Source code for ctapipe.image.statistics

import numpy as np
from numba import njit

from ..containers import StatisticsContainer

__all__ = ["descriptive_statistics", "skewness", "kurtosis"]

def skewness(data, mean=None, std=None):
    """Calculate skewnewss (normalized third central moment)
    with allowing precomputed mean and std.

    With precomputed mean and std, this is ~10x faster than scipy.stats.skew
    for our use case (1D arrays with ~100-1000 elements)

    njit provides ~10% improvement over the non-jitted function.

    data: ndarray
        Data for which skewness is calculated
    mean: float or None
        pre-computed mean, if not given, mean is computed
    std: float or None
        pre-computed std, if not given, std is computed

    skewness: float
        computed skewness
    if mean is None:
        mean = np.mean(data)

    if std is None:
        std = np.std(data)

    return np.mean(((data - mean) / std) ** 3)

def kurtosis(data, mean=None, std=None, fisher=True):
    """Calculate kurtosis (normalized fourth central moment)
    with allowing precomputed mean and std.

    With precomputed mean and std, this is ~10x faster than scipy.stats.skew
    for our use case (1D arrays with ~100-1000 elements)

    njit provides ~10% improvement over the non-jitted function.

    data: ndarray
        Data for which skewness is calculated
    mean: float or None
        pre-computed mean, if not given, mean is computed
    std: float or None
        pre-computed std, if not given, std is computed
    fisher: bool
        If True, Fisher’s definition is used (normal ==> 0.0).
        If False, Pearson’s definition is used (normal ==> 3.0).

    kurtosis: float
    if mean is None:
        mean = np.mean(data)

    if std is None:
        std = np.std(data)

    kurt = np.mean(((data - mean) / std) ** 4)
    if fisher is True:
        kurt -= 3.0
    return kurt

[docs]def descriptive_statistics( values, container_class=StatisticsContainer ) -> StatisticsContainer: """ compute intensity statistics of an image """ mean = values.mean() std = values.std() return container_class( max=values.max(), min=values.min(), mean=mean, std=std, skewness=skewness(values, mean=mean, std=std), kurtosis=kurtosis(values, mean=mean, std=std), )