Source code for ctapipe.core.tool

"""Classes to handle configurable command-line user interfaces."""
import logging
import logging.config
import os
import pathlib
import re
import textwrap
from abc import abstractmethod
from contextlib import ExitStack
from inspect import cleandoc
from subprocess import CalledProcessError
from tempfile import mkdtemp
from typing import Union

import yaml
from docutils.core import publish_parts
from traitlets import TraitError

    import tomli as toml

    HAS_TOML = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_TOML = False

from traitlets import List, default
from traitlets.config import Application, Config, Configurable

from .. import __version__ as version
from . import Provenance
from .component import Component
from .logging import ColoredFormatter, create_logging_config
from .traits import Bool, Dict, Enum, Path

__all__ = ["Tool", "ToolConfigurationError"]

class CollectTraitWarningsHandler(logging.NullHandler):
    regex = re.compile(".*Config option.*not recognized")

    def __init__(self):
        self.errors = []

    def handle(self, record):
        if self.regex.match(record.msg) and record.levelno == logging.WARNING:

[docs]class ToolConfigurationError(Exception): def __init__(self, message): # Call the base class constructor with the parameters it needs self.message = message
[docs]class Tool(Application): """A base class for all executable tools (applications) that handles configuration loading/saving, logging, command-line processing, and provenance meta-data handling. It is based on `traitlets.config.Application`. Tools may contain configurable `ctapipe.core.Component` classes that do work, and their configuration parameters will propagate automatically to the `Tool`. Tool developers should create sub-classes, and a name, description, usage examples should be added by defining the ``name``, ``description`` and ``examples`` class attributes as strings. The ``aliases`` attribute can be set to cause a lower-level `~ctapipe.core.Component` parameter to become a high-level command-line parameter (See example below). The `setup`, `start`, and `finish` methods should be defined in the sub-class. Additionally, any `ctapipe.core.Component` used within the `Tool` should have their class in a list in the ``classes`` attribute, which will automatically add their configuration parameters to the tool. Once a tool is constructed and the abstract methods are implemented, the user can call the `run` method to setup and start it. Tools have an `~contextlib.ExitStack` to guarantee cleanup tasks are run when the tool terminates, also in case of errors. If a task needs a cleanup, it must be a context manager and ``Tool.enter_context`` must be called on the object. This will guarantee that the ``__exit__`` method of the context manager is called after the tool has finished executing. This happens after the ``finish`` method has run or in case of exceptions. .. code:: python from ctapipe.core import Tool from traitlets import (Integer, Float, Dict, Unicode) class MyTool(Tool): name = "mytool" description = "do some things and stuff" aliases = Dict({'infile': 'AdvancedComponent.infile', 'iterations': 'MyTool.iterations'}) # Which classes are registered for configuration classes = [MyComponent, AdvancedComponent, SecondaryMyComponent] # local configuration parameters iterations = Integer(5,help="Number of times to run", allow_none=False).tag(config=True) def setup(self): self.comp = MyComponent(self, parent=self) self.comp2 = SecondaryMyComponent(self, parent=self) # correct use of component that is a context manager # using it like this makes sure __exit__ will be called # at the end of, even in case of exceptions self.comp3 = self.enter_context(MyComponent(parent=self)) self.advanced = AdvancedComponent(parent=self) def start(self):"Performing {} iterations..."