Creating command-line Tools

from ctapipe.core import Tool, Component, TelescopeComponent
from ctapipe.core.traits import (
import logging
from time import sleep
from astropy import units as u
from ctapipe.utils import get_dataset_path
GAMMA_FILE = get_dataset_path("gamma_prod5.simtel.zst")



Create a few Components that we will use later in a Tool:

class MyComponent(Component):
    """A Component that does stuff"""

    value = Integer(default_value=-1, help="Value to use").tag(config=True)

    def do_thing(self):
        self.log.debug("Did thing")

# in order to have 2 of the same components at once
class SecondaryMyComponent(MyComponent):
    """A second component"""


class AdvancedComponent(Component):
    """An advanced technique"""

    value1 = Integer(default_value=-1, help="Value to use").tag(config=True)
    infile = Path(
        help="input file name",
        exists=None,  # set to True to require existing, False for requiring non-existing
    outfile = Path(help="output file name", exists=False, directory_ok=False).tag(

    def __init__(self, config=None, parent=None, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(config=config, parent=parent, **kwargs)
        # components can have sub components, but these must have
        # then parent=self as argument and be assigned as member
        # so the full config can be received later
        self.subcompent = MyComponent(parent=self)

    def on_outfile_changed(self, change):
        self.log.warning("Outfile was changed to '{}'".format(change))

class TelescopeWiseComponent(TelescopeComponent):
    """a component that contains parameters that are per-telescope configurable"""

    param = FloatTelescopeParameter(
        help="Something configurable with telescope patterns", default_value=5.0

A Component that does stuff

value -1 Value to use (default: -1)
AdvancedComponent(infile="", outfile="")
Outfile was changed to '{'name': 'outfile', 'old': None, 'new': PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/'), 'owner': <__main__.AdvancedComponent object at 0x7f37c999a7f0>, 'type': 'change'}'

An advanced technique

infile /home/docs/checkouts/ input file name (default: traitlets.Undefined)
outfile /home/docs/checkouts/ output file name (default: traitlets.Undefined)
value1 -1 Value to use (default: -1)

TelescopeComponents need to have a subarray given to them in order to work (since they need one to turn a TelescopeParameter into a concrete list of values for each telescope. Here we will give a dummy one:

from ctapipe.instrument import SubarrayDescription, TelescopeDescription

subarray =
Subarray : MonteCarloArray
Num Tels : 180
Footprint: 4.92 km2

       Type       Count     Tel IDs
----------------- ----- ---------------
   SST_ASTRI_CHEC   120 30-99,131-180
   LST_LST_LSTCam     4 1-4
 MST_MST_FlashCam    28 5-29,125-127
MST_MST_NectarCam    28 100-124,128-130

a component that contains parameters that are per-telescope configurable

param [('type', '*', 5.0)] Something configurable with telescope patterns. (default: traitlets.Undefined)

This TelescopeParameters can then be set using a list of patterns like:

component.param = [
    ("type", "LST*",3.0),
    ("type", "MST*", 2.0),
    (id, 25, 4.0)

These get translated into per-telescope-id values once the subarray is registered. After that one acccess the per-telescope id values via:[tel_id]

Now create an executable Tool that contains the Components

Note that all the components we wish to be configured via the tool must be added to the classes attribute.

class MyTool(Tool):
    name = "mytool"
    description = "do some things and stuff"
    aliases = dict(

    # Which classes are registered for configuration
    classes = [

    # local configuration parameters
    iterations = Integer(5, help="Number of times to run", allow_none=False).tag(

    def setup(self):
        self.comp = MyComponent(parent=self)
        self.comp2 = SecondaryMyComponent(parent=self)
        self.comp3 = TelescopeWiseComponent(parent=self, subarray=subarray)
        self.advanced = AdvancedComponent(parent=self)

    def start(self):"Performing {} iterations...".format(self.iterations))
        for ii in range(self.iterations):
  "ITERATION {}".format(ii))

    def finish(self):
        self.log.warning("Shutting down.")

Get Help info

The following allows you to print the help info within a Jupyter notebook, but this same inforamtion would be displayed if the user types:

mytool --help
tool = MyTool()

do some things and stuff

config_files [] (default: traitlets.Undefined)
iterations 5 Number of times to run (default: 5)
log_config {} (default: traitlets.Undefined)
log_datefmt %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S The date format used by logging formatters for %(asctime)s (default: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)
log_file None Filename for the log (default: None)
log_file_level INFO Logging Level for File Logging (default: INFO)
log_format [%(name)s]%(highlevel)s %(message)s The Logging format template (default: [%(name)s]%(highlevel)s %(message)s)
log_level 30 Set the log level by value or name. (default: 30)
logging_config {} Configure additional log handlers. The default stderr logs handler is configured by the log_level, log_datefmt and log_format settings. This configuration can be used to configure additional handlers (e.g. to output the log to a file) or for finer control over the default handlers. If provided this should be a logging configuration dictionary, for more information see: This dictionary is merged with the base logging configuration which defines the following: * A logging formatter intended for interactive use called ``console``. * A logging handler that writes to stderr called ``console`` which uses the formatter ``console``. * A logger with the name of this application set to ``DEBUG`` level. This example adds a new handler that writes to a file: .. code-block:: python c.Application.logging_config = { 'handlers': { 'file': { 'class': 'logging.FileHandler', 'level': 'DEBUG', 'filename': '', } }, 'loggers': { '': { 'level': 'DEBUG', # NOTE: if you don't list the default "console" # handler here then it will be disabled 'handlers': ['console', 'file'], }, } } (default: traitlets.Undefined)
overwrite False (default: False)
provenance_log /home/docs/checkouts/ (default: traitlets.Undefined)
quiet False (default: False)
show_config False Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout (default: False)
show_config_json False Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout (as JSON) (default: False)

