ctapipe is not stable yet, so expect large and rapid changes to structure and functionality as we explore various design choices before the 1.0 release.

Using Container classes#

ctapipe.core.Container is the base class for all event-wise data classes in ctapipe. It works like a object-relational mapper, in that it defines a set of Fields along with their metadata (description, unit, default), which can be later translated automatically into an output table using a ctapipe.io.TableWriter.

13 from functools import partial
15 import numpy as np
16 from astropy import units as u
18 from ctapipe.containers import SimulatedShowerContainer
19 from ctapipe.core import Container, Field, Map

Let’s define a few example containers with some dummy fields in them:

26 class SubContainer(Container):
27     junk = Field(-1, "Some junk")
28     value = Field(0.0, "some value", unit=u.deg)
31 class TelContainer(Container):
32     # defaults should match the other requirements, e.g. the defaults
33     # should have the correct unit. It most often also makes sense to use
34     # an invalid value marker like nan for floats or -1 for positive integers
35     # as default
36     tel_id = Field(-1, "telescope ID number")
38     # For mutable structures like lists, arrays or containers, use a `default_factory` function or class
39     # not an instance to assure each container gets a fresh instance and there is no hidden
40     # shared state between containers.
41     image = Field(default_factory=lambda: np.zeros(10), description="camera pixel data")
44 class EventContainer(Container):
45     event_id = Field(-1, "event id number")
47     tels_with_data = Field(
48         default_factory=list, description="list of telescopes with data"
49     )
50     sub = Field(
51         default_factory=SubContainer, description="stuff"
52     )  # a sub-container in the hierarchy
54     # A Map is like a defaultdictionary with a specific container type as default.
55     # This can be used to e.g. store a container per telescope
56     # we use partial here to automatically get a function that creates a map with the correct container type
57     # as default
58     tel = Field(default_factory=partial(Map, TelContainer), description="telescopes")

Basic features#

66 ev = EventContainer()

Check that default values are automatically filled in

73 print(ev.event_id)
74 print(ev.sub)
75 print(ev.tel)
76 print(ev.tel.keys())
78 # default dict access will create container:
79 print(ev.tel[1])
{'junk': -1, 'value': 0.0}
Map(__main__.TelContainer, {})
{'image': array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), 'tel_id': -1}

print the dict representation

86 print(ev)
{'event_id': -1,
 'sub': {'junk': -1, 'value': 0.0},
 'tel': {1: {'image': array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]),
             'tel_id': -1}},
 'tels_with_data': []}

We also get docstrings “for free”

92 help(EventContainer)
Help on class EventContainer in module __main__:

class EventContainer(ctapipe.core.container.Container)
 |  EventContainer(prefix=None, **fields)
 |  Attributes
 |  ----------
 |  event_id : Field(default=-1)
 |      event id number
 |  tels_with_data : Field(default=builtins.list)
 |      list of telescopes with data
 |  sub : Field(default=__main__.SubContainer)
 |      stuff
 |  tel : Field(default=Map(__main__.TelContainer))
 |      telescopes
 |  meta : dict
 |      dict of attached metadata
 |  prefix : str
 |      Prefix attached to column names when saved to a table or file
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      EventContainer
 |      ctapipe.core.container.Container
 |      builtins.object
 |  Data descriptors defined here:
 |  event_id
 |  meta
 |  prefix
 |  sub
 |  tel
 |  tels_with_data
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  default_prefix = 'event'
 |  fields = {'event_id': Field(default=-1), 'sub': Field(default=__main__...
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from ctapipe.core.container.Container:
 |  __getitem__(self, key)
 |  __init__(self, prefix=None, **fields)
 |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
 |  __repr__(self)
 |      Return repr(self).
 |  __setitem__(self, key, value)
 |  __str__(self)
 |      Return str(self).
 |  as_dict(self, recursive=False, flatten=False, add_prefix=False, add_key=False)
 |      Convert the `Container` into a dictionary
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      recursive: bool
 |          sub-Containers should also be converted to dicts
 |      flatten: type
 |          return a flat dictionary, with any sub-field keys generated
 |          by appending the sub-Container name.
 |      add_prefix: bool
 |          include the container's prefix in the name of each item
 |      add_key: bool
 |          include map key
 |  items(self, add_prefix=False)
 |      Generator over (key, value) pairs for the items
 |  keys(self)
 |      Get the keys of the container
 |  reset(self)
 |      Reset all values back to their default values
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      recursive: bool
 |          If true, also reset all sub-containers
 |  update(self, **values)
 |      update more than one parameter at once (e.g. ``update(x=3,y=4)``
 |      or ``update(**dict_of_values)``)
 |  validate(self)
 |      Check that all fields in the Container have the expected characteristics (as
 |      defined by the Field metadata).  This is not intended to be run every time a
 |      Container is filled, since it is slow, only for testing a first event.
 |      Raises
 |      ------
 |      ValueError:
 |          if the Container's values are not valid
 |  values(self)
 |      Get the keys of the container
95 help(SubContainer)
Help on class SubContainer in module __main__:

