Source code for

Management of CTA Reference Metadata, as defined in the CTA Top-Level Data Model
document [ctatopleveldatamodel]_ , version 1A. This information is required to be
attached to the header of any
files generated.

The class Reference collects all required reference metadata, and can be turned into a
flat dictionary.  The user should try to fill out all fields, or use a helper to fill
them (as in `Activity.from_provenance()`)

.. code-block:: python

    ref = Reference(
        contact=Contact(name="Some User", email=""),
        product=Product(format='hdf5', ...),
        instrument = Instrument(...)

    some_astropy_table.meta = ref.to_dict()

import os
import uuid
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from contextlib import ExitStack

import tables
from astropy.time import Time
from tables import NaturalNameWarning
from traitlets import Enum, HasTraits, Instance, List, Unicode, UseEnum, default
from traitlets.config import Configurable

from ..core.traits import AstroTime
from .datalevels import DataLevel

__all__ = [

    Time: lambda value: value.utc.iso,
    list: lambda value: ",".join([convert(elem) for elem in value]),
    DataLevel: lambda value:,

def convert(value):
    """Convert to representation suitable for header infos, such as hdf5 or fits"""
    if (conv := CONVERSIONS.get(type(value))) is not None:
        return conv(value)
    return value

def _get_user_name():
    """return the logged in user's name, as a fall-back if none is specified"""
        import pwd

        return pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_gecos
    except ImportError:
        # the pwd module is not available on some non-unix systems (Windows), so
        # here we just fall back to a default name
        return "Unknown User"