Components: MyTool, MyComponent, AdvancedComponent, SecondaryMyComponent, TelescopeWiseComponent

do some things and stuff

The options below are convenience aliases to configurable class-options,
as listed in the "Equivalent to" description-line of the aliases.
To see all configurable class-options for some <cmd>, use:
    <cmd> --help-all

-q, --quiet
    Disable console logging.
    Equivalent to: [--Tool.quiet=True]
-v, --verbose
    Set log level to DEBUG
    Equivalent to: [--Tool.log_level=DEBUG]
    Overwrite existing output files without asking
    Equivalent to: [--Tool.overwrite=True]
    Set log-level to debug, for the most verbose logging.
    Equivalent to: [--Application.log_level=10]
    Show the application's configuration (human-readable format)
    Equivalent to: [--Application.show_config=True]
    Show the application's configuration (json format)
    Equivalent to: [--Application.show_config_json=True]
-c, --config=<list-item-1>...
    Default: []
    Equivalent to: [--Tool.config_files]
    Set the log level by value or name.
    Choices: any of [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL']
    Default: 30
    Equivalent to: [--Tool.log_level]
-l, --log-file=<Path>
    Filename for the log
    Default: None
    Equivalent to: [--Tool.log_file]
    Logging Level for File Logging
    Choices: any of [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL']
    Default: 'INFO'
    Equivalent to: [--Tool.log_file_level]
    Default: traitlets.Undefined
    Equivalent to: [--Tool.provenance_log]
    input file name
    Default: traitlets.Undefined
    Equivalent to: [--AdvancedComponent.infile]
    output file name
    Default: traitlets.Undefined
    Equivalent to: [--AdvancedComponent.outfile]
    Number of times to run
    Default: 5
    Equivalent to: [--MyTool.iterations]

To see all available configurables, use `--help-all`.

The following is equivalant to the user typing mytool --help-all

do some things and stuff

The options below are convenience aliases to configurable class-options,
as listed in the "Equivalent to" description-line of the aliases.
To see all configurable class-options for some <cmd>, use:
    <cmd> --help-all

-q, --quiet
    Disable console logging.
    Equivalent to: [--Tool.quiet=True]
-v, --verbose
    Set log level to DEBUG
    Equivalent to: [--Tool.log_level=DEBUG]
    Overwrite existing output files without asking
    Equivalent to: [--Tool.overwrite=True]
    Set log-level to debug, for the most verbose logging.
    Equivalent to: [--Application.log_level=10]
    Show the application's configuration (human-readable format)
    Equivalent to: [--Application.show_config=True]
    Show the application's configuration (json format)
    Equivalent to: [--Application.show_config_json=True]
-c, --config=<list-item-1>...
    Default: []
    Equivalent to: [--Tool.config_files]
    Set the log level by value or name.
    Choices: any of [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL']
    Default: 30
    Equivalent to: [--Tool.log_level]
-l, --log-file=<Path>
    Filename for the log
    Default: None
    Equivalent to: [--Tool.log_file]
    Logging Level for File Logging
    Choices: any of [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL']
    Default: 'INFO'
    Equivalent to: [--Tool.log_file_level]
    Default: traitlets.Undefined
    Equivalent to: [--Tool.provenance_log]
    input file name
    Default: traitlets.Undefined
    Equivalent to: [--AdvancedComponent.infile]
    output file name
    Default: traitlets.Undefined
    Equivalent to: [--AdvancedComponent.outfile]
    Number of times to run
    Default: 5
    Equivalent to: [--MyTool.iterations]

Class options
The command-line option below sets the respective configurable class-parameter:
This line is evaluated in Python, so simple expressions are allowed.
For instance, to set `C.a=[0,1,2]`, you may type this:

Application(SingletonConfigurable) options
    The date format used by logging formatters for %(asctime)s
    Default: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
    The Logging format template
    Default: '[%(name)s]%(highlevel)s %(message)s'
    Set the log level by value or name.
    Choices: any of [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL']
    Default: 30
    Configure additional log handlers.
    The default stderr logs handler is configured by the log_level, log_datefmt
    and log_format settings.
    This configuration can be used to configure additional handlers (e.g. to
    output the log to a file) or for finer control over the default handlers.
    If provided this should be a logging configuration dictionary, for more
    information see:
    This dictionary is merged with the base logging configuration which defines
    the following:
    * A logging formatter intended for interactive use called
    * A logging handler that writes to stderr called
      ``console`` which uses the formatter ``console``.
    * A logger with the name of this application set to ``DEBUG``
    This example adds a new handler that writes to a file:
    .. code-block:: python
       c.Application.logging_config = {
           'handlers': {
               'file': {
                   'class': 'logging.FileHandler',
                   'level': 'DEBUG',
                   'filename': '<path/to/file>',
           'loggers': {
               '<application-name>': {
                   'level': 'DEBUG',
                   # NOTE: if you don't list the default "console"
                   # handler here then it will be disabled
                   'handlers': ['console', 'file'],
    Default: {}
    Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout
    Default: False
    Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout (as JSON)
    Default: False