class SubContainer(ctapipe.core.container.Container)
 |  SubContainer(prefix=None, **fields)
 |  Attributes
 |  ----------
 |  junk : Field(default=-1)
 |      Some junk
 |  value : Field(default=0.0, unit=deg)
 |      some value
 |  meta : dict
 |      dict of attached metadata
 |  prefix : str
 |      Prefix attached to column names when saved to a table or file
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      SubContainer
 |      ctapipe.core.container.Container
 |      builtins.object
 |  Data descriptors defined here:
 |  junk
 |  meta
 |  prefix
 |  value
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  default_prefix = 'sub'
 |  fields = {'junk': Field(default=-1), 'value': Field(default=0.0, unit=...
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from ctapipe.core.container.Container:
 |  __getitem__(self, key)
 |  __init__(self, prefix=None, **fields)
 |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
 |  __repr__(self)
 |      Return repr(self).
 |  __setitem__(self, key, value)
 |  __str__(self)
 |      Return str(self).
 |  as_dict(self, recursive=False, flatten=False, add_prefix=False, add_key=False)
 |      Convert the `Container` into a dictionary
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      recursive: bool
 |          sub-Containers should also be converted to dicts
 |      flatten: type
 |          return a flat dictionary, with any sub-field keys generated
 |          by appending the sub-Container name.
 |      add_prefix: bool
 |          include the container's prefix in the name of each item
 |      add_key: bool
 |          include map key
 |  items(self, add_prefix=False)
 |      Generator over (key, value) pairs for the items
 |  keys(self)
 |      Get the keys of the container
 |  reset(self)
 |      Reset all values back to their default values
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      recursive: bool
 |          If true, also reset all sub-containers
 |  update(self, **values)
 |      update more than one parameter at once (e.g. ``update(x=3,y=4)``
 |      or ``update(**dict_of_values)``)
 |  validate(self)
 |      Check that all fields in the Container have the expected characteristics (as
 |      defined by the Field metadata).  This is not intended to be run every time a
 |      Container is filled, since it is slow, only for testing a first event.
 |      Raises
 |      ------
 |      ValueError:
 |          if the Container's values are not valid
 |  values(self)
 |      Get the keys of the container

values can be set as normal for a class:

101 ev.event_id = 100
102 ev.event_id
105 ev.as_dict()  # by default only shows the bare items, not sub-containers (See later)
{'event_id': 100, 'tels_with_data': [], 'sub': __main__.SubContainer:
                          junk: Some junk with default -1
                         value: some value with default 0.0 [deg], 'tel': Map(__main__.TelContainer, {1: __main__.TelContainer:
                        tel_id: telescope ID number with default -1
                         image: camera pixel data with default None})}
108 ev.as_dict(recursive=True)
{'event_id': 100, 'tels_with_data': [], 'sub': {'junk': -1, 'value': 0.0}, 'tel': {1: {'tel_id': -1, 'image': array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])}}}

and we can add a few of these to the parent container inside the tel dict:

116 ev.tel[10] = TelContainer()
117 ev.tel[5] = TelContainer()
118 ev.tel[42] = TelContainer()

because we are using a default_factory to handle mutable defaults, the images are actually different:

122 ev.tel[42].image is ev.tel[32]

Be careful to use the default_factory mechanism for mutable fields, see this negative example:

