Source code for ctapipe.image.modifications

import numpy as np
from numba import njit

from ..core import TelescopeComponent
from ..core.traits import BoolTelescopeParameter, FloatTelescopeParameter, Int
from ..instrument import SubarrayDescription

__all__ = [

def _add_noise(image, noise_level, rng=None, correct_bias=True):
    Create a new image with added poissonian noise
    if not rng:
        rng = np.random.default_rng()

    noisy_image = image.copy()
    noise = rng.poisson(noise_level, size=image.shape)
    noisy_image += noise

    if correct_bias:
        noisy_image -= noise_level

    return noisy_image

def _smear_psf_randomly(
    image, fraction, indices, indptr, smear_probabilities, seed=None
    Create a new image with values smeared across the
    neighbor pixels specified by `indices` and `indptr`.
    These are what defines the sparse neighbor matrix
    and are available as attributes from the neighbor matrix.
    The amount of charge that is distributed away from a given
    pixel is drawn from a poissonian distribution.
    The distribution of this charge among the neighboring
    pixels follows a multinomial.
    Pixels at the camera edge lose charge this way.
    No geometry is available in this function due to the numba optimization,
    so the indices, indptr and smear_probabilities have to match
    to get sensible results.

    image: ndarray
        1d array of the pixel charge values
    fraction: float
        fraction of charge that will be distributed among neighbors (modulo poissonian)
    indices: ndarray[int]
        CSR format index array of the neighbor matrix
    indptr: ndarray[int]
        CSR format index pointer array of the neighbor matrix
    smear_probabilities: ndarray[float]
        shape: (n_neighbors, )
        A priori distribution of the charge amongst neighbors.
        In most cases probably of the form np.full(n_neighbors, 1/n_neighbors)
    seed: int
        Random seed for the numpy rng.
        Because this is numba optimized, a rng instance can not be used here

    new_image: ndarray
        1d array with smeared values
    new_image = image.copy()
    if seed is not None:

    for pixel in range(len(image)):

        if image[pixel] <= 0:

        to_smear = np.random.poisson(image[pixel] * fraction)
        if to_smear == 0:

        # remove light from current pixel
        new_image[pixel] -= to_smear

        # add light to neighbor pixels
        neighbors = indices[indptr[pixel] : indptr[pixel + 1]]
        n_neighbors = len(neighbors)

        # we always distribute the charge as if the maximum number
        # of neighbors of a geoemtry is present, so that charge
        # on the edges of the camera is lost
        neighbor_charges = np.random.multinomial(to_smear, smear_probabilities)

        for n in range(n_neighbors):
            neighbor = neighbors[n]
            new_image[neighbor] += neighbor_charges[n]

    return new_image

[docs]class ImageModifier(TelescopeComponent): """ Component to tune simulated background to overserved NSB values. A differentiation between bright and dim pixels is taking place because this happens at DL1a level and in general the integration window would change for peak-searching extraction algorithms with different background levels introducing a bias to the charge in dim pixels. The performed steps include: - Smearing of the image (simulating a worse PSF) - Adding poissonian noise (different for bright and dim pixels) - Adding a bias to dim pixel charges (see above) """ psf_smear_factor = FloatTelescopeParameter( default_value=0.0, help="Fraction of light to move to each neighbor" ).tag(config=True) noise_transition_charge = FloatTelescopeParameter( default_value=0.0, help="separation between dim and bright pixels" ).tag(config=True) noise_bias_dim_pixels = FloatTelescopeParameter( default_value=0.0, help="extra bias to add in dim pixels" ).tag(config=True) noise_level_dim_pixels = FloatTelescopeParameter( default_value=0.0, help="expected extra noise in dim pixels" ).tag(config=True) noise_level_bright_pixels = FloatTelescopeParameter( default_value=0.0, help="expected extra noise in bright pixels" ).tag(config=True) noise_correct_bias = BoolTelescopeParameter( default_value=True, help="If True subtract the expected noise from the image." ).tag(config=True) rng_seed = Int(default_value=1337, help="Seed for the random number generator").tag( config=True ) def __init__( self, subarray: SubarrayDescription, config=None, parent=None, **kwargs ): """ Parameters ---------- subarray: SubarrayDescription Description of the subarray. Provides information about the camera which are useful in calibration. Also required for configuring the TelescopeParameter traitlets. config: traitlets.loader.Config Configuration specified by config file or cmdline arguments. Used to set traitlet values. This is mutually exclusive with passing a ``parent``. parent: ctapipe.core.Component or ctapipe.core.Tool Parent of this component in the configuration hierarchy, this is mutually exclusive with passing ``config`` """ super().__init__(subarray=subarray, config=config, parent=parent, **kwargs) self.rng = np.random.default_rng(self.rng_seed)
[docs] def __call__(self, tel_id, image, rng=None): dtype = image.dtype if[tel_id] > 0: geom =[tel_id].camera.geometry image = _smear_psf_randomly( image=image,[tel_id], indices=geom.neighbor_matrix_sparse.indices, indptr=geom.neighbor_matrix_sparse.indptr, smear_probabilities=np.full(geom.max_neighbors, 1 / geom.max_neighbors), seed=self.rng.integers(0, np.iinfo(np.int64).max), ) if ([tel_id] > 0 or[tel_id] > 0 ): bright_pixels = image >[tel_id] noise = np.where( bright_pixels,[tel_id],[tel_id], ) image = _add_noise( image, noise, rng=self.rng,[tel_id], ) image[~bright_pixels] +=[tel_id] return image.astype(dtype, copy=False)