Source code for ctapipe.reco.sklearn

Component Wrappers around sklearn models
import pathlib
from abc import abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy

import astropy.units as u
import joblib
import numpy as np
from astropy.coordinates import AltAz
from astropy.table import QTable, Table, hstack
from astropy.utils.decorators import lazyproperty
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, r2_score, roc_auc_score
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold, StratifiedKFold
from sklearn.utils import all_estimators
from tables import open_file
from tqdm import tqdm
from traitlets import TraitError, observe

from ctapipe.exceptions import TooFewEvents

from ..containers import (
from ..coordinates import TelescopeFrame
from ..core import (
from import write_table
from .preprocessing import collect_features, table_to_X, telescope_to_horizontal
from .reconstructor import ReconstructionProperty, Reconstructor
from .stereo_combination import StereoCombiner
from .utils import add_defaults_and_meta

__all__ = [

SUPPORTED_CLASSIFIERS = dict(all_estimators("classifier"))
SUPPORTED_REGRESSORS = dict(all_estimators("regressor"))

_invalid_geometry = ReconstructedGeometryContainer(
    alt=u.Quantity(np.nan, unit=u.deg),
    az=u.Quantity(np.nan, unit=u.deg),

class MLQualityQuery(QualityQuery):
    """Quality criteria for machine learning models with different defaults"""

    quality_criteria = traits.List(
            ("> 50 phe", "hillas_intensity > 50"),
            ("Positive width", "hillas_width > 0"),
            ("> 3 pixels", "morphology_n_pixels > 3"),
            ("valid stereo reco", "HillasReconstructor_is_valid"),

[docs] class SKLearnReconstructor(Reconstructor): """ Base Class for a Machine Learning Based Reconstructor. Keeps a dictionary of sklearn models, the current tools are designed to train one model per telescope type. """ #: Name of the target table column for training. target: str = "" #: Property predicted, overridden in subclass. property = None prefix = traits.Unicode( default_value=None, allow_none=True, help="Prefix for the output of this model. If None, ``model_cls`` is used.", ).tag(config=True) features = traits.List( traits.Unicode(), help="Features to use for this model." ).tag(config=True) model_config = traits.Dict({}, help="kwargs for the sklearn model.").tag( config=True ) model_cls = traits.Enum( SUPPORTED_MODELS.keys(), default_value=None, allow_none=True, help="Which scikit-learn model to use.", ).tag(config=True) stereo_combiner_cls = traits.ComponentName( StereoCombiner, default_value="StereoMeanCombiner", help="Which stereo combination method to use.", ).tag(config=True) load_path = traits.Path( default_value=None, allow_none=True, help="If given, load serialized model from this path.", ).tag(config=True) def __init__( self, subarray=None, atmosphere_profile=None, models=None, n_jobs=None, **kwargs ): # Run the Component __init__ first to handle the configuration # and make `self.load_path` available Component.__init__(self, **kwargs) if self.load_path is None: if self.model_cls is None: raise TraitError( "Must provide `model_cls` if not loading model from file" ) if subarray is None: raise TypeError( "__init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'subarray'" ) if self.prefix is None: # Default prefix is model_cls self.prefix = self.model_cls super().__init__(subarray, atmosphere_profile, **kwargs) self.feature_generator = FeatureGenerator(parent=self) self.quality_query = MLQualityQuery(parent=self) # to verify settings self._new_model() self._models = {} if models is None else models self.unit = None self.stereo_combiner = StereoCombiner.from_name( self.stereo_combiner_cls, prefix=self.prefix,, parent=self, ) else: loaded = if ( subarray is not None and loaded.subarray.telescope_types != subarray.telescope_types ): self.log.warning( "Supplied subarray has different telescopes than subarray loaded from file" ) self.__dict__.update(loaded.__dict__) self.subarray = subarray if self.prefix is None: self.prefix = self.model_cls
