Source code for ctapipe.core.traits

Traitlet implementations for ctapipe
import os
import pathlib
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import traitlets
import traitlets.config
from astropy.time import Time
from traitlets import Undefined

from ctapipe.core.plugins import detect_and_import_plugins

from .component import Component, non_abstract_children
from .telescope_component import TelescopeParameter

__all__ = [
    # Implemented here
    # imported from traitlets

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Aliases
Bool = traitlets.Bool
Int = traitlets.Int
CInt = traitlets.CInt
Integer = traitlets.Integer
Float = traitlets.Float
Long = traitlets.Long
Unicode = traitlets.Unicode
Dict = traitlets.Dict
Enum = traitlets.Enum
List = traitlets.List
Set = traitlets.Set
CRegExp = traitlets.CRegExp
CaselessStrEnum = traitlets.CaselessStrEnum
UseEnum = traitlets.UseEnum
TraitError = traitlets.TraitError
TraitType = traitlets.TraitType
Tuple = traitlets.Tuple
observe = traitlets.observe
flag = traitlets.config.boolean_flag

[docs]class AstroTime(TraitType): """A trait representing a point in Time, as understood by `astropy.time`"""
[docs] def validate(self, obj, value): """try to parse and return an ISO time string""" try: the_time = Time(value) the_time.format = "iso" return the_time except ValueError: return self.error(obj, value)
[docs] def info(self): info = "an ISO8601 datestring or Time instance" if self.allow_none: info += "or None" return info
[docs]class Path(TraitType): """ A path Trait for input/output files. Attributes ---------- exists: boolean or None If True, path must exist, if False path must not exist directory_ok: boolean If False, path must not be a directory file_ok: boolean If False, path must not be a file """ def __init__( self, default_value=Undefined, exists=None, directory_ok=True, file_ok=True, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(default_value=default_value, **kwargs) self.exists = exists self.directory_ok = directory_ok self.file_ok = file_ok
[docs] def info(self): info = "a pathlib.Path or non-empty str for " if self.exists is True: info += "an existing" elif self.exists is False: info += "a not existing" else: info += "a" if self.directory_ok and self.file_ok: info += " directory or file" else: if self.file_ok: info += " file" if self.directory_ok: info += "directory" if self.allow_none: info += " or None" return info
[docs] def validate(self, obj, value): if isinstance(value, bytes): value = os.fsdecode(value) if value is None or value is Undefined: if self.allow_none: return value else: self.error(obj, value) if not isinstance(value, (str, pathlib.Path)): return self.error(obj, value) # expand any environment variables in the path: value = os.path.expandvars(value) if isinstance(value, str): if value == "": return self.error(obj, value) try: url = urlparse(value) except ValueError: return self.error(obj, value) if url.scheme in ("http", "https"): # here to avoid circular import, since every module imports # from ctapipe.core from import download_cached value = download_cached(value, progress=True) elif url.scheme == "dataset": # here to avoid circular import, since every module imports # from ctapipe.core from ctapipe.utils import get_dataset_path value = get_dataset_path(value.partition("dataset://")[2]) elif url.scheme in ("", "file"): value = pathlib.Path(url.netloc, url.path) else: return self.error(obj, value) value = value.absolute() exists = value.exists() if self.exists is not None: if exists != self.exists: raise TraitError( 'Path "{}" {} exist'.format( value, "does not" if self.exists else "must not" ) ) if exists: if not self.directory_ok and value.is_dir(): raise TraitError(f'Path "{value}" must not be a directory') if not self.file_ok and value.is_file(): raise TraitError(f'Path "{value}" must not be a file') return value
[docs]def create_class_enum_trait(base_class, default_value, help=None, allow_none=False): """create a configurable CaselessStrEnum traitlet from baseclass the enumeration should contain all names of non_abstract_children() of said baseclass and the default choice should be given by ``base_class._default`` name. default must be specified and must be the name of one child-class """ if help is None: help = "{} to use.".format(base_class.__name__) choices = [cls.__name__ for cls in non_abstract_children(base_class)] if default_value not in choices: raise ValueError(f"{default_value} is not in choices: {choices}") return CaselessStrEnum( choices, default_value=default_value, help=help, allow_none=allow_none, ).tag(config=True)