\ .format(self.iterations)) for ii in range(self.iterations):"ITERATION {}".format(ii)) self.comp.do_thing() self.comp2.do_thing() sleep(0.5) def finish(self): self.log.warning("Shutting down.") def main(): tool = MyTool() if __name__ == "main": main() If this ``main()`` function is registered in ```` under *entry_points*, it will become a command-line tool (see examples in the ``ctapipe/tools`` subdirectory). """ config_files = List( trait=Path( exists=True, directory_ok=False, help=( "List of configuration files with parameters to load " "in addition to command-line parameters. " "The order listed is the order of precendence (later config parameters " "overwrite earlier ones), however parameters specified on the " "command line always have the highest precendence. " "Config files may be in JSON, YAML, TOML, or Python format" ), ) ).tag(config=True) log_config = Dict(default_value={}).tag(config=True) log_file = Path( default_value=None, exists=None, directory_ok=False, help="Filename for the log", allow_none=True, ).tag(config=True) log_file_level = Enum( values=Application.log_level.values, default_value="INFO", help="Logging Level for File Logging", ).tag(config=True) quiet = Bool(default_value=False).tag(config=True) overwrite = Bool(default_value=False).tag(config=True) _log_formatter_cls = ColoredFormatter provenance_log = Path(directory_ok=False).tag(config=True) @default("provenance_log") def _default_provenance_log(self): return + ".provenance.log" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) # make sure there are some default aliases in all Tools: aliases = { ("c", "config"): "Tool.config_files", "log-level": "Tool.log_level", ("l", "log-file"): "Tool.log_file", "log-file-level": "Tool.log_file_level", "provenance-log": "Tool.provenance_log", } # makes sure user defined aliases override default aliases self.aliases = {**aliases, **self.aliases} flags = { ("q", "quiet"): ({"Tool": {"quiet": True}}, "Disable console logging."), ("v", "verbose"): ( {"Tool": {"log_level": "DEBUG"}}, "Set log level to DEBUG", ), "overwrite": ( {"Tool": {"overwrite": True}}, "Overwrite existing output files without asking", ), } self.flags = {**flags, **self.flags} self.is_setup = False self.version = version self.raise_config_file_errors = True # override traitlets.Application default # tools defined in other modules should have those modules as base # logging name self.module_name = self.__class__.__module__.split(".")[0] self.log = logging.getLogger(f"{self.module_name}.{}") self.trait_warning_handler = CollectTraitWarningsHandler() self.update_logging_config() self._exit_stack = ExitStack()
[docs] def enter_context(self, context_manager): """ Add a new context manager to the `~contextlib.ExitStack` of this Tool This method should be used with things that need a cleanup step, also in case of exception. ``enter_context`` will call ``context_manager.__enter__`` and return its result. This will guarantee that ``context_manager.__exit__`` is called when `` finishes, even when an error occurs. """ return self._exit_stack.enter_context(context_manager)
[docs] def initialize(self, argv=None): """handle config and any other low-level setup""" self.parse_command_line(argv) self.update_logging_config() if self.config_files is not None:"Loading config from '%s'", self.config_files) try: for config_file in self.config_files: self.load_config_file(config_file) except Exception as err: raise ToolConfigurationError( f"Couldn't read config file: {err} ({type(err)})" ) from err # ensure command-line takes precedence over config file options: self.update_config(self.cli_config) self.update_logging_config()"ctapipe version {self.version_string}")
[docs] def load_config_file(self, path: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) -> None: """ Load a configuration file in one of the supported formats, and merge it with the current config if it exists. Parameters ---------- path: Union[str, pathlib.Path] config file to load. [yaml, toml, json, py] formats are supported """ path = pathlib.Path(path) if path.suffix in [".yaml", ".yml"]: # do our own YAML loading with open(path, "r") as infile: config = Config(yaml.safe_load(infile)) self.update_config(config) elif path.suffix == ".toml" and HAS_TOML: with open(path, "rb") as infile: config = Config(toml.load(infile)) self.update_config(config) else: # fall back to traitlets.config.Application's implementation super().load_config_file(str(path)) Provenance().add_input_file(path, role="Tool Configuration")
[docs] def update_logging_config(self): """Update the configuration of loggers.""" cfg = create_logging_config( log_level=self.log_level, log_file=self.log_file, log_file_level=self.log_file_level, log_config=self.log_config, quiet=self.quiet, module=self.module_name, ) logging.config.dictConfig(cfg) # re-add our custom handler every time the config is updated. self.log.addHandler(self.trait_warning_handler)