Tool(Application) options
    Default: []
    Default: {}
    The date format used by logging formatters for %(asctime)s
    Default: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
    Filename for the log
    Default: None
    Logging Level for File Logging
    Choices: any of [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL']
    Default: 'INFO'
    The Logging format template
    Default: '[%(name)s]%(highlevel)s %(message)s'
    Set the log level by value or name.
    Choices: any of [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL']
    Default: 30
    Configure additional log handlers.
    The default stderr logs handler is configured by the log_level, log_datefmt
    and log_format settings.
    This configuration can be used to configure additional handlers (e.g. to
    output the log to a file) or for finer control over the default handlers.
    If provided this should be a logging configuration dictionary, for more
    information see:
    This dictionary is merged with the base logging configuration which defines
    the following:
    * A logging formatter intended for interactive use called
    * A logging handler that writes to stderr called
      ``console`` which uses the formatter ``console``.
    * A logger with the name of this application set to ``DEBUG``
    This example adds a new handler that writes to a file:
    .. code-block:: python
       c.Application.logging_config = {
           'handlers': {
               'file': {
                   'class': 'logging.FileHandler',
                   'level': 'DEBUG',
                   'filename': '<path/to/file>',
           'loggers': {
               '<application-name>': {
                   'level': 'DEBUG',
                   # NOTE: if you don't list the default "console"
                   # handler here then it will be disabled
                   'handlers': ['console', 'file'],
    Default: {}
    Default: False
    Default: traitlets.Undefined
    Default: False
    Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout
    Default: False
    Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout (as JSON)
    Default: False

MyTool(Tool) options
    Default: []
    Number of times to run
    Default: 5
    Default: {}
    The date format used by logging formatters for %(asctime)s
    Default: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
    Filename for the log
    Default: None
    Logging Level for File Logging
    Choices: any of [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL']
    Default: 'INFO'
    The Logging format template
    Default: '[%(name)s]%(highlevel)s %(message)s'
    Set the log level by value or name.
    Choices: any of [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL']
    Default: 30
    Configure additional log handlers.
    The default stderr logs handler is configured by the log_level, log_datefmt
    and log_format settings.
    This configuration can be used to configure additional handlers (e.g. to
    output the log to a file) or for finer control over the default handlers.
    If provided this should be a logging configuration dictionary, for more
    information see:
    This dictionary is merged with the base logging configuration which defines
    the following:
    * A logging formatter intended for interactive use called
    * A logging handler that writes to stderr called
      ``console`` which uses the formatter ``console``.
    * A logger with the name of this application set to ``DEBUG``
    This example adds a new handler that writes to a file:
    .. code-block:: python
       c.Application.logging_config = {
           'handlers': {
               'file': {
                   'class': 'logging.FileHandler',
                   'level': 'DEBUG',
                   'filename': '<path/to/file>',
           'loggers': {
               '<application-name>': {
                   'level': 'DEBUG',
                   # NOTE: if you don't list the default "console"
                   # handler here then it will be disabled
                   'handlers': ['console', 'file'],
    Default: {}
    Default: False
    Default: traitlets.Undefined
    Default: False
    Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout
    Default: False
    Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout (as JSON)
    Default: False

MyComponent(Component) options
    Value to use
    Default: -1

AdvancedComponent(Component) options
    input file name
    Default: traitlets.Undefined
    output file name
    Default: traitlets.Undefined
    Value to use
    Default: -1

SecondaryMyComponent(MyComponent) options
    Value to use
    Default: -1

TelescopeWiseComponent(TelescopeComponent) options
    Something configurable with telescope patterns.
    Default: [('type', '*', 5.0)]

Run the tool

here we pass in argv since it is a Notebook, but if argv is not specified it’s read from sys.argv, so the following is the same as running:

mytool --log_level=INFO --infile gamma_test.simtel.gz --iterations=3

As Tools are intended to be exectutables, they are raising SystemExit on exit. Here, we use them to demonstrate how it would work, so we catch the SystemExit.

try:["--infile", str(GAMMA_FILE), "--outfile", "out.csv"])
except SystemExit as e:
    assert e.code == 0, f"Tool returned with error status {e}"
2023-03-17 10:34:27,238 WARNING [__main__.mytool.AdvancedComponent] (2562530776.on_outfile_changed): Outfile was changed to '{'name': 'outfile', 'old': traitlets.Undefined, 'new': PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/'), 'owner': <__main__.AdvancedComponent object at 0x7f37bebe50a0>, 'type': 'change'}'
2023-03-17 10:34:27,740 WARNING [__main__.mytool] (462504653.finish): Shutting down.
tool.log_format = "%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s [%(name)s %(funcName)s] %(message)s"