[docs] @abstractmethod def __call__(self, event: ArrayEventContainer) -> None: """ Event-wise prediction for the EventSource-Loop. Fills the event.dl2.<your-feature>[name] container. Parameters ---------- event: ArrayEventContainer """
[docs] @abstractmethod def predict_table(self, key, table: Table) -> Table: """ Predict on a table of events. Parameters ---------- key : Hashable Key of the model. Currently always a `~ctapipe.instrument.TelescopeDescription` as we train models per telescope type. table : `~astropy.table.Table` Table of features Returns ------- table : `~astropy.table.Table` Table(s) with predictions, matches the corresponding container definition(s) """
[docs] def write(self, path, overwrite=False): path = pathlib.Path(path) if path.exists() and not overwrite: raise OSError(f"Path {path} exists and overwrite=False") with"wb") as f: Provenance().add_output_file(path, role="ml-models") joblib.dump(self, f, compress=True)
@lazyproperty def instrument_table(self): return QTable(self.subarray.to_table("joined")) def _new_model(self): cfg = self.model_config if self.n_jobs: cfg["n_jobs"] = self.n_jobs return SUPPORTED_MODELS[self.model_cls](**cfg) def _table_to_y(self, table, mask=None): """ Extract target values as numpy array from input table. """ # make sure we use the unit that was used during training if self.unit is not None: return table[mask][].quantity.to_value(self.unit) return np.array(table[][mask])
[docs] def fit(self, key, table): """ Create and fit a new model for ``key`` using the data in ``table``. """ self._models[key] = self._new_model() X, valid = table_to_X(table, self.features, self.log) self.unit = table[].unit y = self._table_to_y(table, mask=valid) self._models[key].fit(X, y)
@observe("n_jobs") def _set_n_jobs(self, n_jobs): """ Update n_jobs of all associated models. """ if hasattr(self, "_models"): for model in self._models.values(): model.n_jobs =
[docs] class SKLearnRegressionReconstructor(SKLearnReconstructor): """Base class for regression tasks.""" model_cls = traits.Enum( SUPPORTED_REGRESSORS.keys(), default_value=None, allow_none=True, help="Which scikit-learn regression model to use.", ).tag(config=True) log_target = traits.Bool( default_value=False, help="If True, the model is trained to predict the natural logarithm.", ).tag(config=True) def _predict(self, key, table): if key not in self._models: raise KeyError( f"No model available for key {key}," f" available models: {self._models.keys()}" ) X, valid = table_to_X(table, self.features, self.log) n_outputs = getattr(self._models[key], "n_outputs_", 1) if n_outputs > 1: shape = (len(table), n_outputs) else: shape = (len(table),) prediction = np.full(shape, np.nan) if np.any(valid): valid_predictions = self._models[key].predict(X) if self.log_target: prediction[valid] = np.exp(valid_predictions) else: prediction[valid] = valid_predictions if self.unit is not None: prediction = u.Quantity(prediction, self.unit, copy=False) return prediction, valid def _table_to_y(self, table, mask=None): y = super()._table_to_y(table, mask=mask) if self.log_target: if np.any(y <= 0): raise ValueError("y contains negative values, cannot apply log") return np.log(y) return y
