Source code for ctapipe.atmosphere

#!/usr/bin/env python3

"""Atmosphere density models and functions to transform between column density
(X in grammage units) and height (meters) units.

Zenith angle is taken into account in the line-of-sight integral to compute the
column density X assuming Earth as a flat plane (the curvature is not taken into


import abc
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import partial
from typing import Dict

import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.table import Table
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

__all__ = [


[docs]class AtmosphereDensityProfile(abc.ABC): """ Base class for models of atmosphere density. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def __call__(self, height: u.Quantity) -> u.Quantity: """ Returns ------- u.Quantity["g cm-3"] the density at height h """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def integral(self, height: u.Quantity) -> u.Quantity: r"""Integral of the profile along the height axis, i.e. the *atmospheric depth* :math:`X`. .. math:: X(h) = \int_{h}^{\infty} \rho(h') dh' Returns ------- u.Quantity["g/cm2"]: Integral of the density from height h to infinity """
[docs] def line_of_sight_integral( self, distance: u.Quantity, zenith_angle=0 * u.deg, output_units=u.g /**2 ): r"""Line-of-sight integral from the shower distance to infinity, along the direction specified by the zenith angle. This is sometimes called the *slant depth*. The atmosphere here is assumed to be Cartesian, the curvature of the Earth is not taken into account. .. math:: X(h, \Psi) = \int_{h}^{\infty} \rho(h' \cos{\Psi}) dh' Parameters ---------- distance: u.Quantity["length"] line-of-site distance from observer to point zenith_angle: u.Quantity["angle"] zenith angle of observation output_units: u.Unit unit to output (must be convertible to g/cm2) """ return ( self.integral(distance * np.cos(zenith_angle)) / np.cos(zenith_angle) ).to(output_units)
[docs] def peek(self): """ Draw quick plot of profile """ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, axis = plt.subplots(1, 3, constrained_layout=True, figsize=(10, 3)) fig.suptitle(self.__class__.__name__) height = np.linspace(1, 100, 500) * density = self(height) axis[0].set_xscale("linear") axis[0].set_yscale("log") axis[0].plot(height, density) axis[0].set_xlabel(f"Height / {height.unit.to_string('latex')}") axis[0].set_ylabel(f"Density / {density.unit.to_string('latex')}") axis[0].grid(True) distance = np.linspace(1, 100, 500) * for zenith_angle in [0, 40, 50, 70] * u.deg: column_density = self.line_of_sight_integral(distance, zenith_angle) axis[1].plot(distance, column_density, label=f"$\\Psi$={zenith_angle}") axis[1].legend(loc="best") axis[1].set_xlabel(f"Distance / {distance.unit.to_string('latex')}") axis[1].set_ylabel(f"Column Density / {column_density.unit.to_string('latex')}") axis[1].set_yscale("log") axis[1].grid(True) zenith_angle = np.linspace(0, 80, 20) * u.deg for distance in [0, 5, 10, 20] * column_density = self.line_of_sight_integral(distance, zenith_angle) axis[2].plot(zenith_angle, column_density, label=f"Height={distance}") axis[2].legend(loc="best") axis[2].set_xlabel( f"Zenith Angle $\\Psi$ / {zenith_angle.unit.to_string('latex')}" ) axis[2].set_ylabel(f"Column Density / {column_density.unit.to_string('latex')}") axis[2].set_yscale("log") axis[2].grid(True) return fig, axis
[docs] @classmethod def from_table(cls, table: Table): """return a subclass of AtmosphereDensityProfile from a serialized table""" if "TAB_TYPE" not in table.meta: raise ValueError("expected a TAB_TYPE metadata field") version = table.meta.get("TAB_VER", "") if version not in SUPPORTED_TABLE_VERSIONS: raise ValueError(f"Table version not supported: '{version}'") tabtype = table.meta.get("TAB_TYPE") if tabtype == "ctapipe.atmosphere.TableAtmosphereDensityProfile": return TableAtmosphereDensityProfile(table) if tabtype == "ctapipe.atmosphere.FiveLayerAtmosphereDensityProfile": return FiveLayerAtmosphereDensityProfile(table) raise TypeError(f"Unknown AtmosphereDensityProfile type: '{tabtype}'")
[docs]@dataclass class ExponentialAtmosphereDensityProfile(AtmosphereDensityProfile): """ A simple functional density profile modeled as an exponential. The is defined following the form: .. math:: \\rho(h) = \\rho_0 e^{-h/h_0} .. code-block:: python from ctapipe.atmosphere import ExponentialAtmosphereDensityProfile density_profile = ExponentialAtmosphereDensityProfile() density_profile.peek() Attributes ---------- scale_height: u.Quantity["m"] scale height (h0) scale_density: u.Quantity["g cm-3"] scale density (rho0) """ scale_height: u.Quantity = 8 * scale_density: u.Quantity = 0.00125 * u.g / (**3)
[docs] @u.quantity_input(height=u.m) def __call__(self, height) -> u.Quantity: return self.scale_density * np.exp(-height / self.scale_height)
