ctapipe is not stable yet, so expect large and rapid changes to structure and functionality as we explore various design choices before the 1.0 release.


class ctapipe.reco.StereoMeanCombiner(**kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: StereoCombiner

Calculate array-event prediction as (weighted) mean of telescope-wise predictions.

Attributes Summary


If true, calculate exp(mean(log(values))).


What kind of weights to use.

Methods Summary


Calculate the mean prediction for a single array event.


Calculates the (array-)event-wise mean.

Attributes Documentation


If true, calculate exp(mean(log(values))).


What kind of weights to use. Options: none, intensity, konrad.

Methods Documentation

__call__(event: ArrayEventContainer) None[source]#

Calculate the mean prediction for a single array event.

predict_table(mono_predictions: Table) Table[source]#

Calculates the (array-)event-wise mean. Telescope events, that are nan, get discarded. This means you might end up with less events if all telescope predictions of a shower are invalid.