[docs] class SKLearnClassificationReconstructor(SKLearnReconstructor): """Base class for classification tasks.""" model_cls = traits.Enum( SUPPORTED_CLASSIFIERS.keys(), default_value=None, allow_none=True, help="Which scikit-learn classification model to use.", ).tag(config=True) invalid_class = traits.Integer( default_value=-1, help="The label value to fill in case no prediction could be made.", ).tag(config=True) positive_class = traits.Integer( default_value=1, help=( "The label value of the positive class in case of binary classification." " ``prediction`` values close to 1.0 mean the event" " belonged likely to this class." ), ).tag(config=True) def _predict(self, key, table): if key not in self._models: raise KeyError( f"No model available for key {key}," f" available models: {self._models.keys()}" ) X, valid = table_to_X(table, self.features, self.log) n_outputs = getattr(self._models[key], "n_outputs_", 1) if n_outputs > 1: shape = (len(table), n_outputs) else: shape = (len(table),) prediction = np.full(shape, self.invalid_class, dtype=np.int8) if np.any(valid): prediction[valid] = self._models[key].predict(X) return prediction, valid def _predict_score(self, key, table): if key not in self._models: raise KeyError( f"No model available for key {key}," f" available models: {self._models.keys()}" ) X, valid = table_to_X(table, self.features, self.log) n_classes = getattr(self._models[key], "n_classes_", 2) n_rows = len(table) shape = (n_rows, n_classes) if n_classes > 2 else (n_rows,) scores = np.full(shape, np.nan) if np.any(valid): prediction = self._models[key].predict_proba(X)[:] if n_classes > 2: scores[valid] = prediction else: # only return one score for the positive class scores[valid] = prediction[:, self._get_positive_index(key)] return scores, valid def _get_positive_index(self, key): return np.nonzero(self._models[key].classes_ == self.positive_class)[0][0]
[docs] class EnergyRegressor(SKLearnRegressionReconstructor): """ Use a scikit-learn regression model per telescope type to predict primary energy. """ target = "true_energy" property = ReconstructionProperty.ENERGY
[docs] def __call__(self, event: ArrayEventContainer) -> None: for tel_id in event.trigger.tels_with_trigger: table = collect_features(event, tel_id, self.instrument_table) table = self.feature_generator(table, subarray=self.subarray) # get_table_mask returns a table with a single row passes_quality_checks = self.quality_query.get_table_mask(table)[0] if passes_quality_checks: prediction, valid = self._predict([tel_id], table, ) container = ReconstructedEnergyContainer( energy=prediction[0], is_valid=valid[0], ) else: container = ReconstructedEnergyContainer( energy=u.Quantity(np.nan, self.unit), is_valid=False, ) container.prefix = f"{self.prefix}_tel"[tel_id].energy[self.prefix] = container self.stereo_combiner(event)
[docs] def predict_table(self, key, table: Table) -> dict[ReconstructionProperty, Table]: table = self.feature_generator(table, subarray=self.subarray) n_rows = len(table) energy = u.Quantity(np.full(n_rows, np.nan), self.unit, copy=False) is_valid = np.full(n_rows, False) valid = self.quality_query.get_table_mask(table) energy[valid], is_valid[valid] = self._predict(key, table[valid]) result = Table( { f"{self.prefix}_tel_energy": energy, f"{self.prefix}_tel_is_valid": is_valid, } ) add_defaults_and_meta( result, ReconstructedEnergyContainer, prefix=self.prefix, add_tel_prefix=True, ) return {ReconstructionProperty.ENERGY: result}
[docs] class ParticleClassifier(SKLearnClassificationReconstructor): """Predict dl2 particle classification.""" target = "true_shower_primary_id" positive_class = traits.Integer( default_value=0, help="Particle id (in simtel system) of the positive class. Default is 0 for gammas.", ).tag(config=True) property = ReconstructionProperty.PARTICLE_TYPE
[docs] def __call__(self, event: ArrayEventContainer) -> None: for tel_id in event.trigger.tels_with_trigger: table = collect_features(event, tel_id, self.instrument_table) table = self.feature_generator(table, subarray=self.subarray) passes_quality_checks = self.quality_query.get_table_mask(table)[0] if passes_quality_checks: prediction, valid = self._predict_score([tel_id], table, ) container = ParticleClassificationContainer( prediction=prediction[0], is_valid=valid[0], ) else: container = ParticleClassificationContainer( prediction=np.nan, is_valid=False ) container.prefix = f"{self.prefix}_tel"[tel_id].classification[self.prefix] = container self.stereo_combiner(event)