class ComponentName(Unicode): """A trait that is the name of a Component class""" def __init__(self, cls, **kwargs): # we need to prevent triggering importing plugins at # import time to avoid circular imports, this flag is used # to prevent calling the full plugin mechanism at defintion # time of a `ComponentName` self._init_done = False if not issubclass(cls, Component): raise TypeError(f"cls must be a Component, got {cls}") self.cls = cls super().__init__(**kwargs) if "help" not in kwargs: = f"The name of a {cls.__name__} subclass" self._init_done = True @property def help(self): if self._init_done: children = list(self.cls.non_abstract_subclasses()) else: children = [] return f"{self._help}. Possible values: {children}" @help.setter def help(self, value): self._help = value @property def info_text(self): if self._init_done: return f"Any of {list(self.cls.non_abstract_subclasses())}" else: return f"Any subclass of {self.cls}" def validate(self, obj, value): if self.allow_none and value is None: return None if value in self.cls.non_abstract_subclasses(): return value self.error(obj, value) class ComponentNameList(List): """A trait that is a list of Component classes""" def __init__(self, cls, **kwargs): # we need to prevent triggering importing plugins at # import time to avoid circular imports, this flag is used # to prevent calling the full plugin mechanism at defintion # time of a `ComponentNameList` self._init_done = False if not issubclass(cls, Component): raise TypeError(f"cls must be a Component, got {cls}") self.cls = cls trait = ComponentName(cls) super().__init__(trait=trait, **kwargs) if "help" not in kwargs: = f"A list of {cls.__name__} subclass names" self._init_done = True @property def help(self): if self._init_done: children = list(self.cls.non_abstract_subclasses()) else: children = [] return f"{self._help}. Possible values: {children}" @help.setter def help(self, value): self._help = value @property def info_text(self): if self._init_done: return f"A list of {list(self.cls.non_abstract_subclasses())}" else: return f"A list of {self.cls} subclasses"
[docs]def classes_with_traits(base_class): """Returns a list of the base class plus its non-abstract children if they have traits""" if hasattr(base_class, "plugin_entry_point"): detect_and_import_plugins(base_class.plugin_entry_point) all_classes = [base_class] + non_abstract_children(base_class) with_traits = [] for cls in all_classes: if has_traits(cls): with_traits.append(cls) # add subcomponents if hasattr(cls, "classes"): # we will ignore failing classes to not break anyone if isinstance(cls.classes, List): classes = cls.classes.default() else: classes = cls.classes try: for component in classes: with_traits.extend(classes_with_traits(component)) except Exception: pass return with_traits
[docs]def has_traits(cls, ignore=("config", "parent")): """True if cls has any traits apart from the usual ones all our components have at least 'config' and 'parent' as traitlets this is inherited from `traitlets.config.Configurable` so we ignore them here. """ return bool(set(cls.class_trait_names()) - set(ignore))
[docs]class FloatTelescopeParameter(TelescopeParameter): """a `~ctapipe.core.telescope_component.TelescopeParameter` with Float trait type""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Create a new FloatTelescopeParameter""" super().__init__(trait=Float(), **kwargs)
[docs]class IntTelescopeParameter(TelescopeParameter): """a `~ctapipe.core.telescope_component.TelescopeParameter` with Int trait type""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Create a new IntTelescopeParameter""" super().__init__(trait=Integer(), **kwargs)
[docs]class BoolTelescopeParameter(TelescopeParameter): """a `~ctapipe.core.telescope_component.TelescopeParameter` with Bool trait type""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Create a new BoolTelescopeParameter""" super().__init__(trait=Bool(), **kwargs)