Source code for

Handles reading of different event/waveform containing files
import warnings
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Dict, Generator, List, Tuple

from traitlets.config.loader import LazyConfigValue

from ctapipe.atmosphere import AtmosphereDensityProfile

from ..containers import (
from ..core import Provenance, ToolConfigurationError
from ..core.component import Component, find_config_in_hierarchy
from ..core.traits import CInt, Int, Path, Set, TraitError, Undefined
from ..instrument import SubarrayDescription
from .datalevels import DataLevel

__all__ = ["EventSource"]

[docs]class EventSource(Component): """ Parent class for EventSources. EventSources read input files and generate `~ctapipe.containers.ArrayEventContainer` instances when iterated over. A new EventSource should be created for each type of event file read into ctapipe, e.g. sim_telarray files are read by the ``. EventSource provides a common high-level interface for accessing event information from different data sources (simulation or different camera file formats). Creating an EventSource for a new file format or other event source ensures that data can be accessed in a common way, irregardless of the file format or data origin. EventSource itself is an abstract class, but will create an appropriate subclass if a compatible source is found for the given ``input_url``. >>> EventSource(input_url="dataset://gamma_prod5.simtel.zst") < ...> An ``EventSource`` can also be created through the configuration system, by passing ``config`` or ``parent`` as appropriate. E.g. if using ``EventSource`` inside of a ``Tool``, you would do: >>> self.source = EventSource(parent=self) # doctest: +SKIP To loop through the events in a file: >>> source = EventSource(input_url="dataset://gamma_prod5.simtel.zst", max_events=2) >>> for event in source: ... print(event.count) 0 1 **NOTE**: Every time a new loop is started through the source, it tries to restart from the first event, which might not be supported by the event source. It is encouraged to use ``EventSource`` in a context manager to ensure the correct cleanups are performed when you are finished with the source: >>> with EventSource(input_url="dataset://gamma_prod5.simtel.zst", max_events=2) as source: ... for event in source: ... print(event.count) 0 1 **NOTE**: EventSource implementations should not reuse the same ArrayEventContainer, as these are mutable and may lead to errors when analyzing multiple events. Attributes ---------- input_url : str Path to the input event file. max_events : int Maximum number of events to loop through in generator allowed_tels: Set or None Ids of the telescopes to be included in the data. If given, only this subset of telescopes will be present in the generated events. If None, all available telescopes are used. """ #: ctapipe_io entry points may provide EventSource implementations plugin_entry_point = "ctapipe_io" input_url = Path(help="Path to the input file containing events.").tag(config=True) max_events = Int( None, allow_none=True, help="Maximum number of events that will be read from the file", ).tag(config=True) allowed_tels = Set( trait=CInt(), default_value=None, allow_none=True, help=( "list of allowed tel_ids, others will be ignored. " "If None, all telescopes in the input stream " "will be included" ), ).tag(config=True) def __new__(cls, input_url=Undefined, config=None, parent=None, **kwargs): """ Returns a compatible subclass for given input url, either directly or via config / parent """ # needed to break recursion, as __new__ of subclass will also # call this method if cls is not EventSource: return super().__new__(cls) # check we have at least one of these to be able to determine the subclass if input_url in {None, Undefined} and config is None and parent is None: raise ValueError("One of `input_url`, `config`, `parent` is required") if input_url in {None, Undefined}: input_url = cls._find_input_url_in_config(config=config, parent=parent) subcls = cls._find_compatible_source(input_url) return super().__new__(subcls) def __init__(self, input_url=None, config=None, parent=None, **kwargs): """ Class to handle generic input files. Enables obtaining the "source" generator, regardless of the type of file (either hessio or camera file). Parameters ---------- config : traitlets.loader.Config Configuration specified by config file or cmdline arguments. Used to set traitlet values. Set to None if no configuration to pass. tool : ctapipe.core.Tool Tool executable that is calling this component. Passes the correct logger to the component. Set to None if no Tool to pass. kwargs """ # traitlets differentiates between not getting the kwarg # and getting the kwarg with a None value. # the latter overrides the value in the config with None, the former # enables getting it from the config. if input_url not in {None, Undefined}: kwargs["input_url"] = input_url super().__init__(config=config, parent=parent, **kwargs) self.metadata = dict(is_simulation=False)"INPUT PATH = {self.input_url}") if self.max_events:"Max events being read = {self.max_events}") Provenance().add_input_file(str(self.input_url), role="DL0/Event")
[docs] @staticmethod @abstractmethod def is_compatible(file_path): """ Abstract method to be defined in child class. Perform a set of checks to see if the input file is compatible with this file event_source. Parameters ---------- file_path : str File path to the event file. Returns ------- compatible : bool True if file is compatible, False if it is incompatible """
