Source code for ctapipe.image.muon.features

import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np

from ...utils.quantities import all_to_value

__all__ = [

[docs] def mean_squared_error(pixel_x, pixel_y, weights, radius, center_x, center_y): """ Calculate the weighted mean squared error for a circle Parameters ---------- pixel_x: array-like x coordinates of the camera pixels pixel_y: array-like y coordinates of the camera pixels weights: array-like weights for the camera pixels, will usually be the pe charges radius: float radius of the ring center_x: float x coordinate of the ring center center_y: float y coordinate of the ring center """ r = np.sqrt((center_x - pixel_x) ** 2 + (center_y - pixel_y) ** 2) return np.average((r - radius) ** 2, weights=weights)
[docs] def intensity_ratio_inside_ring( pixel_x, pixel_y, weights, radius, center_x, center_y, width ): """ Calculate the ratio of the photons inside a given ring with coordinates (center_x, center_y), radius and width. The ring is assumed to be in [radius - 0.5 * width, radius + 0.5 * width] Parameters ---------- pixel_x: array-like x coordinates of the camera pixels pixel_y: array-like y coordinates of the camera pixels weights: array-like weights for the camera pixels, will usually be the pe charges radius: float radius of the ring center_x: float x coordinate of the ring center center_y: float y coordinate of the ring center width: float width of the ring """ pixel_r = np.sqrt((center_x - pixel_x) ** 2 + (center_y - pixel_y) ** 2) mask = np.logical_and( pixel_r >= radius - 0.5 * width, pixel_r <= radius + 0.5 * width ) inside = weights[mask].sum() total = weights.sum() return inside / total
[docs] def ring_completeness( pixel_x, pixel_y, weights, radius, center_x, center_y, threshold=30, bins=30 ): """ Estimate how complete a ring is. Bin the light distribution along the the ring and apply a threshold to the bin content. Parameters ---------- pixel_x: array-like x coordinates of the camera pixels pixel_y: array-like y coordinates of the camera pixels weights: array-like weights for the camera pixels, will usually be the pe charges radius: float radius of the ring center_x: float x coordinate of the ring center center_y: float y coordinate of the ring center threshold: float number of photons a bin must contain to be counted bins: int number of bins to use for the histogram Returns ------- ring_completeness: float the ratio of bins above threshold """ angle = np.arctan2(pixel_y - center_y, pixel_x - center_x) if hasattr(angle, "unit"): angle = angle.to_value(u.rad) hist, _ = np.histogram(angle, bins=bins, range=[-np.pi, np.pi], weights=weights) bins_above_threshold = hist > threshold return np.sum(bins_above_threshold) / bins
[docs] def ring_containment(radius, center_x, center_y, camera_radius): """ Estimate angular containment of a ring inside the camera (camera center is (0,0)) Improve: include the case of an arbitrary center for the camera See Parameters ---------- radius: float or quantity radius of the muon ring center_x: float or quantity x coordinate of the center of the muon ring center_y: float or quantity y coordinate of the center of the muon ring camera_radius: float or quantity radius of the camera Returns ------- ringcontainment: float the ratio of ring inside the camera """ if hasattr(radius, "unit"): radius, center_x, center_y, camera_radius = all_to_value( radius, center_x, center_y, camera_radius, unit=radius.unit ) d = np.sqrt(center_x**2 + center_y**2) # one circle fully contained in the other if d <= np.abs(camera_radius - radius): return 1.0 # no intersection if d > (radius + camera_radius): return 0.0 a = (radius**2 - camera_radius**2 + d**2) / (2 * d) return np.arccos(a / radius) / np.pi