except SystemExit as e:
    assert e.code == 0, f"Tool returned with error status {e}"
2023-03-17 10:34:28,237 INFO [__main__.mytool] (tool.initialize): Loading config from '[]'
2023-03-17 10:34:28,240 INFO [__main__.mytool] (tool.initialize): ctapipe version 0.18.1
2023-03-17 10:34:28,241 INFO [__main__.mytool] ( Starting: mytool
2023-03-17 10:34:28,434 WARNING [__main__.mytool.AdvancedComponent] (2562530776.on_outfile_changed): Outfile was changed to '{'name': 'outfile', 'old': traitlets.Undefined, 'new': PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/'), 'owner': <__main__.AdvancedComponent object at 0x7f37bebe5af0>, 'type': 'change'}'
2023-03-17 10:34:28,436 INFO [__main__.mytool] (462504653.start): Performing 3 iterations...
2023-03-17 10:34:28,437 INFO [__main__.mytool] (462504653.start): ITERATION 0
2023-03-17 10:34:28,538 INFO [__main__.mytool] (462504653.start): ITERATION 1
2023-03-17 10:34:28,639 INFO [__main__.mytool] (462504653.start): ITERATION 2
2023-03-17 10:34:28,740 WARNING [__main__.mytool] (462504653.finish): Shutting down.
2023-03-17 10:34:28,741 INFO [__main__.mytool] ( Finished: mytool
2023-03-17 10:34:28,745 INFO [__main__.mytool] (tool.write_provenance): Output:
2023-03-17 10:34:28,745 INFO [__main__.mytool] (tool.write_provenance): Output:

here we change the log-level to DEBUG:

except SystemExit as e:
    assert e.code == 0, f"Tool returned with error status {e}"
2023-03-17 10:34:28,765 INFO [__main__.mytool] (tool.initialize): Loading config from '[]'
2023-03-17 10:34:28,768 INFO [__main__.mytool] (tool.initialize): ctapipe version 0.18.1
2023-03-17 10:34:28,768 INFO [__main__.mytool] ( Starting: mytool
2023-03-17 10:34:28,960 WARNING [__main__.mytool.AdvancedComponent] (2562530776.on_outfile_changed): Outfile was changed to '{'name': 'outfile', 'old': traitlets.Undefined, 'new': PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/'), 'owner': <__main__.AdvancedComponent object at 0x7f37c0185fa0>, 'type': 'change'}'
2023-03-17 10:34:28,962 DEBUG [__main__.mytool] ( CONFIG: {'MyTool': {'config_files': [], 'iterations': 3, 'log_config': {}, 'log_datefmt': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', 'log_file': None, 'log_file_level': 'INFO', 'log_format': '%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s [%(name)s %(funcName)s] %(message)s', 'log_level': 10, 'logging_config': {}, 'overwrite': False, 'provenance_log': PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/'), 'quiet': False, 'show_config': False, 'show_config_json': False, 'MyComponent': {'value': -1}, 'SecondaryMyComponent': {'value': -1}, 'TelescopeWiseComponent': {'param': [('type', '*', 5.0)]}, 'AdvancedComponent': {'infile': PosixPath('/home/docs/.cache/ctapipe/'), 'outfile': PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/'), 'value1': -1, 'MyComponent': {'value': -1}}}}
2023-03-17 10:34:28,963 INFO [__main__.mytool] (462504653.start): Performing 3 iterations...
2023-03-17 10:34:28,964 INFO [__main__.mytool] (462504653.start): ITERATION 0
2023-03-17 10:34:28,967 DEBUG [__main__.mytool.MyComponent] (2562530776.do_thing): Did thing
2023-03-17 10:34:28,967 DEBUG [__main__.mytool.SecondaryMyComponent] (2562530776.do_thing): Did thing
2023-03-17 10:34:29,069 INFO [__main__.mytool] (462504653.start): ITERATION 1
2023-03-17 10:34:29,070 DEBUG [__main__.mytool.MyComponent] (2562530776.do_thing): Did thing
2023-03-17 10:34:29,071 DEBUG [__main__.mytool.SecondaryMyComponent] (2562530776.do_thing): Did thing
2023-03-17 10:34:29,172 INFO [__main__.mytool] (462504653.start): ITERATION 2
2023-03-17 10:34:29,173 DEBUG [__main__.mytool.MyComponent] (2562530776.do_thing): Did thing
2023-03-17 10:34:29,174 DEBUG [__main__.mytool.SecondaryMyComponent] (2562530776.do_thing): Did thing
2023-03-17 10:34:29,275 WARNING [__main__.mytool] (462504653.finish): Shutting down.
2023-03-17 10:34:29,276 INFO [__main__.mytool] ( Finished: mytool
2023-03-17 10:34:29,279 INFO [__main__.mytool] (tool.write_provenance): Output:
2023-03-17 10:34:29,280 INFO [__main__.mytool] (tool.write_provenance): Output:
2023-03-17 10:34:29,282 INFO [__main__.mytool] (tool.write_provenance): Output:
2023-03-17 10:34:29,285 DEBUG [__main__.mytool] (tool.write_provenance): PROVENANCE: '[
      "activity_name": "mytool",
      "activity_uuid": "65591836-587b-49d5-abae-506fd26ad925",
      "start": {
         "time_utc": "2023-03-17T10:34:27.044"
      "stop": {
         "time_utc": "2023-03-17T10:34:27.742"
      "system": {
         "ctapipe_version": "0.18.1",
         "ctapipe_resources_version": "not installed",
         "eventio_version": "1.11.0",
         "ctapipe_svc_path": null,
         "executable": "/home/docs/checkouts/",
         "platform": {
            "architecture_bits": "64bit",
            "architecture_linkage": "ELF",
            "machine": "x86_64",
            "processor": "x86_64",
            "node": "build-19814068-project-702899-ctapipe",
            "version": "#6-Ubuntu SMP Thu Mar 31 09:44:20 UTC 2022",
            "system": "Linux",
            "release": "5.15.0-1004-aws",
            "libcver": [
            "n_cpus": 2,
            "boot_time": "2023-03-16T21:00:32.000"
         "python": {
            "version_string": "3.8.6 (default, Oct 19 2020, 15:10:29) \n[GCC 7.5.0]",
            "version": [
            "compiler": "GCC 7.5.0",
            "implementation": "CPython",
            "packages": [
                  "name": "Babel",
                  "version": "2.12.1"
                  "name": "Cython",
                  "version": "0.29.33"
                  "name": "Jinja2",
                  "version": "3.0.3"
                  "name": "MarkupSafe",
                  "version": "2.1.2"
                  "name": "Pillow",
                  "version": "9.4.0"
                  "name": "PyYAML",
                  "version": "6.0"
                  "name": "Pygments",
                  "version": "2.14.0"
                  "name": "QtPy",
                  "version": "2.3.0"
                  "name": "Send2Trash",
                  "version": "1.8.0"
                  "name": "Sphinx",
                  "version": "3.5.4"
                  "name": "alabaster",
                  "version": "0.7.13"
                  "name": "anyio",
                  "version": "3.6.2"
                  "name": "argon2-cffi",
                  "version": "21.3.0"
                  "name": "argon2-cffi-bindings",
                  "version": "21.2.0"
                  "name": "arrow",
                  "version": "1.2.3"
                  "name": "astropy",
                  "version": "5.2.1"
                  "name": "asttokens",
                  "version": "2.2.1"
                  "name": "attrs",
                  "version": "22.2.0"
                  "name": "backcall",
                  "version": "0.2.0"
                  "name": "beautifulsoup4",
                  "version": "4.11.2"
                  "name": "bleach",
                  "version": "6.0.0"
                  "name": "blosc2",
                  "version": "2.0.0"
                  "name": "bokeh",
                  "version": "2.4.3"
                  "name": "certifi",
                  "version": "2022.12.7"
                  "name": "cffi",
                  "version": "1.15.1"
                  "name": "charset-normalizer",
                  "version": "3.1.0"
                  "name": "comm",
                  "version": "0.1.2"
                  "name": "commonmark",
                  "version": "0.9.1"
                  "name": "contourpy",
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                  "name": "astropy",
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                  "name": "asttokens",
                  "version": "2.2.1"
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                  "version": "22.2.0"
                  "name": "backcall",
                  "version": "0.2.0"
                  "name": "beautifulsoup4",
                  "version": "4.11.2"
                  "name": "bleach",
                  "version": "6.0.0"
                  "name": "blosc2",
                  "version": "2.0.0"
                  "name": "bokeh",
                  "version": "2.4.3"
                  "name": "certifi",
                  "version": "2022.12.7"
                  "name": "cffi",
                  "version": "1.15.1"
                  "name": "charset-normalizer",
                  "version": "3.1.0"
                  "name": "comm",
                  "version": "0.1.2"
                  "name": "commonmark",
                  "version": "0.9.1"
                  "name": "contourpy",
                  "version": "1.0.7"
                  "name": "corsikaio",
                  "version": "0.2.6.post1"
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                  "version": "0.18.1"
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                  "version": "0.11.0"
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                  "name": "decorator",
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                  "version": "1.4.1"
                  "name": "iminuit",
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                  "version": "6.21.3"
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                  "version": "3.7.1"
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                  "name": "nbconvert",
                  "version": "7.2.10"
                  "name": "nbformat",
                  "version": "5.7.3"
                  "name": "nbsphinx",
                  "version": "0.9.1"
                  "name": "nest-asyncio",
                  "version": "1.5.6"
                  "name": "notebook",
                  "version": "6.5.3"
                  "name": "notebook_shim",
                  "version": "0.2.2"
                  "name": "numba",
                  "version": "0.56.4"
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                  "version": "1.23.5"
                  "name": "numpydoc",
                  "version": "1.4.0"
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                  "version": "23.0"
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                  "version": "1.5.3"
                  "name": "pandocfilters",
                  "version": "1.5.0"
                  "name": "parso",
                  "version": "0.8.3"
                  "name": "pexpect",
                  "version": "4.8.0"
                  "name": "pickleshare",
                  "version": "0.7.5"
                  "name": "pip",
                  "version": "23.0.1"
                  "name": "pkgutil_resolve_name",
                  "version": "1.3.10"
                  "name": "platformdirs",
                  "version": "3.1.1"
                  "name": "prometheus-client",
                  "version": "0.16.0"
                  "name": "prompt-toolkit",
                  "version": "3.0.38"
                  "name": "psutil",
                  "version": "5.9.4"
                  "name": "ptyprocess",
                  "version": "0.7.0"
                  "name": "pure-eval",
                  "version": "0.2.2"
                  "name": "py-cpuinfo",
                  "version": "9.0.0"
                  "name": "pycparser",
                  "version": "2.21"
                  "name": "pyerfa",
                  "version": ""
                  "name": "pyparsing",
                  "version": "3.0.9"
                  "name": "pyrsistent",
                  "version": "0.19.3"
                  "name": "python-dateutil",
                  "version": "2.8.2"
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                  "version": "2.0.7"
                  "name": "pytz",
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                  "version": "0.1.4"
                  "name": "rfc3986-validator",
                  "version": "0.1.1"
                  "name": "scikit-learn",
                  "version": "1.2.2"
                  "name": "scipy",
                  "version": "1.10.1"
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                  "version": "67.6.0"
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                  "version": "7.1.0"
                  "name": "six",
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                  "name": "sniffio",
                  "version": "1.3.0"
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                  "version": "2.0.1"
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                  "version": "0.40.0"
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                  "version": "4.0.5"
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                  "version": "3.15.0"
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                  "version": "0.20.0"
         "environment": {
            "CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV": null,
            "CONDA_PREFIX": null,
            "CONDA_PYTHON_EXE": null,
            "CONDA_EXE": null,
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            "CONDA_SHLVL": null,
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            "LD_LIBRARY_PATH": null,
            "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH": null,
            "USER": null,
            "HOME": "/home/docs",
            "SHELL": null
         "arguments": [
         "start_time_utc": "2023-03-17T10:34:28.957"
      "input": [],
      "output": [],
      "config": {
         "MyTool": {
            "config_files": [],
            "iterations": 3,
            "log_config": {},
            "log_datefmt": "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
            "log_file": null,
            "log_file_level": "INFO",
            "log_format": "%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s [%(name)s %(funcName)s] %(message)s",
            "log_level": 10,
            "logging_config": {},
            "overwrite": false,
            "provenance_log": "/home/docs/checkouts/",
            "quiet": false,
            "show_config": false,
            "show_config_json": false,
            "MyComponent": {
               "value": -1
            "SecondaryMyComponent": {
               "value": -1
            "TelescopeWiseComponent": {
               "param": [
            "AdvancedComponent": {
               "infile": "/home/docs/.cache/ctapipe/",
               "outfile": "/home/docs/checkouts/",
               "value1": -1,
               "MyComponent": {
                  "value": -1
      "status": "completed",
      "duration_min": 0.008466666666642197
2023-03-17 10:34:29,291 DEBUG [__main__.mytool] (application.exit): Exiting application: mytool