[docs] def predict_table(self, key, table: Table) -> dict[ReconstructionProperty, Table]: table = self.feature_generator(table, subarray=self.subarray) n_rows = len(table) score = np.full(n_rows, np.nan) is_valid = np.full(n_rows, False) valid = self.quality_query.get_table_mask(table) score[valid], is_valid[valid] = self._predict_score(key, table[valid]) result = Table( { f"{self.prefix}_tel_prediction": score, f"{self.prefix}_tel_is_valid": is_valid, } ) add_defaults_and_meta( result, ParticleClassificationContainer, prefix=self.prefix, add_tel_prefix=True, ) return {ReconstructionProperty.PARTICLE_TYPE: result}
[docs] class DispReconstructor(Reconstructor): """ Predict absolute value and sign for disp origin reconstruction and convert to altitude and azimuth prediction for each telescope. """ target = "true_disp" prefix = traits.Unicode( default_value="disp", allow_none=False, help="Prefix for the output of this model. If None, ``disp`` is used.", ).tag(config=True) features = traits.List( traits.Unicode(), help="Features to use for both models." ).tag(config=True) log_target = traits.Bool( default_value=False, help=( "If True, the norm(disp) model is trained to predict ln(norm(disp))" " and the output is" " ``prefix_parameter`` = ``sign_prediction`` * ``exp(norm_prediction)``." ), ).tag(config=True) norm_config = traits.Dict({}, help="kwargs for the sklearn regressor.").tag( config=True ) norm_cls = traits.Enum( SUPPORTED_REGRESSORS.keys(), default_value=None, allow_none=True, help="Which scikit-learn regression model to use.", ).tag(config=True) sign_config = traits.Dict({}, help="kwargs for the sklearn classifier.").tag( config=True ) sign_cls = traits.Enum( SUPPORTED_CLASSIFIERS.keys(), default_value=None, allow_none=True, help="Which scikit-learn classification model to use.", ).tag(config=True) stereo_combiner_cls = traits.ComponentName( StereoCombiner, default_value="StereoMeanCombiner", help="Which stereo combination method to use.", ).tag(config=True) load_path = traits.Path( default_value=None, allow_none=True, help="If given, load serialized model from this path.", ).tag(config=True) def __init__(self, subarray=None, atmosphere_profile=None, models=None, **kwargs): # Run the Component __init__ first to handle the configuration # and make `self.load_path` available Component.__init__(self, **kwargs) if self.load_path is None: if self.norm_cls is None or self.sign_cls is None: raise TraitError( "Must provide `norm_cls` and `sign_cls` if not loading from file" ) if subarray is None: raise TypeError( "__init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'subarray'" ) super().__init__(subarray, atmosphere_profile, **kwargs) self.quality_query = MLQualityQuery(parent=self) self.feature_generator = FeatureGenerator(parent=self) # to verify settings self._new_models() self._models = {} if models is None else models self.unit = None self.stereo_combiner = StereoCombiner.from_name( self.stereo_combiner_cls, prefix=self.prefix, property=ReconstructionProperty.GEOMETRY, parent=self, ) else: loaded = if ( subarray is not None and loaded.subarray.telescope_types != subarray.telescope_types ): self.log.warning( "Supplied subarray has different telescopes than subarray loaded from file" ) self.__dict__.update(loaded.__dict__) self.subarray = subarray def _new_models(self): norm_cfg = self.norm_config sign_cfg = self.sign_config if self.n_jobs: norm_cfg["n_jobs"] = self.n_jobs sign_cfg["n_jobs"] = self.n_jobs norm_regressor = SUPPORTED_REGRESSORS[self.norm_cls](**norm_cfg) sign_classifier = SUPPORTED_CLASSIFIERS[self.sign_cls](**sign_cfg) return norm_regressor, sign_classifier def _table_to_y(self, table, mask=None): """ Extract target values as numpy array from input table. """ # make sure we use the unit that was used during training if self.unit is not None: norm = table[mask][].quantity.to_value(self.unit) else: norm = np.array(table[][mask]) abs_norm = np.abs(norm) sign_norm = np.sign(norm) if self.log_target: abs_norm = np.log(abs_norm) return abs_norm, sign_norm
