Source code for ctapipe.reco.stereo_combination

from abc import abstractmethod

import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
from astropy.coordinates import AltAz, CartesianRepresentation, SphericalRepresentation
from astropy.table import Table
from traitlets import UseEnum

from ctapipe.core import Component, Container
from ctapipe.core.traits import Bool, CaselessStrEnum, Unicode
from ctapipe.reco.reconstructor import ReconstructionProperty

from ..compat import COPY_IF_NEEDED
from ..containers import (
from .utils import add_defaults_and_meta

_containers = {
    ReconstructionProperty.ENERGY: ReconstructedEnergyContainer,
    ReconstructionProperty.PARTICLE_TYPE: ParticleClassificationContainer,
    ReconstructionProperty.GEOMETRY: ReconstructedGeometryContainer,

__all__ = [

def _grouped_add(tel_data, n_array_events, indices):
    Calculate the group-wise sum for each array event over the
    corresponding telescope events. ``indices`` is an array
    that gives the index of the subarray event for each telescope event,
    returned by
    ``np.unique(tel_events[["obs_id", "event_id"]], return_inverse=True)``
    combined_values = np.zeros(n_array_events), indices, tel_data)
    return combined_values

def _weighted_mean_ufunc(tel_values, weights, n_array_events, indices):
    # avoid numerical problems by very large or small weights
    weights = weights / weights.max()
    sum_prediction = _grouped_add(
        tel_values * weights,
    sum_of_weights = _grouped_add(
    mean = np.full(n_array_events, np.nan)
    valid = sum_of_weights > 0
    mean[valid] = sum_prediction[valid] / sum_of_weights[valid]
    return mean