you can also set parameters directly in the class, rather than using the argument/configfile parser. This is useful if you are calling the Tool from a script rather than the command-line

tool.iterations = 1
tool.log_level = 0

try:["--infile", str(GAMMA_FILE), "--outfile", "out.csv"])
except SystemExit as e:
    assert e.code == 0, f"Tool returned with error status {e}"
2023-03-17 10:34:29,517 WARNING [__main__.mytool.AdvancedComponent] (2562530776.on_outfile_changed): Outfile was changed to '{'name': 'outfile', 'old': traitlets.Undefined, 'new': PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/'), 'owner': <__main__.AdvancedComponent object at 0x7f37c01857c0>, 'type': 'change'}'
2023-03-17 10:34:29,619 WARNING [__main__.mytool] (462504653.finish): Shutting down.

see what happens when a value is set that is not of the correct type:

    tool.iterations = "badval"
except TraitError as E:
    print("bad value:", E)
except SystemExit as e:
    assert e.code == 0, f"Tool returned with error status {e}"
bad value: The 'iterations' trait of a MyTool instance expected an int, not the str 'badval'.

Example of what happens when you change a parameter that is being “observed” in a class. It’s handler is called:

tool.advanced.outfile = "Another.txt"
2023-03-17 10:34:29,645 WARNING [__main__.mytool.AdvancedComponent] (2562530776.on_outfile_changed): Outfile was changed to '{'name': 'outfile', 'old': PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/'), 'new': PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/'), 'owner': <__main__.AdvancedComponent object at 0x7f37c01857c0>, 'type': 'change'}'

we see that the handler for outfile was called, and it receive a change dict that shows the old and new values.

create a tool using a config file:

