Source code for

Tool for training the ParticleClassifier
import numpy as np
from astropy.table import vstack

from ctapipe.core.tool import Tool
from ctapipe.core.traits import Int, IntTelescopeParameter, Path
from ctapipe.exceptions import TooFewEvents
from import TableLoader
from ctapipe.reco import CrossValidator, ParticleClassifier
from ctapipe.reco.preprocessing import check_valid_rows

__all__ = [

[docs]class TrainParticleClassifier(Tool): """ Tool to train a `~ctapipe.reco.ParticleClassifier` on dl1b/dl2 data. The tool first performs a cross validation to give an initial estimate on the quality of the estimation and then finally trains one model per telescope type on the full dataset. """ name = "ctapipe-train-particle-classifier" description = __doc__ examples = """ ctapipe-train-particle-classifier \\ -c train_particle_classifier.yaml \\ --signal gamma.dl2.h5 \\ --background proton.dl2.h5 \\ -o particle_classifier.pkl """ input_url_signal = Path( default_value=None, allow_none=False, directory_ok=False, help="Input dl1b/dl2 file for the signal class.", ).tag(config=True) input_url_background = Path( default_value=None, allow_none=False, directory_ok=False, help="Input dl1b/dl2 file for the background class.", ).tag(config=True) output_path = Path( default_value=None, allow_none=False, directory_ok=False, help=( "Output file for the trained reconstructor." " At the moment, pickle is the only supported format." ), ).tag(config=True) n_signal = IntTelescopeParameter( default_value=None, allow_none=True, help=( "Number of signal events to be used for training." " If not given, all available events will be used" ), ).tag(config=True) n_background = IntTelescopeParameter( default_value=None, allow_none=True, help=( "Number of background events to be used for training." " If not given, all available events will be used" ), ).tag(config=True) random_seed = Int( default_value=0, help="Random number seed for sampling and the cross validation splitting", ).tag(config=True) aliases = { "signal": "TrainParticleClassifier.input_url_signal", "background": "TrainParticleClassifier.input_url_background", "n-signal": "TrainParticleClassifier.n_signal", "n-background": "TrainParticleClassifier.n_background", ("o", "output"): "TrainParticleClassifier.output_path", "cv-output": "CrossValidator.output_path", } classes = [ TableLoader, ParticleClassifier, CrossValidator, ]
[docs] def setup(self): """ Initialize components from config """ self.signal_loader = self.enter_context( TableLoader( parent=self, input_url=self.input_url_signal, load_dl1_images=False, load_dl1_parameters=True, load_dl2=True, load_simulated=True, load_instrument=True, ) ) self.background_loader = self.enter_context( TableLoader( parent=self, input_url=self.input_url_background, load_dl1_images=False, load_dl1_parameters=True, load_dl2=True, load_simulated=True, load_instrument=True, ) ) if self.signal_loader.subarray != self.background_loader.subarray: raise ValueError("Signal and background subarrays do not match") self.subarray = self.signal_loader.subarray self.n_signal.attach_subarray(self.subarray) self.n_background.attach_subarray(self.subarray) self.classifier = ParticleClassifier(subarray=self.subarray, parent=self) self.rng = np.random.default_rng(self.random_seed) self.cross_validate = CrossValidator( parent=self, model_component=self.classifier ) self.check_output(self.output_path, self.cross_validate.output_path)
[docs] def start(self): """ Train models per telescope type. """ # By construction both loaders have the same types defined types = self.signal_loader.subarray.telescope_types"Signal input-file: %s", self.signal_loader.input_url)"Background input-file: %s", self.background_loader.input_url)"Training models for %d types", len(types)) for tel_type in types:"Loading events for %s", tel_type) table = self._read_input_data(tel_type) self.cross_validate(tel_type, table)"Performing final fit for %s", tel_type), table)"done")
def _read_table(self, telescope_type, loader, n_events=None): table = loader.read_telescope_events([telescope_type])"Events read from input: %d", len(table)) if len(table) == 0: raise TooFewEvents( f"Input file does not contain any events for telescope type {telescope_type}" ) mask = self.classifier.quality_query.get_table_mask(table) table = table[mask]"Events after applying quality query: %d", len(table)) if len(table) == 0: raise TooFewEvents( f"No events after quality query for telescope type {telescope_type}" ) table = self.classifier.feature_generator(table, subarray=self.subarray) # Add true energy for energy-dependent performance plots columns = self.classifier.features + [, "true_energy"] table = table[columns] valid = check_valid_rows(table) if np.any(~valid): self.log.warning("Dropping non-predictable events.") table = table[valid] if n_events is not None: if n_events > len(table): self.log.warning( "Number of events in table (%d) is less than requested number of events %d", len(table), n_events, ) else:"Sampling %d events", n_events) idx = self.rng.choice(len(table), n_events, replace=False) idx.sort() table = table[idx] return table def _read_input_data(self, tel_type): signal = self._read_table( tel_type, self.signal_loader,[tel_type] ) background = self._read_table( tel_type, self.background_loader,[tel_type] ) table = vstack([signal, background]) "Train on %s signal and %s background events", len(signal), len(background) ) return table
[docs] def finish(self): """ Write-out trained models and cross-validation results. """"Writing output") self.classifier.write(self.output_path, overwrite=self.overwrite) self.signal_loader.close() self.background_loader.close() if self.cross_validate.output_path: self.cross_validate.write(overwrite=self.overwrite)
def main(): TrainParticleClassifier().run() if __name__ == "__main__": main()