[docs] class StereoCombiner(Component): """ Base Class for algorithms combining telescope-wise predictions to common prediction. """ prefix = Unicode( default_value="", help="Prefix to be added to the output container / column names.", ).tag(config=True) property = UseEnum( ReconstructionProperty, help="Which property is being combined.", ).tag(config=True)
[docs] @abstractmethod def __call__(self, event: ArrayEventContainer) -> None: """ Fill event container with stereo predictions. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def predict_table(self, mono_predictions: Table) -> Table: """ Constructs stereo predictions from a table of telescope events. """
[docs] class StereoMeanCombiner(StereoCombiner): """ Calculate array-event prediction as (weighted) mean of telescope-wise predictions. """ weights = CaselessStrEnum( ["none", "intensity", "konrad"], default_value="none", help=( "What kind of weights to use." " Options: ``none``, ``intensity``, ``konrad``." ), ).tag(config=True) log_target = Bool( False, help="If true, calculate exp(mean(log(values))).", ).tag(config=True) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.supported = { ReconstructionProperty.ENERGY, ReconstructionProperty.GEOMETRY, ReconstructionProperty.PARTICLE_TYPE, } if not in self.supported: raise NotImplementedError( f"Combination of {} not implemented in {self.__class__.__name__}" ) def _calculate_weights(self, data): if isinstance(data, Container): if self.weights == "intensity": return data.hillas.intensity if self.weights == "konrad": return data.hillas.intensity * data.hillas.length / data.hillas.width return 1 if isinstance(data, Table): if self.weights == "intensity": return data["hillas_intensity"] if self.weights == "konrad": return ( data["hillas_intensity"] * data["hillas_length"] / data["hillas_width"] ) return np.ones(len(data)) raise TypeError( "Dl1 data needs to be provided in the form of a container or astropy.table.Table" ) def _combine_energy(self, event): ids = [] values = [] weights = [] for tel_id, dl2 in mono =[self.prefix] if mono.is_valid: values.append( if tel_id not in raise ValueError("No parameters for weighting available") weights.append( self._calculate_weights([tel_id].parameters) ) ids.append(tel_id) if len(values) > 0: weights = np.array(weights, dtype=np.float64) weights /= weights.max() if self.log_target: values = np.log(values) mean = np.average(values, weights=weights) std = np.sqrt(np.cov(values, aweights=weights)) if self.log_target: mean = np.exp(mean) std = np.exp(std) valid = True else: mean = std = np.nan valid = False[self.prefix] = ReconstructedEnergyContainer( energy=u.Quantity(mean, u.TeV, copy=COPY_IF_NEEDED), energy_uncert=u.Quantity(std, u.TeV, copy=COPY_IF_NEEDED), telescopes=ids, is_valid=valid, prefix=self.prefix, ) def _combine_classification(self, event): ids = [] values = [] weights = [] for tel_id, dl2 in mono = dl2.classification[self.prefix] if mono.is_valid: values.append(mono.prediction) dl1 =[tel_id].parameters weights.append(self._calculate_weights(dl1) if dl1 else 1) ids.append(tel_id) if len(values) > 0: mean = np.average(values, weights=weights) valid = True else: mean = np.nan valid = False container = ParticleClassificationContainer( prediction=mean, telescopes=ids, is_valid=valid, prefix=self.prefix ) event.dl2.stereo.classification[self.prefix] = container def _combine_altaz(self, event): ids = [] alt_values = [] az_values = [] weights = [] for tel_id, dl2 in mono = dl2.geometry[self.prefix] if mono.is_valid: alt_values.append(mono.alt) az_values.append( dl1 =[tel_id].parameters weights.append(self._calculate_weights(dl1) if dl1 else 1) ids.append(tel_id) if len(alt_values) > 0: # by construction len(alt_values) == len(az_values) coord = AltAz(alt=alt_values, az=az_values) # mono_x, mono_y, mono_z = coord.cartesian.get_xyz() stereo_x = np.average(mono_x, weights=weights) stereo_y = np.average(mono_y, weights=weights) stereo_z = np.average(mono_z, weights=weights) mean_cartesian = CartesianRepresentation(x=stereo_x, y=stereo_y, z=stereo_z) mean_spherical = mean_cartesian.represent_as(SphericalRepresentation) mean_altaz = AltAz(mean_spherical) # r = mean_spherical.distance.to_value() std = np.sqrt(-2 * np.log(r)) valid = True else: mean_altaz = AltAz( alt=u.Quantity(np.nan, u.deg, copy=COPY_IF_NEEDED), az=u.Quantity(np.nan, u.deg, copy=COPY_IF_NEEDED), ) std = np.nan valid = False event.dl2.stereo.geometry[self.prefix] = ReconstructedGeometryContainer( alt=mean_altaz.alt,, ang_distance_uncert=u.Quantity(np.rad2deg(std), u.deg, copy=COPY_IF_NEEDED), telescopes=ids, is_valid=valid, prefix=self.prefix, )