tool2 = MyTool()
try:["--config", "Tools.json"])
except SystemExit as e:
    assert e.code == 0, f"Tool returned with error status {e}"
2023-03-17 10:34:29,667 INFO [__main__.mytool] (tool.initialize): ctapipe version 0.18.1
2023-03-17 10:34:29,667 INFO [__main__.mytool] ( Starting: mytool
2023-03-17 10:34:29,861 WARNING [__main__.mytool.AdvancedComponent] (2562530776.on_outfile_changed): Outfile was changed to '{'name': 'outfile', 'old': traitlets.Undefined, 'new': PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/'), 'owner': <__main__.AdvancedComponent object at 0x7f37c997ee20>, 'type': 'change'}'
2023-03-17 10:34:29,863 DEBUG [__main__.mytool] ( CONFIG: {'MyTool': {'config_files': [PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/')], 'iterations': 5, 'log_config': {}, 'log_datefmt': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', 'log_file': None, 'log_file_level': 'INFO', 'log_format': '[%(name)s]%(highlevel)s %(message)s', 'log_level': 10, 'logging_config': {}, 'overwrite': False, 'provenance_log': PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/'), 'quiet': False, 'show_config': False, 'show_config_json': False, 'MyComponent': {'value': -1}, 'SecondaryMyComponent': {'value': -1}, 'TelescopeWiseComponent': {'param': [('type', '*', 5.0)]}, 'AdvancedComponent': {'infile': PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/'), 'outfile': PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/'), 'value1': -1, 'MyComponent': {'value': -1}}}}
2023-03-17 10:34:29,864 INFO [__main__.mytool] (462504653.start): Performing 5 iterations...
2023-03-17 10:34:29,865 INFO [__main__.mytool] (462504653.start): ITERATION 0
2023-03-17 10:34:29,867 DEBUG [__main__.mytool.MyComponent] (2562530776.do_thing): Did thing
2023-03-17 10:34:29,867 DEBUG [__main__.mytool.SecondaryMyComponent] (2562530776.do_thing): Did thing
2023-03-17 10:34:29,969 INFO [__main__.mytool] (462504653.start): ITERATION 1
2023-03-17 10:34:29,969 DEBUG [__main__.mytool.MyComponent] (2562530776.do_thing): Did thing
2023-03-17 10:34:29,971 DEBUG [__main__.mytool.SecondaryMyComponent] (2562530776.do_thing): Did thing
2023-03-17 10:34:30,071 INFO [__main__.mytool] (462504653.start): ITERATION 2
2023-03-17 10:34:30,072 DEBUG [__main__.mytool.MyComponent] (2562530776.do_thing): Did thing
2023-03-17 10:34:30,073 DEBUG [__main__.mytool.SecondaryMyComponent] (2562530776.do_thing): Did thing
2023-03-17 10:34:30,174 INFO [__main__.mytool] (462504653.start): ITERATION 3
2023-03-17 10:34:30,175 DEBUG [__main__.mytool.MyComponent] (2562530776.do_thing): Did thing
2023-03-17 10:34:30,176 DEBUG [__main__.mytool.SecondaryMyComponent] (2562530776.do_thing): Did thing
2023-03-17 10:34:30,277 INFO [__main__.mytool] (462504653.start): ITERATION 4
2023-03-17 10:34:30,278 DEBUG [__main__.mytool.MyComponent] (2562530776.do_thing): Did thing
2023-03-17 10:34:30,278 DEBUG [__main__.mytool.SecondaryMyComponent] (2562530776.do_thing): Did thing
2023-03-17 10:34:30,380 WARNING [__main__.mytool] (462504653.finish): Shutting down.
2023-03-17 10:34:30,381 INFO [__main__.mytool] ( Finished: mytool
2023-03-17 10:34:30,383 INFO [__main__.mytool] (tool.write_provenance): Output:
2023-03-17 10:34:30,385 INFO [__main__.mytool] (tool.write_provenance): Output:
2023-03-17 10:34:30,386 INFO [__main__.mytool] (tool.write_provenance): Output:
2023-03-17 10:34:30,387 INFO [__main__.mytool] (tool.write_provenance): Output:
2023-03-17 10:34:30,387 INFO [__main__.mytool] (tool.write_provenance): Output:
2023-03-17 10:34:30,395 DEBUG [__main__.mytool] (tool.write_provenance): PROVENANCE: '[
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      "activity_uuid": "462b4495-87c7-4f2d-85ca-4c63ec5f7238",
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                  "version": "23.0.1"
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                  "version": "1.3.10"
                  "name": "platformdirs",
                  "version": "3.1.1"
                  "name": "prometheus-client",
                  "version": "0.16.0"
                  "name": "prompt-toolkit",
                  "version": "3.0.38"
                  "name": "psutil",
                  "version": "5.9.4"
                  "name": "ptyprocess",
                  "version": "0.7.0"
                  "name": "pure-eval",
                  "version": "0.2.2"
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                  "version": "9.0.0"
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                  "version": "2.21"
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                  "version": ""
                  "name": "pyparsing",
                  "version": "3.0.9"
                  "name": "pyrsistent",
                  "version": "0.19.3"
                  "name": "python-dateutil",
                  "version": "2.8.2"
                  "name": "python-json-logger",
                  "version": "2.0.7"
                  "name": "pytz",
                  "version": "2022.7.1"
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                  "version": "0.1.4"
                  "name": "rfc3986-validator",
                  "version": "0.1.1"
                  "name": "scikit-learn",
                  "version": "1.2.2"
                  "name": "scipy",
                  "version": "1.10.1"
                  "name": "setuptools",
                  "version": "67.6.0"
                  "name": "setuptools-scm",
                  "version": "7.1.0"
                  "name": "six",
                  "version": "1.16.0"
                  "name": "sniffio",
                  "version": "1.3.0"
                  "name": "snowballstemmer",
                  "version": "2.2.0"
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                  "version": "2.4"
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                  "version": "0.15.0"
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                  "version": "1.0.4"
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                  "name": "tomli",
                  "version": "2.0.1"
                  "name": "tornado",
                  "version": "6.2"
                  "name": "tqdm",
                  "version": "4.65.0"
                  "name": "traitlets",
                  "version": "5.9.0"
                  "name": "typing_extensions",
                  "version": "4.5.0"
                  "name": "uri-template",
                  "version": "1.2.0"
                  "name": "urllib3",
                  "version": "1.26.15"
                  "name": "wcwidth",
                  "version": "0.2.6"
                  "name": "webcolors",
                  "version": "1.12"
                  "name": "webencodings",
                  "version": "0.5.1"
                  "name": "websocket-client",
                  "version": "1.5.1"
                  "name": "wheel",
                  "version": "0.40.0"
                  "name": "widgetsnbextension",
                  "version": "4.0.5"
                  "name": "zipp",
                  "version": "3.15.0"
                  "name": "zstandard",
                  "version": "0.20.0"
         "environment": {
            "CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV": null,
            "CONDA_PREFIX": null,
            "CONDA_PYTHON_EXE": null,
            "CONDA_EXE": null,
            "CONDA_PROMPT_MODIFIER": null,
            "CONDA_SHLVL": null,
            "PATH": "/home/docs/checkouts/",
            "LD_LIBRARY_PATH": null,
            "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH": null,
            "USER": null,
            "HOME": "/home/docs",
            "SHELL": null
         "arguments": [
         "start_time_utc": "2023-03-17T10:34:29.858"
      "input": [],
      "output": [],
      "config": {
         "MyTool": {
            "config_files": [
            "iterations": 5,
            "log_config": {},
            "log_datefmt": "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
            "log_file": null,
            "log_file_level": "INFO",
            "log_format": "[%(name)s]%(highlevel)s %(message)s",
            "log_level": 10,
            "logging_config": {},
            "overwrite": false,
            "provenance_log": "/home/docs/checkouts/",
            "quiet": false,
            "show_config": false,
            "show_config_json": false,
            "MyComponent": {
               "value": -1
            "SecondaryMyComponent": {
               "value": -1
            "TelescopeWiseComponent": {
               "param": [
            "AdvancedComponent": {
               "infile": "/home/docs/checkouts/",
               "outfile": "/home/docs/checkouts/",
               "value1": -1,
               "MyComponent": {
                  "value": -1
      "status": "completed",
      "duration_min": 0.011883333333271295
2023-03-17 10:34:30,405 DEBUG [__main__.mytool] (application.exit): Exiting application: mytool
{'MyTool': {'config_files': ['Tools.json'], 'log_level': 'DEBUG'}, 'AdvancedComponent': {'infile': 'something.txt', 'outfile': 'foo.txt'}}
tool3 = MyTool()

