Source code for

import enum
import uuid
import warnings
from contextlib import ExitStack
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union

import tables
from astropy.time import Time

from ..core import Component, Provenance, traits
from ..instrument.optics import FocalLengthKind
from ..instrument.subarray import SubarrayDescription
from ..utils.arrays import recarray_drop_columns
from . import metadata
from .hdf5tableio import DEFAULT_FILTERS, get_column_attrs, get_node_meta, split_h5path

class NodeType(enum.Enum):
    # a single table
    TABLE =
    # a group comprising tel_XXX tables
    # a group with children of the form /<property group>/<algorithm table>
    # a group with children of the form /<property group>/<algorithm group>/<tel_XXX table>

#: nodes to check for merge-ability
    "/configuration/observation/scheduling_block": NodeType.TABLE,
    "/configuration/observation/observation_block": NodeType.TABLE,
    "/configuration/simulation/run": NodeType.TABLE,
    "/simulation/service/shower_distribution": NodeType.TABLE,
    "/simulation/event/subarray/shower": NodeType.TABLE,
    "/simulation/event/telescope/impact": NodeType.TEL_GROUP,
    "/simulation/event/telescope/images": NodeType.TEL_GROUP,
    "/simulation/event/telescope/parameters": NodeType.TEL_GROUP,
    "/dl1/event/subarray/trigger": NodeType.TABLE,
    "/dl1/event/telescope/trigger": NodeType.TABLE,
    "/dl1/event/telescope/images": NodeType.TEL_GROUP,
    "/dl1/event/telescope/parameters": NodeType.TEL_GROUP,
    "/dl1/event/telescope/muon": NodeType.TEL_GROUP,
    "/dl2/event/telescope": NodeType.ALGORITHM_TEL_GROUP,
    "/dl2/event/subarray": NodeType.ALGORITHM_GROUP,
    "/dl1/monitoring/subarray/pointing": NodeType.TABLE,
    "/dl1/monitoring/telescope/pointing": NodeType.TEL_GROUP,

def _get_required_nodes(h5file):
    """Return nodes to be required in a new file for appending to ``h5file``"""
    required_nodes = set()
    for node, node_type in _NODES_TO_CHECK.items():
        if node not in h5file.root:

        if node_type in (NodeType.TABLE, NodeType.TEL_GROUP):

        elif node_type is NodeType.ALGORITHM_GROUP:
            for kind_group in h5file.root[node]._f_iter_nodes("Group"):
                for table in kind_group._f_iter_nodes("Table"):

        elif node_type is NodeType.ALGORITHM_TEL_GROUP:
            for kind_group in h5file.root[node]._f_iter_nodes("Group"):
                for algorithm_group in kind_group._f_iter_nodes("Group"):
            raise ValueError(f"Unhandled node type: {node_type} of {node}")

    return required_nodes

class CannotMerge(IOError):
    """Raised when trying to merge incompatible files"""

