ctapipe is not stable yet, so expect large and rapid changes to structure and functionality as we explore various design choices before the 1.0 release.


class ctapipe.core.traits.Set(*, allow_none: Literal[False], read_only: bool | None = ..., help: str | None = ..., config: Any | None = ..., **kwargs: Any)#
class ctapipe.core.traits.Set(*, allow_none: Literal[True], read_only: bool | None = ..., help: str | None = ..., config: Any | None = ..., **kwargs: Any)
class ctapipe.core.traits.Set(*, trait: Any = ..., default_value: Any = ..., help: str = ..., read_only: bool = ..., config: Any = ..., **kwargs: Any)

Bases: Container[Set[Any]]

An instance of a Python set.

Methods Summary


length_error(obj, value)

set(obj, value)

validate_elements(obj, value)

Methods Documentation

default_value_repr() str[source]#
length_error(obj: Any, value: Any) None[source]#
set(obj: Any, value: Any) None[source]#
validate_elements(obj: Any, value: Any) Any[source]#