[docs] def fit(self, key, table): """ Create and fit new models for ``key`` using the data in ``table``. """ self._models[key] = self._new_models() X, valid = table_to_X(table, self.features, self.log) self.unit = table[].unit norm, sign = self._table_to_y(table, mask=valid) self._models[key][0].fit(X, norm) self._models[key][1].fit(X, sign)
[docs] def write(self, path, overwrite=False): path = pathlib.Path(path) if path.exists() and not overwrite: raise OSError(f"Path {path} exists and overwrite=False") with"wb") as f: Provenance().add_output_file(path, role="ml-models") joblib.dump(self, f, compress=True)
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, path, **kwargs): with open(path, "rb") as f: instance = joblib.load(f) for attr, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(instance, attr, value) if not isinstance(instance, cls): raise TypeError( f"{path} did not contain an instance of {cls}, got {instance}" ) # FIXME: we currently don't store metadata in the joblib / pickle files, see #2603 Provenance().add_input_file(path, role="ml-models", add_meta=False) return instance
@lazyproperty def instrument_table(self): return self.subarray.to_table("joined") def _predict(self, key, table): if key not in self._models: raise KeyError( f"No model available for key {key}," f" available models: {self._models.keys()}" ) X, valid = table_to_X(table, self.features, self.log) prediction = np.full(len(table), np.nan) score = np.full(len(table), np.nan) if np.any(valid): valid_norms = self._models[key][0].predict(X) if self.log_target: prediction[valid] = np.exp(valid_norms) else: prediction[valid] = valid_norms sign_proba = self._models[key][1].predict_proba(X)[:, 0] # proba is [0 and 1] where 0 => very certain -1, 1 => very certain 1 # and 0.5 means random guessing either. So we transform to a score # where 0 means "guessing" and 1 means "very certain" score[valid] = np.abs(2 * sign_proba - 1.0) prediction[valid] *= np.where(sign_proba >= 0.5, 1.0, -1.0) if self.unit is not None: prediction = u.Quantity(prediction, self.unit, copy=False) return prediction, score, valid
[docs] def __call__(self, event: ArrayEventContainer) -> None: """ Event-wise prediction for the EventSource-Loop. Fills the[tel_id].disp[prefix] container and[tel_id].geometry[prefix] container. Parameters ---------- event: ArrayEventContainer """ for tel_id in event.trigger.tels_with_trigger: table = collect_features(event, tel_id, self.instrument_table) table = self.feature_generator(table, subarray=self.subarray) passes_quality_checks = self.quality_query.get_table_mask(table)[0] if passes_quality_checks: disp, sign_score, valid = self._predict([tel_id], table ) if valid: disp_container = DispContainer( parameter=disp[0], sign_score=sign_score[0], ) hillas =[tel_id].parameters.hillas psi = hillas.psi.to_value(u.rad) fov_lon = hillas.fov_lon + disp[0] * np.cos(psi) fov_lat = hillas.fov_lat + disp[0] * np.sin(psi) altaz = TelescopeFrame( fov_lon=fov_lon, fov_lat=fov_lat, telescope_pointing=AltAz([tel_id].altitude,[tel_id].azimuth, ), ).transform_to(AltAz()) altaz_container = ReconstructedGeometryContainer( alt=altaz.alt,, is_valid=True ) else: disp_container = DispContainer( parameter=u.Quantity(np.nan, self.unit), ) altaz_container = deepcopy(_invalid_geometry) else: disp_container = DispContainer( parameter=u.Quantity(np.nan, self.unit), ) altaz_container = deepcopy(_invalid_geometry) disp_container.prefix = f"{self.prefix}_tel" altaz_container.prefix = f"{self.prefix}_tel"[tel_id].disp[self.prefix] = disp_container[tel_id].geometry[self.prefix] = altaz_container self.stereo_combiner(event)