do some things and stuff

config_files [] (default: traitlets.Undefined)
iterations 5 Number of times to run (default: 5)
log_config {} (default: traitlets.Undefined)
log_datefmt %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S The date format used by logging formatters for %(asctime)s (default: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)
log_file None Filename for the log (default: None)
log_file_level INFO Logging Level for File Logging (default: INFO)
log_format [%(name)s]%(highlevel)s %(message)s The Logging format template (default: [%(name)s]%(highlevel)s %(message)s)
log_level 30 Set the log level by value or name. (default: 30)
logging_config {} Configure additional log handlers. The default stderr logs handler is configured by the log_level, log_datefmt and log_format settings. This configuration can be used to configure additional handlers (e.g. to output the log to a file) or for finer control over the default handlers. If provided this should be a logging configuration dictionary, for more information see: This dictionary is merged with the base logging configuration which defines the following: * A logging formatter intended for interactive use called ``console``. * A logging handler that writes to stderr called ``console`` which uses the formatter ``console``. * A logger with the name of this application set to ``DEBUG`` level. This example adds a new handler that writes to a file: .. code-block:: python c.Application.logging_config = { 'handlers': { 'file': { 'class': 'logging.FileHandler', 'level': 'DEBUG', 'filename': '', } }, 'loggers': { '': { 'level': 'DEBUG', # NOTE: if you don't list the default "console" # handler here then it will be disabled 'handlers': ['console', 'file'], }, } } (default: traitlets.Undefined)
overwrite False (default: False)
provenance_log /home/docs/checkouts/ (default: traitlets.Undefined)
quiet False (default: False)
show_config False Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout (default: False)
show_config_json False Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout (as JSON) (default: False)

Components: MyTool, MyComponent, AdvancedComponent, SecondaryMyComponent, TelescopeWiseComponent

2023-03-17 10:34:30,480 WARNING [__main__.mytool.AdvancedComponent] (2562530776.on_outfile_changed): Outfile was changed to '{'name': 'outfile', 'old': traitlets.Undefined, 'new': PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/'), 'owner': <__main__.AdvancedComponent object at 0x7f37ca1f55b0>, 'type': 'change'}'

do some things and stuff

config_files [] (default: traitlets.Undefined)
iterations 1 Number of times to run (default: 5)
log_config {} (default: traitlets.Undefined)
log_datefmt %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S The date format used by logging formatters for %(asctime)s (default: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)
log_file None Filename for the log (default: None)
log_file_level INFO Logging Level for File Logging (default: INFO)
log_format %(asctime)s : %(levelname)s [%(name)s %(funcName)s] %(message)s The Logging format template (default: [%(name)s]%(highlevel)s %(message)s)
log_level 0 Set the log level by value or name. (default: 30)
logging_config {} Configure additional log handlers. The default stderr logs handler is configured by the log_level, log_datefmt and log_format settings. This configuration can be used to configure additional handlers (e.g. to output the log to a file) or for finer control over the default handlers. If provided this should be a logging configuration dictionary, for more information see: This dictionary is merged with the base logging configuration which defines the following: * A logging formatter intended for interactive use called ``console``. * A logging handler that writes to stderr called ``console`` which uses the formatter ``console``. * A logger with the name of this application set to ``DEBUG`` level. This example adds a new handler that writes to a file: .. code-block:: python c.Application.logging_config = { 'handlers': { 'file': { 'class': 'logging.FileHandler', 'level': 'DEBUG', 'filename': '', } }, 'loggers': { '': { 'level': 'DEBUG', # NOTE: if you don't list the default "console" # handler here then it will be disabled 'handlers': ['console', 'file'], }, } } (default: traitlets.Undefined)
overwrite False (default: False)
provenance_log /home/docs/checkouts/ (default: traitlets.Undefined)
quiet False (default: False)
show_config False Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout (default: False)
show_config_json False Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout (as JSON) (default: False)

Components: MyTool, MyComponent, AdvancedComponent, SecondaryMyComponent, TelescopeWiseComponent


A second component

value -1 Value to use (default: -1)