"""Implementations of TableWriter and -Reader for HDF5 files"""
import enum
from pathlib import PurePath
import numpy as np
import tables
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.units import Quantity
import ctapipe
from ..core import Container, Map
from .tableio import (
__all__ = ["HDF5TableWriter", "HDF5TableReader", "split_h5path"]
"float": tables.Float64Col,
"float64": tables.Float64Col,
"float32": tables.Float32Col,
"float16": tables.Float16Col,
"int8": tables.Int8Col,
"int16": tables.Int16Col,
"int32": tables.Int32Col,
"int64": tables.Int64Col,
"int": tables.Int64Col,
"uint8": tables.UInt8Col,
"uint16": tables.UInt16Col,
"uint32": tables.UInt32Col,
"uint64": tables.UInt64Col,
"bool": tables.BoolCol, # python bool
"bool_": tables.BoolCol, # np.bool_
DEFAULT_FILTERS = tables.Filters(
complevel=5, # compression medium, tradeoff between speed and compression
complib="blosc:zstd", # use modern zstd algorithm
fletcher32=True, # add checksums to data chunks
def split_h5path(path):
Split a path inside an hdf5 file into parent / child
if not path.startswith("/"):
raise ValueError("Path must start with /")
head, _, tail = path.rstrip("/").rpartition("/")
if head == "":
head = "/"
return head, tail
def get_hdf5_attr(attrs, name, default=None):
if name in attrs:
return attrs[name]
return default
def get_column_attrs(table):
Read custom ctapipe column metadata from hdf5 table
table : `tables.Table`
The table for which to parse the column metadata attributes
attrs = table.attrs
column_attrs = {}
for name, desc in table.coldescrs.items():
pos = desc._v_pos
prefix = f"CTAFIELD_{pos}_"
current = {
"POS": pos,
"DTYPE": desc.dtype,
for full_key in filter(lambda k: k.startswith(prefix), attrs._v_attrnamesuser):
value = attrs[full_key]
key = full_key[len(prefix) :]
# convert numpy scalars to plain python objects
if isinstance(value, np.str_ | np.bool_ | np.number):
value = value.item()
current[key] = value
current["PREFIX"] = name.rpartition(current.get("NAME", name))[0].rstrip("_")
column_attrs[name] = current
return column_attrs
def get_node_meta(node):
"""Return the metadata attached to a table object
This does not include ctapipe-attached column descriptions and transform
metadata, only any additional attributes defined.
node : `tables.Node`
The node for which to parse the metadata attributes
def _ignore_column_descriptions(attr_name):
return not attr_name.startswith("CTAFIELD_")
meta = {}
attrs = node._v_attrs
for key in filter(_ignore_column_descriptions, attrs._v_attrnamesuser):
value = attrs[key]
# convert numpy scalars to plain python objects
if isinstance(value, np.str_ | np.bool_ | np.number):
value = value.item()
meta[key] = value
return meta
def get_column_transforms(column_attrs):
create any transforms needed to "undo" ones in the writer
column_attrs : dict
Column attrs, as returned by `get_column_attrs`
transforms = {}
for colname, col_attrs in column_attrs.items():
if unit := col_attrs.get("UNIT"):
transform = QuantityColumnTransform(unit=unit)
transforms[colname] = transform
elif enum := col_attrs.get("ENUM"):
transform = EnumColumnTransform(enum)
transforms[colname] = transform
elif scale := col_attrs.get("TIME_SCALE"):
scale = scale.lower()
time_format = col_attrs.get("TIME_FORMAT", "mjd")
transform = TimeColumnTransform(scale=scale, format=time_format)
transforms[colname] = transform
elif scale := col_attrs.get("TRANSFORM_SCALE"):
transform = FixedPointColumnTransform(
offset=col_attrs.get("TRANSFORM_OFFSET", 0),
source_dtype=col_attrs.get("TRANSFORM_DTYPE", "float32"),
transforms[colname] = transform
elif col_attrs.get("TRANSFORM") == "string":
maxlen = col_attrs["MAXLEN"]
transform = StringTransform(maxlen)
transforms[colname] = transform
return transforms
class HDF5TableWriter(TableWriter):
A very basic table writer that can take a container (or more than one)
and write it to an HDF5 file. It does _not_ recursively write the
container. This is intended as a building block to create a more complex
I/O system.