[docs]class HDF5Merger(Component): """ Class to copy / append / merge ctapipe hdf5 files """ output_path = traits.Path(directory_ok=False).tag(config=True) overwrite = traits.Bool( False, help="If true, the ``output_path`` is overwritten in case it exists. See also ``append``", ).tag(config=True) append = traits.Bool( False, help="If true, the ``output_path`` is appended to. See also ``overwrite``", ).tag(config=True) telescope_events = traits.Bool( True, help="Whether to include telescope-wise data in merged output", ).tag(config=True) simulation = traits.Bool( True, help="Whether to include data only known for simulations in merged output", ).tag(config=True) true_images = traits.Bool( True, help="Whether to include true images in merged output", ).tag(config=True) true_parameters = traits.Bool( True, help="Whether to include parameters calculated on true images in merged output", ).tag(config=True) dl1_images = traits.Bool( True, help="Whether to include dl1 images in merged output", ).tag(config=True) dl1_parameters = traits.Bool( True, help="Whether to include dl1 image parameters in merged output", ).tag(config=True) dl1_muon = traits.Bool( True, help="Whether to include dl1 muon parameters in merged output", ).tag(config=True) dl2_subarray = traits.Bool( True, help="Whether to include dl2 subarray-event-wise data in merged output" ).tag(config=True) dl2_telescope = traits.Bool( True, help="Whether to include dl2 telescope-event-wise data in merged output" ).tag(config=True) monitoring = traits.Bool( True, help="Whether to include monitoring data in merged output" ).tag(config=True) processing_statistics = traits.Bool( True, help="Whether to include processing statistics in merged output" ).tag(config=True) def __init__(self, output_path=None, **kwargs): # enable using output_path as posarg if output_path not in {None, traits.Undefined}: kwargs["output_path"] = output_path super().__init__(**kwargs) if self.overwrite and self.append: raise traits.TraitError("overwrite and append are mutually exclusive") output_exists = self.output_path.exists() appending = False if output_exists and not (self.append or self.overwrite): raise traits.TraitError( f"output_path '{self.output_path}' exists but neither append nor overwrite allowed" ) if output_exists and self.append: appending = True self.h5file = tables.open_file( self.output_path, mode="a" if appending else "w", filters=DEFAULT_FILTERS, ) Provenance().add_output_file(str(self.output_path)) self.required_nodes = None self.data_model_version = None self.subarray = None self.meta = None # output file existed, so read subarray and data model version to make sure # any file given matches what we already have if appending: self.meta = self._read_meta(self.h5file) self.data_model_version = self.meta.product.data_model_version # focal length choice doesn't matter here, set to equivalent so we don't get # an error if only the effective focal length is available in the file self.subarray = SubarrayDescription.from_hdf( self.h5file, focal_length_choice=FocalLengthKind.EQUIVALENT, ) self.required_nodes = _get_required_nodes(self.h5file)
[docs] def __call__(self, other: Union[str, Path, tables.File]): """ Append file ``other`` to the output file """ exit_stack = ExitStack() if not isinstance(other, tables.File): other = exit_stack.enter_context(tables.open_file(other, mode="r")) with exit_stack: # first file to be merged if self.meta is None: self.meta = self._read_meta(other) self.data_model_version = self.meta.product.data_model_version metadata.write_to_hdf5(self.meta.to_dict(), self.h5file) else: self._check_can_merge(other) Provenance().add_input_file(other.filename, "data product to merge") try: self._append(other) # if first file, update required nodes if self.required_nodes is None: self.required_nodes = _get_required_nodes(self.h5file) "Updated required nodes to %s", sorted(self.required_nodes) ) finally: self._update_meta()
def _update_meta(self): # update creation date and id time = id_ = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.meta.product.id_ = id_ self.meta.product.creation_time = time with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", tables.NaturalNameWarning) self.h5file.root._v_attrs["CTA PRODUCT CREATION TIME"] = time.iso self.h5file.root._v_attrs["CTA PRODUCT ID"] = id_ self.h5file.flush() def _read_meta(self, h5file): try: return metadata.Reference.from_dict(metadata.read_metadata(h5file)) except Exception: raise CannotMerge( f"CTA Reference meta not found in input file: {h5file.filename}" ) def _check_can_merge(self, other): other_meta = self._read_meta(other) other_version = other_meta.product.data_model_version if self.data_model_version != other_version: raise CannotMerge( f"Input file {other.filename:!r} has different data model version:" f" {other_version}, expected {self.data_model_version}" ) for node_path in self.required_nodes: if node_path not in other.root: raise CannotMerge( f"Required node {node_path} not found in {other.filename}" ) def _append(self, other): # Configuration self._append_subarray(other) config_keys = [ "/configuration/observation/scheduling_block", "/configuration/observation/observation_block", ] for key in config_keys: if key in other.root: self._append_table(other, other.root[key]) # Simulation simulation_table_keys = [ "/configuration/simulation/run", "/simulation/service/shower_distribution", "/simulation/event/subarray/shower", ] for key in simulation_table_keys: if self.simulation and key in other.root: self._append_table(other, other.root[key]) key = "/simulation/event/telescope/impact" if self.telescope_events and self.simulation and key in other.root: self._append_table_group(other, other.root[key]) key = "/simulation/event/telescope/images" if self.telescope_events and self.simulation and key in other.root: filter_columns = None if self.true_images else ["true_image"] self._append_table_group(other, other.root[key], filter_columns) key = "/simulation/event/telescope/parameters" if ( self.telescope_events and self.simulation and self.true_parameters and key in other.root ): self._append_table_group(other, other.root[key]) # DL1 key = "/dl1/event/subarray/trigger" if key in other.root: self._append_table(other, other.root[key]) key = "/dl1/event/telescope/trigger" if self.telescope_events and key in other.root: self._append_table(other, other.root[key]) key = "/dl1/event/telescope/images" if self.telescope_events and self.dl1_images and key in other.root: self._append_table_group(other, other.root[key]) key = "/dl1/event/telescope/parameters" if self.telescope_events and self.dl1_parameters and key in other.root: self._append_table_group(other, other.root[key]) key = "/dl1/event/telescope/muon" if self.telescope_events and self.dl1_muon and key in other.root: self._append_table_group(other, other.root[key]) # DL2 key = "/dl2/event/telescope" if self.telescope_events and self.dl2_telescope and key in other.root: for kind_group in other.root[key]._f_iter_nodes("Group"): for algorithm_group in kind_group._f_iter_nodes("Group"): self._append_table_group(other, algorithm_group) key = "/dl2/event/subarray" if self.dl2_subarray and key in other.root: for kind_group in other.root[key]._f_iter_nodes("Group"): for table in kind_group._f_iter_nodes("Table"): self._append_table(other, table) # monitoring key = "/dl1/monitoring/subarray/pointing" if self.monitoring and key in other.root: self._append_table(other, other.root[key]) key = "/dl1/monitoring/telescope/pointing" if self.monitoring and self.telescope_events and key in other.root: self._append_table_group(other, other.root[key]) # quality query statistics key = "/dl1/service/image_statistics" if key in other.root: self._add_statistics_table(other, other.root[key]) key = "/dl2/service/tel_event_statistics" if key in other.root: for node in other.root[key]._f_iter_nodes("Table"): self._add_statistics_table(other, node) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.close()
[docs] def close(self): if hasattr(self, "h5file"): self.h5file.close()
def _append_subarray(self, other): # focal length choice doesn't matter here, set to equivalent so we don't get # an error if only the effective focal length is available in the file subarray = SubarrayDescription.from_hdf( other, focal_length_choice=FocalLengthKind.EQUIVALENT ) if self.subarray is None: self.subarray = subarray self.subarray.to_hdf(self.h5file) elif self.subarray != subarray: raise CannotMerge(f"Subarrays do not match for file: {other.filename}") def _append_table_group(self, file, input_group, filter_columns=None): """Add a group that has a number of child tables to outputfile""" if not isinstance(input_group, tables.Group): raise TypeError(f"node must be a `tables.Group`, got {input_group}") node_path = input_group._v_pathname self._get_or_create_group(node_path) for table in input_group._f_iter_nodes("Table"): self._append_table(file, table, filter_columns=filter_columns) def _append_table(self, file, table, filter_columns=None): """Append a single table to the output file""" if not isinstance(table, tables.Table): raise TypeError(f"node must be a `tables.Table`, got {table}") table_path = table._v_pathname group_path, _ = split_h5path(table_path) if table_path in self.h5file: output_table = self.h5file.get_node(table_path) input_table = table[:] if filter_columns is not None: input_table = recarray_drop_columns(input_table, filter_columns) output_table.append(input_table.astype(output_table.dtype)) else: self._get_or_create_group(group_path) if filter_columns is None: self._copy_node(file, table) else: self._copy_node_filter_columns(table, filter_columns) def _copy_node_filter_columns(self, table, filter_columns): group_path, table_name = split_h5path(table._v_pathname) input_table = recarray_drop_columns(table[:], filter_columns) out_table = self.h5file.create_table( group_path, table_name, filters=table.filters, createparents=True, obj=input_table, ) # copy metadata meta = get_node_meta(table) for key, val in meta.items(): out_table.attrs[key] = val # set column attrs column_attrs = get_column_attrs(table) for pos, colname in enumerate(out_table.colnames): for key, value in column_attrs[colname].items(): # these are taken from the table object itself, not actually from the attrs if key in {"POS", "DTYPE"}: continue out_table.attrs[f"CTAFIELD_{pos}_{key}"] = value def _create_group(self, node): parent, name = split_h5path(node) return self.h5file.create_group(parent, name, createparents=True) def _get_or_create_group(self, node): if node in self.h5file.root: return self.h5file.root[node] return self._create_group(node) def _copy_node(self, file, node): group_path, _ = split_h5path(node._v_pathname) target_group = self._get_or_create_group(group_path) file.copy_node(node, newparent=target_group) def _add_statistics_table(self, file: tables.File, input_table: tables.Table): """ Creates table for image statistics and adds the entries together. This does not append rows to the existing table """ if not isinstance(input_table, tables.Table): raise TypeError(f"node must be a `tables.Table`, got {input_table}") table_path = input_table._v_pathname if table_path in self.h5file.root: table_out = self.h5file.root[table_path] for col in ["counts", "cumulative_counts"]: table_out.modify_column( colname=col, column=table_out.col(col) + input_table.col(col), ) else: self._copy_node(file, input_table)