[docs] def add_component(self, component_instance): """ constructs and adds a component to the list of registered components, so that later we can ask for the current configuration of all instances, e.g. in`get_full_config()`. All sub-components of a tool should be constructed using this function, in order to ensure the configuration is properly traced. Parameters ---------- component_instance: Component constructed instance of a component Returns ------- Component: the same component instance that was passed in, so that the call can be chained. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python3 self.mycomp = self.add_component(MyComponent(parent=self)) """ self._registered_components.append(component_instance) return component_instance
[docs] def check_output(self, *output_paths): """ Test if output files exist and if they do, throw an error unless ``self.overwrite`` is set to True. This should be checked during tool setup to avoid having a tool only realize the output can not be written after some long-running calculations (e.g. training of ML-models). Because we currently do not collect all created output files in the tool (they can be attached to some component), the output files need to be given and can not easily be derived from ``self``. Parameters ---------- output_paths: Path One or more output path to check. """ for output in output_paths: if output is not None and output.exists(): if self.overwrite: self.log.warning("Overwriting %s", output) else: raise ToolConfigurationError( f"Output path {output} exists, but overwrite=False" )
[docs] @abstractmethod def setup(self): """Set up the tool. This method runs after the configuration and command line options have been parsed. Here the tool should construct all ``Components``, open files, etc. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def start(self): """ Main function of the tool. This is automatically called after `Tool.initialize` when `` is called. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def finish(self): """ Finish up. This is called automatically after `Tool.start` when `` is called. """"Goodbye")
[docs] def run(self, argv=None, raises=False): """Run the tool. This automatically calls `Tool.initialize`, `Tool.start` and `Tool.finish` Parameters ---------- argv: list(str) command-line arguments, or None to get them from sys.argv automatically raises : bool Whether to raise Exceptions (to test them) or not. """ # return codes are taken from: # exit_status = 0 with self._exit_stack: try:"Starting: {}") Provenance().start_activity( self.initialize(argv) self.setup() self.is_setup = True self.log.debug(f"CONFIG: {self.get_current_config()}") Provenance().add_config(self.get_current_config()) # check for any traitlets warnings using our custom handler if len(self.trait_warning_handler.errors) > 0: raise ToolConfigurationError("Found config errors") # remove handler to not impact performance with regex matching self.log.removeHandler(self.trait_warning_handler) self.start() self.finish()"Finished: {}") Provenance().finish_activity( except (ToolConfigurationError, TraitError) as err: self.log.error("%s", err) self.log.error("Use --help for more info") exit_status = 2 # wrong cmd line parameter if raises: raise except KeyboardInterrupt: self.log.warning("WAS INTERRUPTED BY CTRL-C") Provenance().finish_activity(, status="interrupted" ) exit_status = 130 # Script terminated by Control-C except Exception as err: self.log.exception(f"Caught unexpected exception: {err}") Provenance().finish_activity(, status="error") exit_status = 1 # any other error if raises: raise finally: if not {"-h", "--help", "--help-all"}.intersection(self.argv): self.write_provenance() self.exit(exit_status)
[docs] def write_provenance(self): for activity in Provenance().finished_activities: output_str = " ".join([x["url"] for x in activity.output])"Output: %s", output_str) self.log.debug("PROVENANCE: '%s'", Provenance().as_json(indent=3)) self.provenance_log.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(self.provenance_log, mode="a+") as provlog: provlog.write(Provenance().as_json(indent=3))
@property def version_string(self): """a formatted version string with version, release, and git hash""" return f"{version}"
[docs] def get_current_config(self): """return the current configuration as a dict (e.g. the values of all traits, even if they were not set during configuration) """ conf = { self.__class__.__name__: { k: v.get(self) for k, v in self.traits(config=True).items() } } for val in self.__dict__.values(): if isinstance(val, Component): conf[self.__class__.__name__].update(val.get_current_config()) return conf