It works by creating a HDF5 Table description from the `~ctapipe.core.Field`
definitions inside a container, where each item becomes a column in the table.
The first time `HDF5TableWriter.write()` is called, the container(s) are
registered and the table created in the output file.
Each item in the container can also have an optional transform function
that is called before writing to transform the value. For example,
unit quantities always have their units removed, or converted to a
common unit if specified in the `~ctapipe.core.Field`.
Any metadata in the `~ctapipe.core.Container` (stored in ``Container.meta``) will be
written to the table's header on the first call to write()
Multiple tables may be written at once in a single file, as long as you
change the table_name attribute to `write()` to specify which one to write
to. Likewise multiple Containers can be merged into a single output
table by passing a list of containers to `write()`.
To append to existing files, pass the ``mode='a'`` option to the
filename: str
name of hdf5 output file
group_name: str
name of group into which to put all of the tables generated by this
Writer (it will be placed under "/" in the file)
add_prefix: bool
if True, add the container prefix before each column name
mode : str ('w', 'a')
'w' if you want to overwrite the file
'a' if you want to append data to the file
root_uep : str
root location of the ``group_name``
filters: pytables.Filters
A set of filters (compression settings) to be used for
all datasets created by this writer.
any other arguments that will be passed through to ``pytables.open_file``.
def __init__(
super().__init__(add_prefix=add_prefix, parent=parent, config=config)
self._schemas = {}
self._tables = {}
if mode not in ["a", "w", "r+"]:
raise OSError(f"The mode '{mode}' is not supported for writing")
kwargs.update(mode=mode, root_uep=root_uep, filters=filters)
self.open(str(filename), **kwargs)
self._group = "/" + group_name
self.filters = filters
self.log.debug("h5file: %s", self.h5file)
def open(self, filename, **kwargs):
self.log.debug("kwargs for tables.open_file: %s", kwargs)
self.h5file = tables.open_file(filename, **kwargs)
def close(self):
def _add_column_to_schema(self, table_name, schema, meta, field, name, value):
typename = ""
shape = 1
pos = len(schema.columns)
if isinstance(value, Container):
self.log.debug("Ignoring sub-container: %s/%s", table_name, name)
if isinstance(value, Map):
self.log.debug("Ignoring map-field: %s/%s", table_name, name)
if self._is_column_excluded(table_name, name):
self.log.debug("excluded column: %s/%s", table_name, name)
if name in schema.columns:
self.log.warning("Found duplicated column %s, skipping", name)
# apply any user-defined transforms first
value = self._apply_col_transform(table_name, name, value)
# now set up automatic transforms to make values that cannot be
# written in their default form into a form that is serializable
if isinstance(value, enum.Enum):
tr = EnumColumnTransform(enum=value.__class__)
value = tr(value)
self.add_column_transform(table_name, name, tr)
if isinstance(value, Quantity):
unit = field.unit or value.unit
tr = QuantityColumnTransform(unit=unit)
value = tr(value)
self.add_column_transform(table_name, name, tr)
if isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
typename = value.dtype.name
coltype = PYTABLES_TYPE_MAP[typename]
shape = value.shape
schema.columns[name] = coltype(shape=shape, pos=pos)
elif isinstance(value, Time):
# TODO: really should use MET, but need a func for that
schema.columns[name] = tables.Float64Col(pos=pos)
tr = TimeColumnTransform(scale="tai", format="mjd")
self.add_column_transform(table_name, name, tr)
elif type(value).__name__ in PYTABLES_TYPE_MAP:
typename = type(value).__name__
coltype = PYTABLES_TYPE_MAP[typename]
schema.columns[name] = coltype(pos=pos)
elif isinstance(value, str):
max_length = field.max_length or len(value.encode("utf-8"))
tr = StringTransform(max_length)
self.add_column_transform(table_name, name, tr)
schema.columns[name] = tables.StringCol(itemsize=max_length, pos=pos)
raise ValueError(f"Column {name} of type {type(value)} not writable")
# add meta fields of transform
transform = self._transforms[table_name].get(name)
if transform is not None:
if hasattr(transform, "get_meta"):
# add original field name name, without prefix
meta[f"CTAFIELD_{pos}_NAME"] = field.name
# add description to metadata
meta[f"CTAFIELD_{pos}_DESC"] = field.description
f"Table {table_name}: "
f"added col: {name} type: "
f"{typename} shape: {shape} "
f"with transform: {transform} "
return True
def _create_hdf5_table_schema(self, table_name, containers):
Creates a pytables description class for the given containers
and registers it in the Writer
table_name: str
name of table
container: ctapipe.core.Container
instance of an initialized container
dictionary of extra metadata to add to the table's header
class Schema(tables.IsDescription):
meta = {} # any extra meta-data generated here (like units, etc)