[docs] def predict_table(self, key, table: Table) -> dict[ReconstructionProperty, Table]: """ Predict on a table of events. Parameters ---------- table : `~astropy.table.Table` Table of features Returns ------- disp_table : `~astropy.table.Table` Table with disp predictions, matches the corresponding container definition altaz_table : `~astropy.table.Table` Table with resulting predictions of horizontal coordinates """ table = self.feature_generator(table, subarray=self.subarray) n_rows = len(table) disp = u.Quantity(np.full(n_rows, np.nan), self.unit, copy=False) is_valid = np.full(n_rows, False) sign_score = np.full(n_rows, np.nan) valid = self.quality_query.get_table_mask(table) disp[valid], sign_score[valid], is_valid[valid] = self._predict( key, table[valid] ) disp_result = Table( { f"{self.prefix}_tel_parameter": disp, f"{self.prefix}_tel_sign_score": sign_score, } ) add_defaults_and_meta( disp_result, DispContainer, prefix=self.prefix, add_tel_prefix=True, ) psi = table["hillas_psi"].quantity.to_value(u.rad) fov_lon = table["hillas_fov_lon"].quantity + disp * np.cos(psi) fov_lat = table["hillas_fov_lat"].quantity + disp * np.sin(psi) # prefer to use pointing interpolated to event if "telescope_pointing_altitude" in table.colnames: pointing_alt = table["telescope_pointing_altitude"] pointing_az = table["telescope_pointing_azimuth"] else: # fallback to fixed pointing of ob pointing_alt = table["subarray_pointing_lat"] pointing_az = table["subarray_pointing_lon"] alt, az = telescope_to_horizontal( lon=fov_lon, lat=fov_lat, pointing_alt=pointing_alt, pointing_az=pointing_az, ) altaz_result = Table( { f"{self.prefix}_tel_alt": alt, f"{self.prefix}_tel_az": az, f"{self.prefix}_tel_is_valid": is_valid, } ) add_defaults_and_meta( altaz_result, ReconstructedGeometryContainer, prefix=self.prefix, add_tel_prefix=True, ) return { ReconstructionProperty.DISP: disp_result, ReconstructionProperty.GEOMETRY: altaz_result, }
@observe("n_jobs") def _set_n_jobs(self, n_jobs): """ Update n_jobs of all associated models. """ if hasattr(self, "_models"): for disp, sign in self._models.values(): disp.n_jobs = sign.n_jobs =
[docs] class CrossValidator(Component): """Class to train sklearn based reconstructors in a cross validation.""" n_cross_validations = traits.Int( default_value=5, help="Number of cross validation iterations." ).tag(config=True) output_path = traits.Path( default_value=None, allow_none=True, directory_ok=False, help=( "Output path for the cross validation results." " This is a hdf5 file containing labels and predictions for" " the events used in the cross validation which can be used to" " create performance plots." ), ).tag(config=True) rng_seed = traits.Int( default_value=1337, help="Random seed for splitting the training data." ).tag(config=True) def __init__(self, model_component, overwrite=False, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.model_component = model_component self.rng = np.random.default_rng(self.rng_seed) if isinstance(self.model_component, SKLearnClassificationReconstructor): self.cross_validate = self._cross_validate_classification self.split_data = StratifiedKFold elif isinstance(self.model_component, SKLearnRegressionReconstructor): self.cross_validate = self._cross_validate_regressor self.split_data = KFold elif isinstance(self.model_component, DispReconstructor): self.cross_validate = self._cross_validate_disp self.split_data = StratifiedKFold else: raise KeyError( "Unsupported Model of type %s supplied", self.model_component ) if self.output_path: if self.output_path.exists(): if overwrite: self.log.warning("Overwriting %s", self.output_path) else: raise ToolConfigurationError( f"Output path {self.output_path} exists, but overwrite=False" ) Provenance().add_output_file(self.output_path, role="ml-cross-validation") self.h5file = open_file(self.output_path, mode="w")
