Atmosphere Models (atmosphere)

Models of the atmosphere useful for transforming between column densities (atmosphere depths \(X\), in units of mass per area) and heights (in distance above sea-level units).


ctapipe.atmosphere Module

Atmosphere density models and functions to transform between column density (X in grammage units) and height (meters) units.

Zenith angle is taken into account in the line-of-sight integral to compute the column density X assuming Earth as a flat plane (the curvature is not taken into account)



Base class for models of atmosphere density.


A simple functional density profile modeled as an exponential.


Tabular profile from a table that has both the density and it’s integral pre-computed.


CORSIKA 5-layer atmosphere model

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of ctapipe.atmosphere.AtmosphereDensityProfile, ctapipe.atmosphere.ExponentialAtmosphereDensityProfile, ctapipe.atmosphere.TableAtmosphereDensityProfile, ctapipe.atmosphere.FiveLayerAtmosphereDensityProfile