[docs] def __call__(self, event: ArrayEventContainer) -> None: """ Calculate the mean prediction for a single array event. """ properties = [ & itm for itm in self.supported if & itm in ReconstructionProperty ] for prop in properties: if prop is ReconstructionProperty.ENERGY: self._combine_energy(event) elif prop is ReconstructionProperty.PARTICLE_TYPE: self._combine_classification(event) elif prop is ReconstructionProperty.GEOMETRY: self._combine_altaz(event)
[docs] def predict_table(self, mono_predictions: Table) -> Table: """ Calculates the (array-)event-wise mean. Telescope events, that are nan, get discarded. This means you might end up with less events if all telescope predictions of a shower are invalid. """ prefix = f"{self.prefix}_tel" # TODO: Integrate table quality query once its done valid = mono_predictions[f"{prefix}_is_valid"] valid_predictions = mono_predictions[valid] array_events, indices, multiplicity = np.unique( mono_predictions[["obs_id", "event_id"]], return_inverse=True, return_counts=True, ) stereo_table = Table(array_events) # copy metadata for colname in ("obs_id", "event_id"): stereo_table[colname].description = mono_predictions[colname].description n_array_events = len(array_events) weights = self._calculate_weights(valid_predictions) if is ReconstructionProperty.PARTICLE_TYPE: if len(valid_predictions) > 0: mono_predictions = valid_predictions[f"{prefix}_prediction"] stereo_predictions = _weighted_mean_ufunc( mono_predictions, weights, n_array_events, indices[valid] ) else: stereo_predictions = np.full(n_array_events, np.nan) stereo_table[f"{self.prefix}_prediction"] = stereo_predictions stereo_table[f"{self.prefix}_is_valid"] = np.isfinite(stereo_predictions) stereo_table[f"{self.prefix}_goodness_of_fit"] = np.nan elif is ReconstructionProperty.ENERGY: if len(valid_predictions) > 0: mono_energies = valid_predictions[f"{prefix}_energy"].quantity.to_value( u.TeV ) if self.log_target: mono_energies = np.log(mono_energies) stereo_energy = _weighted_mean_ufunc( mono_energies, weights, n_array_events, indices[valid], ) variance = _weighted_mean_ufunc( (mono_energies - np.repeat(stereo_energy, multiplicity)[valid]) ** 2, weights, n_array_events, indices[valid], ) std = np.sqrt(variance) if self.log_target: stereo_energy = np.exp(stereo_energy) std = np.exp(std) else: stereo_energy = np.full(n_array_events, np.nan) std = np.full(n_array_events, np.nan) stereo_table[f"{self.prefix}_energy"] = u.Quantity( stereo_energy, u.TeV, copy=COPY_IF_NEEDED ) stereo_table[f"{self.prefix}_energy_uncert"] = u.Quantity( std, u.TeV, copy=COPY_IF_NEEDED ) stereo_table[f"{self.prefix}_is_valid"] = np.isfinite(stereo_energy) stereo_table[f"{self.prefix}_goodness_of_fit"] = np.nan elif is ReconstructionProperty.GEOMETRY: if len(valid_predictions) > 0: coord = AltAz( alt=valid_predictions[f"{prefix}_alt"], az=valid_predictions[f"{prefix}_az"], ) # mono_x, mono_y, mono_z = coord.cartesian.get_xyz() stereo_x = _weighted_mean_ufunc( mono_x, weights, n_array_events, indices[valid] ) stereo_y = _weighted_mean_ufunc( mono_y, weights, n_array_events, indices[valid] ) stereo_z = _weighted_mean_ufunc( mono_z, weights, n_array_events, indices[valid] ) mean_cartesian = CartesianRepresentation( x=stereo_x, y=stereo_y, z=stereo_z ) mean_spherical = mean_cartesian.represent_as(SphericalRepresentation) mean_altaz = AltAz(mean_spherical) # r = mean_spherical.distance.to_value() std = np.sqrt(-2 * np.log(r)) else: mean_altaz = AltAz( alt=u.Quantity( np.full(n_array_events, np.nan), u.deg, copy=COPY_IF_NEEDED ), az=u.Quantity( np.full(n_array_events, np.nan), u.deg, copy=COPY_IF_NEEDED ), ) std = np.full(n_array_events, np.nan) stereo_table[f"{self.prefix}_alt"] = stereo_table[f"{self.prefix}_az"] = stereo_table[f"{self.prefix}_ang_distance_uncert"] = u.Quantity( np.rad2deg(std), u.deg, copy=COPY_IF_NEEDED ) stereo_table[f"{self.prefix}_is_valid"] = np.logical_and( np.isfinite(stereo_table[f"{self.prefix}_alt"]), np.isfinite(stereo_table[f"{self.prefix}_az"]), ) stereo_table[f"{self.prefix}_goodness_of_fit"] = np.nan else: raise NotImplementedError() tel_ids = [[] for _ in range(n_array_events)] for index, tel_id in zip(indices[valid], valid_predictions["tel_id"]): tel_ids[index].append(tel_id) stereo_table[f"{self.prefix}_telescopes"] = tel_ids add_defaults_and_meta(stereo_table, _containers[], self.prefix) return stereo_table