[docs]class Contact(Configurable): """Contact information""" name = Unicode("unknown").tag(config=True) email = Unicode("unknown").tag(config=True) organization = Unicode("unknown").tag(config=True) @default("name") def default_name(self): """if no name specified, use the system's user name""" try: return _get_user_name() except RuntimeError: return "" def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(name={}, email={}, organization={self.organization})"
[docs]class Product(HasTraits): """Data product information""" description = Unicode("unknown") creation_time = AstroTime() id_ = Unicode(help="leave unspecified to automatically generate a UUID") data_category = Enum(["Sim", "A", "B", "C", "Other"], "Other") data_levels = List(UseEnum(DataLevel)) data_association = Enum(["Subarray", "Telescope", "Target", "Other"], "Other") data_model_name = Unicode("unknown") data_model_version = Unicode("unknown") data_model_url = Unicode("unknown") format = Unicode() def __init__(self, **kwargs): if "data_levels" in kwargs: data_levels = kwargs["data_levels"] if isinstance(data_levels, str): if data_levels.strip() == "": kwargs["data_levels"] = [] else: kwargs["data_levels"] = data_levels.split(",") super().__init__(**kwargs) @default("creation_time") def default_time(self): """return current time by default""" return @default("id_") def default_product_id(self): """default id is a UUID""" return str(uuid.uuid4())
[docs]class Process(HasTraits): """Process (top-level workflow) information""" type_ = Enum(["Observation", "Simulation", "Other"], "Other") subtype = Unicode("") id_ = Unicode("")
[docs]class Activity(HasTraits): """Activity (tool) information"""
[docs] @classmethod def from_provenance(cls, activity): """construct Activity metadata from existing ActivityProvenance object""" return Activity( name=activity["activity_name"], type_="software", id_=activity["activity_uuid"], start_time=activity["start"]["time_utc"], stop_time=activity["stop"].get("time_utc",, software_name="ctapipe", software_version=activity["system"]["ctapipe_version"], )
name = Unicode() type_ = Unicode("software") id_ = Unicode() start_time = AstroTime() stop_time = AstroTime(allow_none=True, default_value=None) software_name = Unicode("unknown") software_version = Unicode("unknown") # pylint: disable=no-self-use @default("start_time") def default_time(self): """default time is now""" return
[docs]class Instrument(Configurable): """Instrumental Context""" site = Enum( [ "CTA-North", "CTA-South", "SDMC", "HQ", "MAGIC", "HESS", "VERITAS", "FACT", "Whipple", "Other", ], "Other", help="Which site of CTA (or external telescope) " "this instrument is associated with", ).tag(config=True) class_ = Enum( [ "Array", "Subarray", "Telescope", "Camera", "Optics", "Mirror", "Photo-sensor", "Module", "Part", "Other", ], "Other", ).tag(config=True) type_ = Unicode("unspecified").tag(config=True) subtype = Unicode("unspecified").tag(config=True) version = Unicode("unspecified").tag(config=True) id_ = Unicode("unspecified").tag(config=True) def __repr__(self): return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}(" f"site={}, class_={self.class_}, type_={self.type_}" f", subtype={self.subtype}, version={self.version}, id_={self.id_}" ")" )
def _to_dict(hastraits_instance, prefix=""): """helper to convert a HasTraits to a dict with keys in the required CTA format (upper-case, space separated) """ res = {} ignore = {"parent", "config"} for k, trait in hastraits_instance.traits().items(): if k in ignore: continue key = (prefix + k.upper().replace("_", " ")).replace(" ", " ").strip() val = trait.get(hastraits_instance) # apply type conversions val = convert(val) res[key] = val return res
[docs]class Reference(HasTraits): """All the reference Metadata required for a CTA output file, plus a way to turn it into a dict() for easy addition to the header of a file""" contact = Instance(Contact) product = Instance(Product) process = Instance(Process) activity = Instance(Activity) instrument = Instance(Instrument)
[docs] def to_dict(self, fits=False): """ convert Reference metadata to a flat dict. If ``fits=True``, this will include the ``HIERARCH`` keyword in front. """ prefix = "CTA " if fits is False else "HIERARCH CTA " meta = OrderedDict({prefix + "REFERENCE VERSION": "1"}) meta.update(_to_dict(, prefix=prefix + "CONTACT ")) meta.update(_to_dict(self.product, prefix=prefix + "PRODUCT ")) meta.update(_to_dict(self.process, prefix=prefix + "PROCESS ")) meta.update(_to_dict(self.activity, prefix=prefix + "ACTIVITY ")) meta.update(_to_dict(self.instrument, prefix=prefix + "INSTRUMENT ")) return meta
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, metadata): kwargs = defaultdict(dict) for hierarchical_key, value in metadata.items(): components = hierarchical_key.split(" ") if components[0] != "CTA": continue if len(components) < 3: continue group = components[1].lower() key = "_".join(components[2:]).lower() # handle python builtins / keywords if key in {"type", "id", "class"}: key = key + "_" kwargs[group][key] = value return cls( contact=Contact(**kwargs["contact"]), product=Product(**kwargs["product"]), process=Process(**kwargs["process"]), activity=Activity(**kwargs["activity"]), instrument=Instrument(**kwargs["instrument"]), )
def __repr__(self): return str(self.to_dict())
[docs]def write_to_hdf5(metadata, h5file, path="/"): """ Write metadata fields to a PyTables HDF5 file handle. Parameters ---------- metadata: dict flat dict as generated by `Reference.to_dict()` h5file: string, Path, or `tables.file.File` pytables filehandle path: string default: '/' is the path to ctapipe global metadata the node must already exist in the 5hfile """ with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", NaturalNameWarning) node = h5file.get_node(path) for key, value in metadata.items(): node._v_attrs[key] = value # pylint: disable=protected-access
[docs]def read_metadata(h5file, path="/"): """ Read metadata from an hdf5 file Parameters ---------- h5filename: string, Path, or `tables.file.File` hdf5 file path: string default: '/' is the path to ctapipe global metadata Returns ------- metadata: dictionnary """ with ExitStack() as stack: if not isinstance(h5file, tables.File): h5file = stack.enter_context(tables.open_file(h5file)) node = h5file.get_node(path) metadata = {key: node._v_attrs[key] for key in node._v_attrs._f_list()} return metadata raise IOError("Could not read metadata")