# set up any column transforms that were requested as regexps (i.e.
# convert them to explicit transform in the _transforms dict if they
# match)
self._realize_regexp_transforms(table_name, containers)
# create pytables schema description for the given container
for container in containers:
container.validate() # ensure the data are complete
it = zip(
container.items(add_prefix=self.add_prefix), container.fields.values()
for (col_name, value), field in it:
except ValueError:
f"Column {col_name}"
f" with value {value!r} of type {type(value)} "
f" of container {container.__class__.__name__} in"
f" table {table_name} not writable, skipping"
self._schemas[table_name] = Schema
meta["CTAPIPE_VERSION"] = ctapipe.__version__
return meta
def _setup_new_table(self, table_name, containers):
"""set up the table. This is called the first time `write()`
is called on a new table"""
self.log.debug("Initializing table '%s' in group '%s'", table_name, self._group)
meta = self._create_hdf5_table_schema(table_name, containers)
if table_name.startswith("/"):
raise ValueError("Table name must not start with '/'")
table_path = f"{self._group.rstrip('/')}/{table_name}"
table_group, table_basename = split_h5path(table_path)
for container in containers:
meta.update(container.meta) # copy metadata from container
if table_path not in self.h5file:
table = self.h5file.create_table(
title="Storage of {}".format(
",".join(c.__class__.__name__ for c in containers)
self.log.debug(f"CREATED TABLE: {table}")
for key, val in meta.items():
table.attrs[key] = val
table = self.h5file.get_node(table_path)
self._tables[table_name] = table
def _append_row(self, table_name, containers):
append a row to an already initialized table. This is called
automatically by `write()`
table = self._tables[table_name]
row = table.row
for container in containers:
selected_fields = filter(
lambda kv: kv[0] in table.colnames,
for colname, value in selected_fields:
value = self._apply_col_transform(table_name, colname, value)
row[colname] = value
except Exception:
f"Error writing col {colname} of "
f"container {container.__class__.__name__}"
def write(self, table_name, containers):
Write the contents of the given container or containers to a table.
The first call to write will create a schema and initialize the table
within the file.
The shape of data within the container must not change between
calls, since variable-length arrays are not supported.
table_name: str
name of table to write to
containers: `ctapipe.core.Container` or `Iterable[ctapipe.core.Container]`
container to write
if isinstance(containers, Container):
containers = (containers,)
if table_name not in self._schemas:
self._setup_new_table(table_name, containers)
self._append_row(table_name, containers)
class HDF5TableReader(TableReader):
Reader that reads a single row of an HDF5 table at once into a Container.
Simply construct a `HDF5TableReader` with an input HDF5 file,
and call the `read(path, container) <read>`_ method to get a generator that fills
the given container with a new row of the table on each access.
Columns in the table are automatically mapped to container fields by
name, and if a field is missing in either, it is skipped during read,
but a warning is emitted.
Columns that were written by HDF5TableWriter and which had unit
transforms applied, will have the units re-applied when reading (the
unit used is stored in the header attributes).
Note that this is only useful if you want to read all information *one
event at a time* into a container, which is not very I/O efficient. For
some other use cases, it may be much more efficient to access the
table data directly, for example to read an entire column or table at
once (which means not using the Container data structure).