@property def is_stream(self): """ Bool indicating if input is a stream. If it is then it is incompatible with ``. TODO: Define a method to detect if it is a stream Returns ------- bool If True, then input is a stream. """ return False @property @abstractmethod def subarray(self) -> SubarrayDescription: """ Obtain the subarray from the EventSource Returns ------- ctapipe.instrument.SubarrayDecription """ @property def simulation_config(self) -> Dict[int, SimulationConfigContainer]: """The simulation configurations of all observations provided by the EventSource, or None if the source does not provide simulated data Returns ------- Dict[int,ctapipe.containers.SimulationConfigContainer] | None """ return None @property @abstractmethod def observation_blocks(self) -> Dict[int, ObservationBlockContainer]: """ Obtain the ObservationConfigurations from the EventSource, indexed by obs_id """ pass @property @abstractmethod def scheduling_blocks(self) -> Dict[int, SchedulingBlockContainer]: """ Obtain the ObservationConfigurations from the EventSource, indexed by obs_id """ pass @property @abstractmethod def is_simulation(self) -> bool: """ Whether the currently opened file is simulated Returns ------- bool """ @property @abstractmethod def datalevels(self) -> Tuple[DataLevel]: """ The datalevels provided by this event source Returns ------- tuple[] """
[docs] def has_any_datalevel(self, datalevels) -> bool: """ Check if any of `datalevels` is in self.datalevels Parameters ---------- datalevels: Iterable Iterable of datalevels """ return any(dl in self.datalevels for dl in datalevels)
@property def obs_ids(self) -> List[int]: """ The observation ids of the runs located in the file Unmerged files should only contain a single obs id. Returns ------- list[int] """ return list(self.observation_blocks.keys()) @property def atmosphere_density_profile(self) -> AtmosphereDensityProfile: """atmosphere density profile that can be integrated to convert between h_max and X_max. This should correspond either to what was used in a simualtion, or a measurment for use with observed data. Returns ------- AtmosphereDensityProfile: profile to be used """ return None @abstractmethod def _generator(self) -> Generator[ArrayEventContainer, None, None]: """ Abstract method to be defined in child class. Generator where the filling of the `ctapipe.containers` occurs. Returns ------- generator """ def __iter__(self): """ Generator that iterates through `_generator`, but keeps track of `self.max_events`. Returns ------- generator """ for event in self._generator(): yield event if self.max_events and event.count >= self.max_events - 1: break def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): pass @classmethod def _find_compatible_source(cls, input_url): if input_url == "" or input_url in {None, Undefined}: raise ToolConfigurationError("EventSource: No input_url was specified") # validate input url with the traitel validate method # to make sure it's compatible and to raise the correct error input_url = EventSource.input_url.validate(obj=None, value=input_url) available_classes = cls.non_abstract_subclasses() for name, subcls in available_classes.items(): try: if subcls.is_compatible(input_url): return subcls except Exception as e: warnings.warn(f"{name}.is_compatible raised exception: {e}") # provide a more helpful error for non-existing input_url if not input_url.exists(): raise TraitError( f"input_url {input_url} is not an existing file " " and no EventSource implementation claimed compatibility" ) raise ValueError( "Cannot find compatible EventSource for \n" "\turl:{}\n" "in available EventSources:\n" "\t{}".format(input_url, [c for c in available_classes]) )
[docs] @classmethod def from_url(cls, input_url, **kwargs): """ Find compatible EventSource for input_url via the `is_compatible` method of the EventSource Parameters ---------- input_url : str Filename or URL pointing to an event file kwargs Named arguments for the EventSource Returns ------- instance Instance of a compatible EventSource subclass """ subcls = cls._find_compatible_source(input_url) return subcls(input_url=input_url, **kwargs)
@classmethod def _find_input_url_in_config(cls, config=None, parent=None): if config is None and parent is None: raise ValueError("One of config or parent must be provided") if config is not None and parent is not None: raise ValueError("Only one of config or parent must be provided") input_url = None # config was passed if config is not None: if not isinstance(config.input_url, LazyConfigValue): input_url = config.input_url elif not isinstance(config.EventSource.input_url, LazyConfigValue): input_url = config.EventSource.input_url else: input_url = cls.input_url.default_value # parent was passed else: # first look at appropriate position in the config hierarcy input_url = find_config_in_hierarchy(parent, "EventSource", "input_url") # if not found, check top level if isinstance(input_url, LazyConfigValue): if not isinstance(parent.config.EventSource.input_url, LazyConfigValue): input_url = parent.config.EventSource.input_url else: input_url = cls.input_url.default_value return input_url
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config=None, parent=None, **kwargs): """ Find compatible EventSource for the EventSource.input_url traitlet specified via the config. This method is typically used in Tools, where the input_url is chosen via the command line using the traitlet configuration system. Parameters ---------- config : traitlets.config.loader.Config Configuration created in the Tool kwargs Named arguments for the EventSource Returns ------- instance Instance of a compatible EventSource subclass """ input_url = cls._find_input_url_in_config(config=config, parent=parent) return cls.from_url(input_url, config=config, parent=parent, **kwargs)
[docs] def close(self): """Close this event source. No-op by default. Should be overriden by sources needing a cleanup-step """ pass