[docs] @u.quantity_input(height=u.m) def integral( self, height, ) -> u.Quantity: return ( self.scale_density * self.scale_height * np.exp(-height / self.scale_height) )
[docs]class TableAtmosphereDensityProfile(AtmosphereDensityProfile): """Tabular profile from a table that has both the density and it's integral pre-computed. The table is interpolated to return the density and its integral. .. code-block:: python from astropy.table import Table from astropy import units as u from ctapipe.atmosphere import TableAtmosphereDensityProfile table = Table( dict( height=[1,10,20] *, density=[0.00099,0.00042, 0.00009] * u.g /**3 column_density=[1044.0, 284.0, 57.0] * u.g /**2 ) ) profile = TableAtmosphereDensityProfile(table=table) print(profile(10 * Attributes ---------- table: Table Points that define the model See Also -------- load a TableAtmosphereDensityProfile from a supported EventSource """ def __init__(self, table: Table): """ Parameters ---------- table: Table Table with columns `height`, `density`, and `column_density` """ for col in ["height", "density", "column_density"]: if col not in table.colnames: raise ValueError(f"Missing expected column: {col} in table") self.table = table[ (table["height"] >= 0) & (table["density"] > 0) & (table["column_density"] > 0) ] # interpolation is done in log-y to minimize spline wobble self._density_interp = interp1d( self.table["height"].to("km").value, np.log10(self.table["density"].to("g cm-3").value), kind="cubic", ) self._col_density_interp = interp1d( self.table["height"].to("km").value, np.log10(self.table["column_density"].to("g cm-2").value), kind="cubic", ) # ensure it can be read back self.table.meta["TAB_TYPE"] = "ctapipe.atmosphere.TableAtmosphereDensityProfile" self.table.meta["TAB_VER"] = 1
[docs] @u.quantity_input(height=u.m) def __call__(self, height) -> u.Quantity: return u.Quantity( 10 ** self._density_interp(height.to_value(, u.g /**3 )
[docs] @u.quantity_input(height=u.m) def integral(self, height) -> u.Quantity: return u.Quantity( 10 ** self._col_density_interp(height.to_value(, u.g /**2 )
def __repr__(self): return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}(meta={self.table.meta}, rows={len(self.table)})" )
# Here we define some utility functions needed to build the piece-wise 5-layer # model. # pylint: disable=invalid-name,unused-argument def _exponential(h, a, b, c): """exponential atmosphere""" return a + b * np.exp(-h / c) def _d_exponential(h, a, b, c): """derivative of exponential atmosphere""" return -b / c * np.exp(-h / c) def _linear(h, a, b, c): """linear atmosphere""" return a - b * h / c def _d_linear(h, a, b, c): """derivative of linear atmosphere""" return -b / c
[docs]class FiveLayerAtmosphereDensityProfile(AtmosphereDensityProfile): r""" CORSIKA 5-layer atmosphere model Layers 1-4 are modeled with: .. math:: T(h) = a_i + b_i \exp{-h/c_i} Layer 5 is modeled with: ..math:: T(h) = a_5 - b_5 \frac{h}{c_5} References ---------- [corsika-user] D. Heck and T. Pierog, "Extensive Air Shower Simulation with CORSIKA: A User’s Guide", 2021, Appendix F """ def __init__(self, table: Table): self.table = table param_a = self.table["a"].to("g/cm2") param_b = self.table["b"].to("g/cm2") param_c = self.table["c"].to("km") # build list of column density functions and their derivatives: self._funcs = [ partial(f, a=param_a[i], b=param_b[i], c=param_c[i]) for i, f in enumerate([_exponential] * 4 + [_linear]) ] self._d_funcs = [ partial(f, a=param_a[i], b=param_b[i], c=param_c[i]) for i, f in enumerate([_d_exponential] * 4 + [_d_linear]) ]
[docs] @classmethod def from_array(cls, array: np.ndarray, metadata: Dict = None): """construct from a 5x5 array as provided by eventio""" if metadata is None: metadata = {} if array.shape != (5, 5): raise ValueError("expected ndarray with shape (5,5)") table = Table( array, names=["height", "a", "b", "c", "1/c"], units=["cm", "g/cm2", "g/cm2", "cm", "cm-1"], meta=metadata, ) table.meta.update( dict( TAB_VER=1, TAB_TYPE="ctapipe.atmosphere.FiveLayerAtmosphereDensityProfile", ) ) return cls(table)
[docs] @u.quantity_input(height=u.m) def __call__(self, height) -> u.Quantity: which_func = np.digitize(height, self.table["height"]) - 1 condlist = [which_func == i for i in range(5)] return u.Quantity( -1 * np.piecewise( height, condlist=condlist, funclist=self._d_funcs, ) ).to(u.g /**3)
[docs] @u.quantity_input(height=u.m) def integral(self, height) -> u.Quantity: which_func = np.digitize(height, self.table["height"]) - 1 condlist = [which_func == i for i in range(5)] return u.Quantity( np.piecewise( x=height, condlist=condlist, funclist=self._funcs, ) ).to(u.g /**2)
def __repr__(self): return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}(meta={self.table.meta}, rows={len(self.table)})" )