
class ctapipe.reco.EnergyRegressor(**kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: ctapipe.reco.sklearn.SKLearnRegressionReconstructor

Use a scikit-learn regression model per telescope type to predict primary energy

Attributes Summary


property predicted, overridden in baseclass


Name of the target table column for training

Methods Summary


Apply model for a single event and fill result into the event container

predict_table(key, table)

Predict on a table of events

Attributes Documentation

property = 'energy'

property predicted, overridden in baseclass

target: str = 'true_energy'

Name of the target table column for training

Methods Documentation

__call__(event: ctapipe.containers.ArrayEventContainer)None[source]

Apply model for a single event and fill result into the event container

predict_table(key, table: astropy.table.table.Table)Dict[ctapipe.reco.reconstructor.ReconstructionProperty, astropy.table.table.Table][source]

Predict on a table of events