Camera Readout

The CameraReadout stores information regarding the waveform readout from the Cherenkov camera, such as sampling rate and information on the reference pulse shape.

There are several ways to obtain a CameraReadout:

CameraReadout is used by the ImageExtractor in the ctapipe.image module to ensure the images are scaled to the correct units.


You can write out a CameraReadout by using the CameraReadout.to_table()
method to turn it into a Table, and then call its write()

function. Reading it back in can be done with CameraReadout.from_table().

readout = CameraReadout(...)  # constructed elsewhere

readout.to_table().write('mycam.fits.gz') # FITS output
readout.to_table().write('mycam.h5', path='/cameras/mycam') # hdf5 output
readout.to_table().write('mycam.ecsv', format='ascii.ecsv') # text table

# later read back in:

readout = CameraReadout.from_table('mycam.ecsv', format='ascii.ecsv')
readout = CameraReadout.from_table('mycam.fits.gz')
readout = CameraReadout.from_table('mycam.h5', path='/cameras/mycam')

Reference/API Module

Utilities for reading or working with Camera geometry files


CameraReadout(name, sampling_rate, …[, …])

Stores properties related to the readout of a Cherenkov Camera.