Source code for ctapipe.core.component

""" Class to handle configuration for algorithms """
from abc import ABCMeta
from inspect import isabstract
from logging import getLogger

from traitlets import TraitError
from traitlets.config import Configurable

import warnings

__all__ = ["non_abstract_children", "Component", "TelescopeComponent"]

def find_config_in_hierarchy(parent, class_name, trait_name):
    Find the value of a config item in the hierarchy by going up the hierarchy
    from the parent and then down again to the child.
    This is needed as parent.config is the full config and not the
    config starting at the level of the parent.

    config = parent.config

    # find the path from the config root to the desired object
    hierarchy = [class_name]
    while parent is not None:
        parent = parent.parent

    hierarchy = list(reversed(hierarchy))

    # go down to the config value searched

    # root key is optional
    root = hierarchy.pop(0)
    if root in config:
        subconfig = config[root]
        subconfig = config

    for name in hierarchy:
        subconfig = subconfig[name]

    return subconfig[trait_name]

[docs]def non_abstract_children(base): """ Return all non-abstract subclasses of a base class recursively. Parameters ---------- base : class High level class object that is inherited by the desired subclasses Returns ------- non_abstract : dict dict of all non-abstract subclasses """ subclasses = base.__subclasses__() + [ g for s in base.__subclasses__() for g in non_abstract_children(s) ] non_abstract = [g for g in subclasses if not isabstract(g)] return non_abstract
class AbstractConfigurableMeta(type(Configurable), ABCMeta): """ Metaclass to be able to make Component abstract see: """ pass
[docs]class Component(Configurable, metaclass=AbstractConfigurableMeta): """Base class of all Components. Components are classes that are configurable via traitlets and setup a logger in the ctapipe logging hierarchy. ``traitlets`` can validate values and provide defaults and descriptions. These will be automatically translated into configuration parameters (command-line, config file, etc). Note that any parameter that should be externally configurable must have its ``config`` attribute set to ``True``, e.g. defined like ``myparam = Integer(0, help='the parameter').tag(config=True)``. All components also contain a ``Logger`` instance in their ``log`` attribute, that you must use to output info, debugging data, warnings, etc (do not use ``print()`` statements, instead use ````, ``self.log.warning()``, ``self.log.debug()``, etc). Components are generally used within `ctapipe.core.Tool` subclasses, which provide configuration handling and command-line tool generation. For example: .. code:: python from ctapipe.core import Component from traitlets import (Integer, Float) class MyComponent(Component): \"\"\" Does something \"\"\" some_option = Integer(default_value=6, help='a value to set').tag(config=True) comp = MyComponent() comp.some_option = 6 # ok comp.some_option = 'test' # will fail validation """ def __init__(self, config=None, parent=None, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- config : traitlets.loader.Config Configuration specified by config file or cmdline arguments. Used to set traitlet values. parent: Tool or Component If a Component is created by another Component or Tool, you need to pass the creating Component as parent, e.g. `parent=self`. This makes sure the config is correctly handed down to the child components. Do not pass config in this case. kwargs Traitlets to be overridden. TraitError is raised if kwargs contains a key that does not correspond to a traitlet. """ if parent is not None and config is not None: raise ValueError( "Only one of `config` or `parent` allowed" " If you create a Component as part of another, give `parent=self`" " and not `config`" ) # set up logging (for some reason the logger registered by LoggingConfig # doesn't use a child logger of the parent by default) if self.parent: self.log = self.parent.log.getChild(self.__class__.__name__) else: self.log = getLogger( self.__class__.__module__ + "." + self.__class__.__name__ ) # Transform warning about wrong traitlets in the config to an error # Only works for Components, unfortunately not for Tools, since # Tools use `log.warning` instead of `warnings.warn` with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("error", message=".*Config option.*not recognized") try: super().__init__(parent=parent, config=config, **kwargs) except UserWarning as e: raise TraitError(e) from None for key in kwargs: if not self.has_trait(key): raise TraitError(f"Traitlet does not exist: {key}")
[docs] @classmethod def from_name(cls, name, config=None, parent=None, **kwargs): """ Obtain an instance of a subclass via its name Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the subclass to obtain config : traitlets.loader.Config Configuration specified by config file or cmdline arguments. Used to set traitlet values. This argument is typically only specified when using this method from within a Tool. parent : ctapipe.core.Tool Tool executable that is calling this component. Passes the correct logger and configuration to the component. This argument is typically only specified when using this method from within a Tool (config need not be passed if parent is used). kwargs Returns ------- instace Instance of subclass to this class """ requested_subclass = cls.non_abstract_subclasses()[name] return requested_subclass(config=config, parent=parent, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def non_abstract_subclasses(cls): """ get dict{name: cls} of non abstract subclasses, subclasses can possibly be definded in plugins """ subclasses = {base.__name__: base for base in non_abstract_children(cls)} return subclasses
[docs] def get_current_config(self): """ return the current configuration as a dict (e.g. the values of all traits, even if they were not set during configuration) """ name = self.__class__.__name__ config = {name: {k: v.get(self) for k, v in self.traits(config=True).items()}} for val in self.__dict__.values(): if isinstance(val, Component): config[name].update(val.get_current_config()) return config
def _repr_html_(self): """ nice HTML rep, with blue for non-default values""" traits = self.traits() name = self.__class__.__name__ lines = [ f"<b>{name}</b>", f"<p> {self.__class__.__doc__ or 'Undocumented!'} </p>", "<table>", ] for key, val in self.get_current_config()[name].items(): # traits of the current component if key in traits: thehelp = f"{traits[key].help} (default: {traits[key].default_value})" lines.append(f"<tr><th>{key}</th>") if val != traits[key].default_value: lines.append(f"<td><span style='color:blue'>{val}</span></td>") else: lines.append(f"<td>{val}</td>") lines.append(f'<td style="text-align:left"><i>{thehelp}</i></td></tr>') lines.append("</table>") return "\n".join(lines)
[docs]class TelescopeComponent(Component): """ A component that needs a `~ctapipe.instrument.SubarrayDescription` to be constructed, and which contains configurable `~ctapipe.core.traits.TelescopeParameter` fields that must be configured on construction. """ def __init__(self, subarray, config=None, parent=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(config, parent, **kwargs) self.subarray = subarray # configure all of the TelescopeParameters for trait in list(self.class_traits()): try: getattr(self, trait).attach_subarray(subarray) except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass
[docs] @classmethod def from_name(cls, name, subarray, config=None, parent=None, **kwargs): """ Obtain an instance of a subclass via its name Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the subclass to obtain subarray: ctapipe.instrument.SubarrayDescription The current subarray for this TelescopeComponent. config : traitlets.loader.Config Configuration specified by config file or cmdline arguments. Used to set traitlet values. This argument is typically only specified when using this method from within a Tool. parent : ctapipe.core.Tool Tool executable that is calling this component. Passes the correct logger and configuration to the component. This argument is typically only specified when using this method from within a Tool (config need not be passed if parent is used). kwargs Returns ------- instace Instance of subclass to this class """ requested_subclass = cls.non_abstract_subclasses()[name] return requested_subclass( subarray=subarray, config=config, parent=parent, **kwargs )