131 class DangerousContainer(Container):
132     image = Field(
133         np.zeros(10),
134         description=(
135             "Attention!!!! Globally mutable shared state. Use default_factory instead"
136         ),
137     )
140 c1 = DangerousContainer()
141 c2 = DangerousContainer()
143 c1.image[5] = 9999
145 print(c1.image)
146 print(c2.image)
147 print(c1.image is c2.image)
[   0.    0.    0.    0.    0. 9999.    0.    0.    0.    0.]
[   0.    0.    0.    0.    0. 9999.    0.    0.    0.    0.]
150 ev.tel
Map(__main__.TelContainer, {1: __main__.TelContainer:
                        tel_id: telescope ID number with default -1
                         image: camera pixel data with default None, 10: __main__.TelContainer:
                        tel_id: telescope ID number with default -1
                         image: camera pixel data with default None, 5: __main__.TelContainer:
                        tel_id: telescope ID number with default -1
                         image: camera pixel data with default None, 42: __main__.TelContainer:
                        tel_id: telescope ID number with default -1
                         image: camera pixel data with default None, 32: __main__.TelContainer:
                        tel_id: telescope ID number with default -1
                         image: camera pixel data with default None})

Conversion to dictionaries#

158 ev.as_dict()
{'event_id': 100, 'tels_with_data': [], 'sub': __main__.SubContainer:
                          junk: Some junk with default -1
                         value: some value with default 0.0 [deg], 'tel': Map(__main__.TelContainer, {1: __main__.TelContainer:
                        tel_id: telescope ID number with default -1
                         image: camera pixel data with default None, 10: __main__.TelContainer:
                        tel_id: telescope ID number with default -1
                         image: camera pixel data with default None, 5: __main__.TelContainer:
                        tel_id: telescope ID number with default -1
                         image: camera pixel data with default None, 42: __main__.TelContainer:
                        tel_id: telescope ID number with default -1
                         image: camera pixel data with default None, 32: __main__.TelContainer:
                        tel_id: telescope ID number with default -1
                         image: camera pixel data with default None})}
161 ev.as_dict(recursive=True, flatten=False)
{'event_id': 100, 'tels_with_data': [], 'sub': {'junk': -1, 'value': 0.0}, 'tel': {1: {'tel_id': -1, 'image': array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])}, 10: {'tel_id': -1, 'image': array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])}, 5: {'tel_id': -1, 'image': array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])}, 42: {'tel_id': -1, 'image': array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])}, 32: {'tel_id': -1, 'image': array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])}}}

for serialization to a table, we can even flatten the output into a single set of columns

169 ev.as_dict(recursive=True, flatten=True)
{'event_id': 100, 'tels_with_data': [], 'junk': -1, 'value': 0.0, 'tel_id': -1, 'image': array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])}

Setting and clearing values#

177 ev.tel[5].image[:] = 9
178 print(ev)
{'event_id': 100,
 'sub': {'junk': -1, 'value': 0.0},
 'tel': {1: {'image': array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]),
             'tel_id': -1},
         5: {'image': array([9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9.]),
             'tel_id': -1},
         10: {'image': array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]),
              'tel_id': -1},
         32: {'image': array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]),
              'tel_id': -1},
         42: {'image': array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]),
              'tel_id': -1}},
 'tels_with_data': []}
181 ev.reset()
182 ev.as_dict(recursive=True)
{'event_id': -1, 'tels_with_data': [], 'sub': {'junk': -1, 'value': 0.0}, 'tel': {}}

look at a pre-defined Container#

191 help(SimulatedShowerContainer)
Help on class SimulatedShowerContainer in module ctapipe.containers:

class SimulatedShowerContainer(ctapipe.core.container.Container)
 |  SimulatedShowerContainer(prefix=None, **fields)
 |  Attributes
 |  ----------
 |  energy : Field(default=nan TeV, unit=TeV)
 |      Simulated Energy
 |  alt : Field(default=nan deg, unit=deg)
 |      Simulated altitude
 |  az : Field(default=nan deg, unit=deg)
 |      Simulated azimuth
 |  core_x : Field(default=nan m, unit=m)
 |      Simulated core position (x)
 |  core_y : Field(default=nan m, unit=m)
 |      Simulated core position (y)
 |  h_first_int : Field(default=nan m, unit=m)
 |      Height of first interaction
 |  x_max : Field(default=nan g / cm2, unit=g / cm2)
 |      Simulated Xmax value
 |  starting_grammage : Field(default=nan g / cm2, unit=g / cm2)
 |      Grammage (mass overburden) where the particle was injected into the atmosphere
 |  shower_primary_id : Field(default=32767)
 |      Simulated shower primary ID 0 (gamma), 1(e-),2(mu-), 100*A+Z for nucleons and nuclei,negative for antimatter.
 |  meta : dict
 |      dict of attached metadata
 |  prefix : str
 |      Prefix attached to column names when saved to a table or file
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      SimulatedShowerContainer
 |      ctapipe.core.container.Container
 |      builtins.object
 |  Data descriptors defined here:
 |  alt
 |  az
 |  core_x
 |  core_y
 |  energy
 |  h_first_int
 |  meta
 |  prefix
 |  shower_primary_id
 |  starting_grammage
 |  x_max
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  __slotnames__ = ['energy', 'alt', 'az', 'core_x', 'core_y', 'h_first_i...
 |  default_prefix = 'true'
 |  fields = {'alt': Field(default=nan deg, unit=deg), 'az': Field(default...
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from ctapipe.core.container.Container:
 |  __getitem__(self, key)
 |  __init__(self, prefix=None, **fields)
 |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
 |  __repr__(self)
 |      Return repr(self).
 |  __setitem__(self, key, value)
 |  __str__(self)
 |      Return str(self).
 |  as_dict(self, recursive=False, flatten=False, add_prefix=False, add_key=False)
 |      Convert the `Container` into a dictionary
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      recursive: bool
 |          sub-Containers should also be converted to dicts
 |      flatten: type
 |          return a flat dictionary, with any sub-field keys generated
 |          by appending the sub-Container name.
 |      add_prefix: bool
 |          include the container's prefix in the name of each item
 |      add_key: bool
 |          include map key
 |  items(self, add_prefix=False)
 |      Generator over (key, value) pairs for the items
 |  keys(self)
 |      Get the keys of the container
 |  reset(self)
 |      Reset all values back to their default values
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      recursive: bool
 |          If true, also reset all sub-containers
 |  update(self, **values)
 |      update more than one parameter at once (e.g. ``update(x=3,y=4)``
 |      or ``update(**dict_of_values)``)
 |  validate(self)
 |      Check that all fields in the Container have the expected characteristics (as
 |      defined by the Field metadata).  This is not intended to be run every time a
 |      Container is filled, since it is slow, only for testing a first event.
 |      Raises
 |      ------
 |      ValueError:
 |          if the Container's values are not valid
 |  values(self)
 |      Get the keys of the container
194 shower = SimulatedShowerContainer()
195 shower
                        energy: Simulated Energy with default nan TeV [TeV]
                           alt: Simulated altitude with default nan deg [deg]
                            az: Simulated azimuth with default nan deg [deg]
                        core_x: Simulated core position (x) with default nan m
                        core_y: Simulated core position (y) with default nan m
                   h_first_int: Height of first interaction with default nan m
                         x_max: Simulated Xmax value with default nan g / cm2 [g
                                / cm2]
             starting_grammage: Grammage (mass overburden) where the particle
                                was injected into the atmosphere with default
                                nan g / cm2 [g / cm2]
             shower_primary_id: Simulated shower primary ID 0 (gamma),
                                1(e-),2(mu-), 100*A+Z for nucleons and
                                nuclei,negative for antimatter. with default

Container prefixes#

To store the same container in the same table in a file or give more information, containers support setting a custom prefix:

206 c1 = SubContainer(junk=5, value=3, prefix="foo")
207 c2 = SubContainer(junk=10, value=9001, prefix="bar")
209 # create a common dict with data from both containers:
210 d = c1.as_dict(add_prefix=True)
211 d.update(c2.as_dict(add_prefix=True))
212 d
{'foo_junk': 5, 'foo_value': 3, 'bar_junk': 10, 'bar_value': 9001}

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.026 seconds)

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