def _repr_html_(self): """nice HTML rep, with blue for non-default values""" traits = self.traits() name = self.__class__.__name__ docstring = ( publish_parts( cleandoc(self.__class__.__doc__ or self.description), writer_name="html" )["html_body"] or "Undocumented" ) lines = [ f"<b>{name}</b>", f"<p> {docstring} </p>", "<table>", " <colgroup>", " <col span='1' style=' '>", " <col span='1' style='width: 20em;'>", " <col span='1' >", " </colgroup>", " <tbody>", ] for key, val in self.get_current_config()[name].items(): htmlval = ( str(val).replace("/", "/<wbr>").replace("_", "_<wbr>") ) # allow breaking at boundary # traits of the current component if key in traits: thehelp = f"{traits[key].help} (default: {traits[key].default_value})" lines.append(f"<tr><th>{key}</th>") if val != traits[key].default_value: lines.append( f"<td style='text-align: left;'><span style='color:blue; max-width:30em;'>{htmlval}</span></td>" ) else: lines.append(f"<td style='text-align: left;'>{htmlval}</td>") lines.append( f"<td style='text-align: left;'><i>{thehelp}</i></td></tr>" ) lines.append(" </tbody>") lines.append("</table>") lines.append("<p><b>Components:</b>") lines.append(", ".join([x.__name__ for x in self.classes])) lines.append("</p>") lines.append("</div>") return "\n".join(lines)
def export_tool_config_to_commented_yaml(tool_instance: Tool, classes=None): """ Turn the config of a single Component into a commented YAML string. This is a hacked version of traitlets.config.Configurable._class_config_section() changed to output a YAML file with defaults *and* current values filled in. Parameters ---------- tool_instance: Tool a constructed Tool instance classes: list, optional The list of other classes in the config file. Used to reduce redundant information. """ tool = tool_instance.__class__ config = tool_instance.get_current_config()[tool_instance.__class__.__name__] def commented(text, indent_level=2, width=70): """return a commented, wrapped block.""" return textwrap.fill( text, width=width, initial_indent=" " * indent_level + "# ", subsequent_indent=" " * indent_level + "# ", ) # section header breaker = "#" + "-" * 78 parent_classes = ", ".join( p.__name__ for p in tool.__bases__ if issubclass(p, Configurable) ) section_header = f"# {tool.__name__}({parent_classes}) configuration" lines = [breaker, section_header] # get the description trait desc = tool.class_traits().get("description") if desc: desc = desc.default_value if not desc: # no description from trait, use __doc__ desc = getattr(tool, "__doc__", "") if desc: lines.append(commented(desc, indent_level=0)) lines.append(breaker) lines.append(f"{tool.__name__}:") for name, trait in sorted(tool.class_traits(config=True).items()): default_repr = trait.default_value_repr() current_repr = config.get(name, "") if isinstance(current_repr, str): current_repr = f'"{current_repr}"' if classes: defining_class = tool._defining_class(trait, classes) else: defining_class = tool if defining_class is tool: # cls owns the trait, show full help if lines.append(commented( if "Enum" in type(trait).__name__: # include Enum choices lines.append(commented(f"Choices: {}")) lines.append(commented(f"Default: {default_repr}")) else: # Trait appears multiple times and isn't defined here. # Truncate help to first line + "See also Original.trait" if lines.append(commented("\n", 1)[0])) lines.append(f" # See also: {defining_class.__name__}.{name}") lines.append(f" {name}: {current_repr}") lines.append("") return "\n".join(lines)
[docs]def run_tool(tool: Tool, argv=None, cwd=None, raises=True): """ Utility run a certain tool in a python session without exiting. Parameters ---------- argv : List[str] List of command line arguments for the tool. cwd : str or pathlib.Path Path to a temporary working directory. If none, a new (random) temporary directeory gets created. raises : bool If true, raises Exceptions from running tools, to test them. If false, tools can return a non-zero exit code. Returns ------- exit_code: int The return code of the tool, 0 indicates success, everything else an error """ current_cwd = pathlib.Path().absolute() cwd = pathlib.Path(cwd) if cwd is not None else mkdtemp() argv = argv or [] try: # switch to cwd for running and back after os.chdir(cwd), raises=raises) except SystemExit as e: if raises and e.code != 0: raise CalledProcessError(e.code, [] + argv) return e.code finally: os.chdir(current_cwd)