151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163,
       164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176,
       177, 178, 179])
165 subarray.tel_coords[idx]
<SkyCoord (GroundFrame: reference_location=(6380284., 0., 0.) m): (x, y, z) in m
    [(  207.036  ,   156.949    , 14.25),
     (  203.986  ,  -160.894    , 19.75),
     ( -204.02   ,   160.893    , 22.25),
     ( -207.07   ,  -156.95     , 28.25),
     (  168.88199,   423.275    , 18.25),
     (  160.729  ,  -426.44     , 33.25),
     ( -160.76201,   426.43802  , 10.25),
     ( -168.916  ,  -423.27698  , 42.25),
     (    4.972  ,   519.86896  , 11.75),
     (   -5.006  ,  -519.87103  , 41.25),
     (  395.51   ,   399.996    , 11.25),
     (  387.762  ,  -407.513    , 28.25),
     ( -387.795  ,   407.512    , 13.25),
     ( -395.545  ,  -399.99698  , 50.25),
     (  495.605  ,   105.269005 ,  9.25),
     (  493.494  ,  -114.760994 , 11.75),
     ( -493.528  ,   114.76     , 28.25),
     ( -495.64   ,  -105.269005 , 30.25),
     (    6.927  ,   723.596    , 11.75),
     (   -6.961  ,  -723.599    , 59.75),
     (  621.223  ,   312.711    ,  7.25),
     (  615.114  ,  -324.075    , 19.25),
     ( -615.14197,   324.575    , 19.75),
     ( -621.259  ,  -312.711    , 49.25),
     (  441.802  ,   669.11206  , 30.25),
     (  428.882  ,  -677.47     , 47.25),
     ( -428.91397,   677.46704  ,  7.25),
     ( -441.838  ,  -669.114    , 70.25),
     (  820.094  ,    -7.8690004,  4.25),
     ( -820.128  ,     7.87     , 30.75),
     (  228.46   ,   794.887    , 25.25),
     (  213.165  ,  -799.128    , 56.25),
     ( -213.19801,   799.125    , 10.25),
     ( -228.495  ,  -794.89     , 68.25),
     (    9.046  ,   944.425    , 27.25),
     (   -9.08   ,  -944.43     , 75.25),
     (  668.034  ,   562.918    , 13.25),
     (  657.111  ,  -575.635    , 43.25),
     ( -657.142  ,   575.635    ,  8.25),
     ( -668.07   ,  -562.919    , 66.25),
     (  885.687  ,   219.253    ,  6.25),
     (  881.318  ,  -236.20801  ,  9.25),
     ( -881.35   ,   236.21     , 24.25),
     ( -885.72205,  -219.252    , 42.25),
     (  920.53705,   463.474    , 12.75),
     (  911.476  ,  -481.054    , 26.25),
     ( -911.507  ,   481.054    , 11.25),
     ( -920.574  ,  -463.47302  , 59.25),
     (  480.36603,   966.80896  , 56.25),
     (  461.727  ,  -975.85297  , 65.75),
     ( -461.758  ,   975.849    , 16.75),
     ( -480.403  ,  -966.813    , 87.25),
     (  714.73206,   843.133    , 49.25),
     (  698.425  ,  -856.69604  , 53.75),
     ( -698.455  ,   856.694    , 14.75),
     ( -714.77   ,  -843.135    , 84.75),
     ( 1100.131  ,   -10.556    ,  3.75),
     (-1100.165  ,    10.558001 , 27.75),
     (  249.865  ,  1107.552    , 55.25),
     (  228.566  , -1112.148    , 77.75),
     ( -227.39801,  1112.131    , 25.25),
     ( -249.9    , -1107.557    , 89.25),
     (  964.01   ,   730.71704  , 27.25),
     (  949.81396,  -749.08295  , 46.25),
     ( -949.844  ,   749.08203  , 17.25),
     ( -964.048  ,  -730.71704  , 83.25),
     ( 1199.684  ,   357.573    , 10.25),
     ( 1192.605  ,  -380.52698  , 19.25),
     (-1192.635  ,   380.53     , 12.75),
     (-1199.7211 ,  -357.57     , 47.25),
     ( 1100.131  ,   -20.       ,  3.75),
     (  880.094  ,    -7.8690004,  4.25),
     (  785.     ,   -42.9      ,  4.25),
     ( -228.495  ,  -779.49896  , 68.25),
     (  910.     ,   471.       , 12.75),
     (  228.46   ,   810.       , 25.25),
     (   -0.     ,   350.       , 21.  ),
     (    0.     ,  -350.       , 39.  ),
     ( -270.     ,   320.       , 22.  ),
     ( -270.     ,  -320.       , 40.  ),
     (  270.     ,   320.       , 20.  ),
     (  270.     ,  -320.       , 30.  ),
     ( -280.     ,   575.       , 10.  ),
     ( -280.     ,  -575.00104  , 50.  ),
     (  280.     ,   575.       , 20.  ),
     (  280.     ,  -575.       , 40.  ),
     ( -685.     ,   175.       , 25.  ),
     ( -685.     ,  -175.       , 35.  ),
     (  685.     ,   175.       , 10.  ),
     (  685.     ,  -175.       , 18.  ),
     (-1070.     ,   250.       , 20.  ),
     (-1070.     ,  -250.       , 42.25),
     ( 1070.     ,   250.       ,  5.  ),
     ( 1070.     ,  -250.       , 11.75),
     ( -970.     ,    -0.       , 30.  ),
     (  970.     ,    -0.       ,  5.  ),
     (  120.     ,  -590.00104  , 45.  ),
     ( -120.     ,  -590.       , 49.  ),
     (  120.     ,   590.       , 13.  ),
     ( -120.     ,   590.       , 11.  ),
     ( -500.     ,   465.       , 10.  ),
     ( -500.     ,  -465.       , 52.  ),
     (  500.     ,   465.       , 15.  ),
     (  500.     ,  -465.       , 30.  ),
     ( -770.     ,   360.       , 20.  ),
     ( -770.     ,  -360.       , 53.  ),
     (  770.     ,   360.       , 10.  ),
     (  770.     ,  -360.       , 17.  ),
     ( -260.     ,   920.       , 25.  ),
     ( -260.     ,  -920.       , 75.  ),
     (  260.     ,   920.       , 45.  ),
     (  260.     ,  -920.       , 65.  ),
     ( -500.     ,   815.       , 15.  ),
     ( -500.     ,  -815.       , 75.  ),
     (  500.     ,   815.       , 45.  ),
     (  500.     ,  -815.       , 53.  ),
     ( -810.     ,   655.       , 12.  ),
     ( -810.     ,  -655.       , 68.  ),
     (  810.     ,   655.       , 20.  ),
     (  810.     ,  -655.       , 41.  )]>

so, with that method you can quickly get many telescope positions at once (the alternative is to use the dict positions which maps tel_id to a position on the ground

<Quantity [-20.643, -64.817,  34.3  ] m>

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 2.927 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery