
class ctapipe.core.traits.TelescopeParameter(trait, default_value=traitlets.Undefined, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ctapipe.core.traits.List

Allow a parameter value to be specified as a simple value (of type dtype), or as a list of patterns that match different telescopes.

The patterns are given as a list of 3-tuples in the form: [(command, argument, value), ...].

Command can be one of:

  • 'type': argument is then a telescope type string (e.g. ('type', 'SST_ASTRI_CHEC', 4.0) to apply to all telescopes of that type, or use a wildcard like “LST*”, or “*” to set a pure default value for all telescopes.

  • 'id': argument is a specific telescope ID ['id', 89, 5.0])

These are evaluated in-order, so you can first set a default value, and then set values for specific telescopes or types to override them.


Methods Summary


Load value from a single string

set(obj, value)

validate(obj, value)

Methods Documentation


Load value from a single string

set(obj, value)[source]
validate(obj, value)[source]