- add ability to synchronize reading of multiple tables on a key
def __init__(self, filename, **kwargs):
filename: str, pathlib.PurePath or tables.File instance
name of hdf5 file or file handle
any other arguments that will be passed through to
self._tables = {}
self._col_mapping = {}
self._prefixes = {}
self._missing_fields = {}
self._meta = {}
if isinstance(filename, str) or isinstance(filename, PurePath):
self.open(filename, **kwargs)
elif isinstance(filename, tables.File):
self._h5file = filename
raise NotImplementedError(
"filename needs to be either a string, pathlib.PurePath "
"or tables.File"
def open(self, filename, **kwargs):
self._h5file = tables.open_file(filename, **kwargs)
def close(self):
def _setup_table(self, table_name, containers, prefixes, ignore_columns):
table = self._h5file.get_node(table_name)
self._tables[table_name] = table
column_attrs = get_column_attrs(table)
# setup transforms
transforms = get_column_transforms(column_attrs)
for col_name, transform in transforms.items():
self.add_column_transform(table_name, col_name, transform)
# store the meta
self._meta[table_name] = get_node_meta(table)
return table
def _map_table_to_containers(
"""identifies which columns in the table to read into the containers,
by comparing their names including an optional prefix."""
self._missing_fields[table_name] = []
self._col_mapping[table_name] = []
self._prefixes[table_name] = []
inverse_mapping = {}
for colname, col_attrs in column_attrs.items():
name = col_attrs.get("NAME")
if name is not None:
inverse_mapping[name] = colname
cols_to_read = set()
for container, prefix in zip(containers, prefixes):
col_mapping = {}
missing = []
for field_name in container.fields:
if prefix is None:
col_name = inverse_mapping.get(field_name)
col_name = field_name if prefix == "" else f"{prefix}_{field_name}"
if col_name in ignore_columns:
elif col_name is None or col_name not in column_attrs:
f"Table {table_name} is missing column {col_name} for field {field_name}"
f" of container {container}. It will be skipped."
if col_name in cols_to_read:
raise OSError(
"Mapping of column names to container fields is not unique"
", prefixes are required."
f" Duplicated column: {col_name} / {field_name}"
if prefix is None:
prefix = column_attrs[col_name].get("PREFIX")
col_mapping[field_name] = col_name
# check if the table has additional columns not present in any container
for colname in column_attrs:
if colname not in cols_to_read:
f"Table {table_name} contains column {colname} "
"that does not map to any of the specified containers"
def read(self, table_name, containers, prefixes=None, ignore_columns=None):
Returns a generator that reads the next row from the table into the
given container. The generator returns the same container. Note that
no containers are copied, the data are overwritten inside.
table_name: str
name of table to read from
containers : Iterable[ctapipe.core.Container]
Container classes to fill
prefix: bool, str or list
Prefix that was added while writing the file.
If None, the prefix in the file are used. This only works
when the mapping from column name without prefix to container
is unique.
If True, the ``default_prefix`` attribute of the containers is used
If False, no prefix is used.
If a string is provided, it is used as prefix for all containers.
If a list is provided, the length needs to match th number
of containers.
ignore_columns = set(ignore_columns) if ignore_columns is not None else set()
return_iterable = True
if isinstance(containers, Container):
raise TypeError("Expected container *classes*, not *instances*")
# check for a single container
if isinstance(containers, type):
containers = (containers,)
return_iterable = False
for container in containers:
if isinstance(container, Container):
raise TypeError("Expected container *classes*, not *instances*")
if prefixes is False:
prefixes = ["" for _ in containers]
elif prefixes is True:
prefixes = [container.default_prefix for container in containers]
elif isinstance(prefixes, str):
prefixes = [prefixes for _ in containers]
elif prefixes is None:
prefixes = [None] * len(containers)
if len(prefixes) != len(containers):
raise ValueError("Length of provided prefixes does not match containers")
if table_name not in self._tables:
tab = self._setup_table(
tab = self._tables[table_name]
prefixes = self._prefixes[table_name]
missing = self._missing_fields[table_name]
mappings = self._col_mapping[table_name]
for row_index in range(len(tab)):
# looping over table yields Row instances.
# __getitem__ just gives plain numpy data
row = tab[row_index]
ret = []
for cls, prefix, mapping, missing_fields in zip(
containers, prefixes, mappings, missing
data = {
field_name: self._apply_col_transform(
table_name, col_name, row[col_name]
for field_name, col_name in mapping.items()
# set missing fields to None
for field_name in missing_fields:
data[field_name] = None
container = cls(**data, prefix=prefix)
container.meta = self._meta[table_name]
if return_iterable:
yield ret
yield ret[0]