[docs] def close(self): """Close the output hdf5 file, if ``self.output_path`` is given.""" if self.output_path: self.h5file.close()
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.close()
[docs] def __call__(self, telescope_type, table): """Perform cross validation for the given model.""" if self.n_cross_validations == 0: return if len(table) <= self.n_cross_validations: raise TooFewEvents(f"Too few events for {telescope_type}.") "Starting cross-validation with %d folds for type %s.", self.n_cross_validations, telescope_type, ) scores = defaultdict(list) kfold = self.split_data( n_splits=self.n_cross_validations, shuffle=True, # sklearn does not support numpy's new random API yet random_state=self.rng.integers(0, 2**31 - 1), ) if isinstance(self.model_component, DispReconstructor): cv_it = kfold.split(table, np.sign(table[])) else: cv_it = kfold.split(table, table[]) for fold, (train_indices, test_indices) in enumerate( tqdm( cv_it, total=self.n_cross_validations, desc=f"Cross Validation for {telescope_type}", ), ): train = table[train_indices] test = table[test_indices] cv_result, metrics = self.cross_validate(telescope_type, train, test) if self.output_path: results = Table( data={ "cv_fold": np.full(len(cv_result), fold, dtype=np.uint8), "tel_type": [str(telescope_type)] * len(cv_result), "true_energy": test["true_energy"], "true_impact_distance": test["true_impact_distance"], }, descriptions={ "cv_fold": "Cross validation iteration", "tel_type": "Telescope type", }, ) results = hstack([results, cv_result], join_type="exact") write_table( results, self.h5file, f"/cv_predictions/{telescope_type}", append=True, ) for metric, value in metrics.items(): scores[metric].append(value) for metric, cv_values in scores.items(): cv_values = np.array(cv_values) with np.printoptions(precision=4): "Mean %s score from CV: %.4f ± %.4f", metric, cv_values.mean(), cv_values.std(), )
def _cross_validate_regressor(self, telescope_type, train, test): regressor = self.model_component, train) prediction, _ = regressor._predict(telescope_type, test) truth = test[] r2 = r2_score(truth, prediction) result = Table( data={ f"{regressor.prefix}_energy": prediction, "truth": truth, }, descriptions={ f"{regressor.prefix}_energy": "Predicted Energy", "truth": "Simulated Energy", }, ) return result, {"R^2": r2} def _cross_validate_classification(self, telescope_type, train, test): classifier = self.model_component, train) prediction, _ = classifier._predict_score(telescope_type, test) truth = np.where( test[] == classifier.positive_class, 1, 0, ) roc_auc = roc_auc_score(truth, prediction) result = Table( data={ f"{classifier.prefix}_prediction": prediction, "truth": truth, }, descriptions={ f"{classifier.prefix}_prediction": "Predicted gammaness score", "truth": "Particle id (default is 1 for gammas)", }, ) return result, {"ROC AUC": roc_auc} def _cross_validate_disp(self, telescope_type, train, test): models = self.model_component, train) disp, sign_score, _ = models._predict(telescope_type, test) truth = test[] r2 = r2_score(np.abs(truth), np.abs(disp)) accuracy = accuracy_score(np.sign(truth), np.sign(disp)) result = Table( data={ f"{models.prefix}_parameter": disp, f"{models.prefix}_sign_score": sign_score, "truth": truth, }, descriptions={ f"{models.prefix}_parameter": "Predicted disp parameter", f"{models.prefix}_sign_score": "Score for how certain the disp sign classification was", "truth": "True disp parameter", }, ) return result, {"R^2": r2, "accuracy": accuracy}